Urban Witcher

Chapter 1976 Chapter 1984 Blue Ox Patriarch 2

Ye Shaoyang told everyone to retreat into the valley, at least surrounded by mountains on three sides, so as not to be besieged by others and be attacked by enemies.

After joining these dozens of people, the Air Realm Alliance instantly had an overwhelming advantage in numbers, and completely blocked several exits from Taniguchi in order to break out of the siege as if Daofeng.

"Lin Changsheng! You are here too!" Emperor Jianwen found a familiar face in the crowd. He was the Taoist priest he admired the most when he was the emperor. never seen it. I didn't expect to meet here, and I couldn't help but feel a little emotional, and sighed: "I thought you had some magic power back then, but I didn't expect you to really achieve the fruit of your cultivation."

Lin Changsheng arched his head and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, it's been a long time since I saw you. I didn't expect to see you again. The journey was not easy. I didn't expect you to become a gang of reincarnated ghost boys from a thief."

Emperor Jianwen's complexion changed slightly, and he wanted to attack, but finally controlled it. After all the vicissitudes of life, he is no longer the emperor, and Lin Changsheng is no longer his subject.

Lin Changsheng continued to laugh and said: "You and I are finally a monarch and a minister. If you don't want to meet each other, you can go away."

Emperor Jianwen sneered and remained silent.

Li Shan's old mother looked around at the people on the opposite side, and said: "Everyone present, except the thief leader Daofeng, the rest can leave on their own, and they will not be held accountable."

Daofeng turned his head to look at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "Take your people and go."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and responded with disdain.

Daofeng didn't insist either.

Of all the people present, no one left, and they didn't even think about it.

A monk proclaimed the Buddha's name and said, "We all came here to kill ghost boys. Holy Mother, you and the fairy kept saying that Feng is a ghost boy. It's time to verify it!"

Li Shan's old mother turned her head to look at Su Mo and said, "The time has come, what are you waiting for?"

Su Mo looked at Dao Feng with a smirk on his face, took out a copper bell from his clothes, and was about to shake it.

When Daofeng saw the copper bell, his pupils shrank, and the figure rushed out. Although the speed was extremely fast, the opponent's camp was not good. The old mother of Li Shan was the closest. With a wave of her hand, a string of petals flew out of her sleeve. Hit towards Daofeng.

Pufa Tianzun also played a few jade talismans in a way, and a few people nearby who had time to make a move also came to the rescue.

Behind Daofeng, five figures suddenly flew out, some of the twelve disciples, and they rushed towards Su Mo together with Yang Gongzi.

Ye Shaoyang used the help of Guangzong Tianshi to adjust his breath before, and his mana recovered more than half. Seeing this scene, he also rushed forward.

The flower petal rain sacrificed by Li Shan's old mother was blocked by several disciples of the Valley of the Wind, and there was a scream. Three of the five people were strangled into a pile of spirits in the seemingly beautiful and weak flower petal rain, and the other two were also killed. He was seriously injured and retreated, but the concentrated strength of the five people also consumed the mana of Petal Rain, Daofeng passed through the middle, Li Shan's old mother's moves were old, and it was too late to think of another move.

On the other side, Yang Gongzi also wrapped the magic talisman released by Pufa Tianzun with chaotic true energy, and started to kill each other.

After this moment, more people reacted and swarmed up, with a clear goal and no trembling, just to help Daofeng hold up the attack and make room.

Because Ye Shaoyang was half a beat too slow to catch up with the attack, he simply waved the hook and took the initiative to attack Li Haoran. Firstly, he was very upset to see his pretentious appearance, and secondly, knowing that he was powerful, he also wanted to lock him in advance. Him, lest he attack Dao Feng.

The ecstasy rope swept down from the top of his head, and Li Haoran remained motionless. The moment the ecstasy rope hit his forehead, Li Haoran's body suddenly moved a few meters away, barely dodging the attack. With a smile, he slapped Ye Shaoyang with a flat palm, bending his middle finger , into a formula, which seemed calm, but Ye Shaoyang sensed the danger, and made a formula with his left hand, using 80% of his energy to meet it.

The two palms slammed together, but there was no counter-shock force, but they were tightly pressed together.

Ye Shaoyang immediately felt a suction force coming from the opponent's palm, as if he wanted to suck his spiritual consciousness away, so he hurriedly tried to resist it, but the suction force was too strong, so he could only hold on.

"You also had a part in destroying my sect back then, so I should also thank you very much."

"You're welcome, I never leave a name for my good deeds." Ye Shaoyang gritted his teeth and said.

Li Haoran smiled, and the suction on his hand became stronger and stronger.

"Let him go!" Xiao Jiu flew forward, slapped a palm in the air, and transformed into a huge fox claw in front of him, hitting Li Haoran's head.

Li Haoran raised his right hand, threw Vajra Zhuo out, and chanted a mantra, Vajra Zhuo immediately transformed into several times the size, spinning above his head, overflowing with black light, pushing the fox claw away.

The Little Nine had already flown over, and were about to launch the second round of attacks, when suddenly there was a scream, and the three of them turned their heads together to look, only to see Su Mo flying upside down, and at the moment of falling, he threw the copper bell in his hand towards Junior brother Zhang Yun threw it over.

She was injured by Daofeng's blow.

Daofeng immediately put him aside and flew towards Zhang Yunfei.

The copper bell needs to be infused with mana to activate the aura and be shaken to make a sound, so it will not ring when it is in the air. Zhang Yun caught the copper bell and was about to shake it when a blue light suddenly fell from the sky. He hurriedly took out a long sword, swiped it a few times in the air, and arranged it into a magic barrier, trying to protect his body.

Daofeng was not polite at all, waved the magic whip, and smashed it down directly. The barrier only resisted for a few seconds before it shattered, and the magic whip hit him hard on the forehead, directly smashing his brain burst.

Zhang Yun's soul was also directly shattered, the essence flew out from the seven orifices on his face, and his soul flew away...

The moment he was hit, Zhang Yun almost instinctively threw the copper bell out.

Daofeng immediately got up to chase, but was stopped by an indeterminate talisman flying from a distance, full of spiritual power, it seemed that he came from at least someone in the realm of immortality.

Daofeng smashed the indeterminate talisman, and then went to grab the copper bell, after all, it was already a step too late——

Li Haoran let go of Ye Shaoyang, and retreated suddenly. He had already firmly grasped the copper bell, and retreated quickly. Li Shan's mother and others also slowed down, and did not take the initiative to attack. They immediately blocked Li Haoran, and cooperated to arrange a powerful attack Enchantment.

"Show yourself." Li Haoran smiled at Daofeng, shaking the copper bell as he did.

There is no way to stop it anymore, everyone felt that they had heard the bell, and then at the moment the bell rang, they suddenly remembered a shocking voice: "There is a law in nothingness!"

The sound was like thunder, deafening, and it also covered the bell.

Everyone turned their heads to look, but the Taoist name was issued by Guangzong Tianshi.

Although Guangzong Tianshi's voice broke the bell, he seemed to be very tired, blowing his beard vigorously, and said to Li Haoran, "Why bother, Patriarch."

(Already home, there are a lot of things at home these days, I have to adjust and resume the third shift as soon as possible, forgive me, and I wish sister Ziyue a happy birthday, always young and beautiful!)

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