Urban Witcher

Chapter 1968 Chapter 1976 Broken 1

The appearance of the three of them was immediately noticed by Daofeng, but he was in the middle of a deadly battle with Li Shan's old mother and couldn't be distracted, so he called out a short password.

Some of the twelve disciples who were fighting not far away immediately flew up, trying to block the three of them.

Su Mo shot in the air, and several red fireball-like waves of spiritual power rushed out, trapping several people briefly, and the figures flew past them.

Suddenly, a burst of orange-red sword energy came first, and shot towards the three of them. The wave of spiritual power that Su Mo arranged was almost shattered in an instant. The yellow-faced man next to him suddenly turned back, and moved his hands in the air in one direction as if doing Tai Chi. The blue breath between the palms gushed out, forming a barrier, and the sword energy hit it, shaking out A powerful shock wave.

The red light turned back and returned to Emperor Jianwen's hand. The yellow-faced man glanced at him with a hint of indifference in his eyes. Holding Zhang Yun and Su Mo in both hands, he continued to fly down the mountain.

Emperor Jianwen stood at the mountain pass with the Yuchang Sword in his hand, looking at the back of the yellow-faced man with a very solemn expression, thinking about a question repeatedly in his heart: Who is this man whose strength is almost as strong as Dao Feng?

The three of them flew down into the valley and charged towards Rui Lengyu and the others.

Zhong Kui was pushing the flagpole with all his strength, and had no time to care about the people behind him. Hearing the movement, he immediately asked Xiao Yiyun and others to resist.

Xiao Yiyun rushed forward with everyone in the Palace of the Son of Heaven, stood in front of the three of them, and shouted sharply: "Who are you? I'm the governor of the Palace of the Son of Heaven, dare you do anything to me!"

The yellow-faced man glanced at Xiao Yiyun, didn't say anything, his feet kept moving, and when he raised his hand, a black flame spewed out from the palm of his hand, like a sharp knife, piercing him directly. Once in contact, it lasted for less than a few seconds, and was immediately smashed to pieces. Several gold-armored and silver-armored ghost warriors immediately surrounded it, trying to block the flames.

Only then did Xiao Yiyun come to his senses, and ordered everyone to form an formation, surround the three of them, and start attacking.

Rui Lengyu and Biantou continued to help Zhong Kui push the flagpole together. Although their strength was limited, they gave all their strength to save Ye Shaoyang.

Lao Guo is completely useless in this kind of place. Standing aside, observing the battle situation silently, he was more and more shocked:

Originally, when I saw these three people coming down from the mountain, I didn't pay much attention to it. After all, there are many people on my side. The golden armored ghost warrior is a first-class ghost general, and a third-class ghost leader. It is said that there are still a few silver-armored ghost warriors, and Xiao Yiyun, who is the escort of the Temple of Heaven, is at least a quasi-dixian tablet.

This lineup is already very strong, and there are only three people on the opposite side. After the two sides fought, the white-faced boy (Zhang Yun) among the three on the other side basically only had the ability to protect himself. Su Mo almost formed a match with Xiao Yiyun, that is to say, that The yellow-faced man withstood the attacks of all the gold-armored and silver-armored ghost warriors by himself, and he still did not lose the wind!

Lao Guo finally understood why the other party only had three people and still dared to attack.

This guy... who the hell is it?

Lao Guo frowned and looked him up and down, a name suddenly appeared in his mind, and his heart skipped a beat, it turned out...it was him!

"Boss, someone is here to save us!" Cheng Zi lay in Ye Shaoyang's arms and looked out through the spiritual power net. Although he couldn't see much clearly, he could see a big flag slowly approaching the center of the formation. It has almost stretched to the front, leaving only the last trace of distance.

"Little Heavenly Master, work harder on your side, it's only a little short!!"

Ye Shaoyang really wanted to answer, but now he couldn't even open his mouth—the most powerful spiritual power net hanging above his head was slowly tightening, almost compressed to the sky above his head.

This is still the result of his trying his best to resist. Now he has almost exhausted all the hostility in his body, the real lamp is exhausted, and he is only supported by a sliver of unyielding thoughts.

"Boss..." Looking at his pale face, Cheng Zi felt her body convulsing more and more intensely. She knew that although the hope of being rescued was right in front of her eyes, Ye Shaoyang couldn't last until then.

"Boss, I'm really useless." Two lines of tears rolled down Cheng Zi's face, and he bit his lips hard, then his expression calmed down, and he slowly got up from his knees, smiled at him, and said : "It's also very good. Finally, I have the opportunity to do something for you."


Cheng Zi's abnormal performance made Ye Shaoyang's almost chaotic consciousness clearer, and he looked at Cheng Zi while struggling to prevent the spiritual power net from falling.

She has exhausted her cultivation a long time ago, and it is difficult for her to even move, what else can she do?

Cheng Zi stood up, opened her mouth, and spit out a red aura from her mouth, turning into the shape of a carp, flicking its tail, and jumping above her head.

Cheng Zi clasped his hands, constantly changing his handprints, closed his eyes, muttering words, suddenly opened his eyes, the carp made of spiritual energy flicked its tail, the shape spread out, turned into a layer of enchantment, and enveloped the two heads When it came down, it instantly blocked the falling of the spiritual power net. Although the barrier immediately shook, it seemed that it could hold up for at least a moment.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, his legs went limp, and he fell to the ground, almost losing his strength.

"What, what kind of spell is this!" Ye Shaoyang struggled to get up with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Don't come here, Boss, if you touch me, once the seal is broken, I will lose my soul immediately..."

Cheng Zi stared at him fixedly, her mouth was useless, she was speaking to him with divine thoughts.

"What do you mean, what?" Ye Shaoyang yelled with the greatest strength, but he barely made a sound when he was exhausted.

"Boss, do you still remember Yu Xuanji?"

Yu Xuanji, the head of the parade?

Some memories from the past came back to mind. Ye Shaoyang didn't understand why Cheng Zi mentioned her at this juncture?

"Before Yu Xuanji passed away on the Asura Dao, he gave me his spiritual bones...Do you still remember this incident, because I am the same kind as her, and my cultivation base did not increase after that, because my divine sense is different from hers. The spiritual bones haven't been fully fused, I've been refining the spiritual bones, and finally the sacrifice is almost done, and my soul has been integrated into it..."

Fusion of Yuanshen and Yu Xuanji's spirit bones? This is indeed the correct way of cultivation, only in this way can one turn the spiritual bones into one's own, and release the cultivation level and memory contained in the fish bones little by little... Ye Shaoyang's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly thought of something.

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