Urban Witcher

Chapter 2037 Chapter 2045 Seven sons piercing the heart 1

Ye Shaoyang and Cuiyun will continue to advance to the northeast of Xijiang, to the Qingtan area.

In this dilapidated house, Ye Shaoyang and his two unpacked their luggage and checked it. Most of the dry food they brought was soaked in water and could no longer be eaten. The remaining dried meat was only enough for two people for three days at most.

Originally, according to the plan, they were supposed to enter the county in one day, and after some shopping, they hired a carriage to go to Longhu Mountain, but now... they have no money, and even food is a problem, and there are hundreds of miles to go to Qingtan. In the past... even if Ye Shaoyang was not afraid of wasting time, he would starve to death on the way.

Therefore, the most important thing right now is to find a way to make money.

Cuiyun, a country woman, naturally lost her mind when she went to another place, and just stared at Ye Shaoyang in a daze.

Ye Shaoyang has no idea, after all, he has traveled through time, lacks life skills in this world, and his only specialty is spells.

"Let's go here." Ye Shaoyang pointed to a place circled with a brush on the map. Cuiyun was illiterate, but the picture was still readable. He leaned over to take a look, frowned and said, "Isn't this the location of Yizhuang that Uncle Wan said? What are you going there for?"

"Get rid of the corpse."

Ye Shaoyang uttered these two words unswervingly, and Cuiyun was stunned on the spot when he heard them. He looked at Ye Shaoyang in a daze, unable to say a word.

"To make money from corpses." Ye Shaoyang added, shrugging his shoulders, "I don't know anything else, that's all I know."

Only then did Cuiyun realize that he was serious, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up the corpse, have you ever rushed before?"

"No rush. But it should be fine."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and said. The technique of driving corpses is a kind of witchcraft in Miaojiang. It is slightly related to Taoist magic, but it is not a real Taoism. However, out of the 386 talismans he has mastered, at least five or six are capable of controlling corpses. Even if his magic power is not enough now, it is still easy to drive away a few corpses with magic talismans.

Cuiyun didn't know the details, and after hearing Ye Shaoyang's reluctance, she immediately became worried, and hurriedly said: "I know you have some magic skills, but you haven't overtake the corpses, those corpses can move, it's scary to think about it, In case something happens, what should we do? If it’s not going to work, you’re strong, why don’t you go to a nearby county town and do something to make money..."

"It's definitely not enough to work as a coolie." Ye Shaoyang said, "With so many refugees now, the most indispensable thing is coolies. Even if you find a job, the money you pay is too little, how long will it take to earn money? If you drive corpses, although you can make money It’s not much, it’s probably enough to take a trip.”

Cuiyun didn't want Ye Shaoyang to go, but Ye Shaoyang promised that nothing would happen, Cuiyun couldn't hold him back, so he had to listen to him.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the marks on the map. It was about a hundred miles from here to Gongtang Yizhuang. If he walked, it would probably take a day or two. The dry food on the two of them was enough to get there.

Ye Shaoyang didn't delay any longer, he greeted Cuiyun and hurried on his way. Along the way, Cuiyun was always worried about the three small yellow croakers that were robbed, and she was very depressed. She always felt that it was her own responsibility for losing Ye Shaoyang's wife, and Ye Shaoyang could only comfort her in various ways. For Cuiyun's kindness, he was moved a little more.

Regarding the process of being robbed, Ye Shaoyang occasionally remembered, thinking of that guy named "Little San", who wore some unusual magic weapon on his body, which made a hundred ghosts invulnerable.

Ordinary people absolutely don't have magical artifacts of this strength.

But compared to this incident, what Ye Shaoyang can't forget even more is what the mistress did: in a few words, he persuaded his chief and his companions to become bandits, and he could shoot and kill the fleeing companions without hesitation.

This is a very deep and ruthless person. If he does not die in the future, Ye Shaoyang believes that he will definitely become a remarkable person, and even grow into a hero.

Ye Shaoyang was very curious about his real name, and even more curious about his life experience after becoming a bandit. But this has nothing to do with me.

Because it had just rained, the soil was wet and slippery, and they walked very slowly. The two walked until it was dark, followed the lights, and entered a small village in the deep mountains. Mother, seeing that there were only two of them, a man and a woman, she readily let them in.

Later, Ye Shaoyang found out that although this area is a deep mountain, it is a node in the direction of this generation of mountains. People who hike into the mountain often pass by this small village and spend the night here. The locals are used to it.

This family is an old couple. When Ye Shaoyang and Cuiyun arrived, they were lighting a fire and cooking. Cuiyun naturally went to help, and they got close to the aunt, and they quickly became acquainted. Afterwards, the four of them ate together , Since entering the mountain, Ye Shaoyang and Ye Shaoyang have never eaten rice cooked by a firewood stove. It is really a great enjoyment to drink hot rice porridge now, and it is more fragrant than anything they have ever eaten.

Ye Shaoyang swallowed a mouthful of porridge in satisfaction, glanced at Cuiyun, and found that Cuiyun was also looking at him, both of them understood each other's thoughts, and smiled at each other.

While eating, Cuiyun chatted with the old couple, and learned that the family’s surname was Liu, and they had three sons, one of whom was enlisted in the army, the other went to school in Guangzhou, and only one was doing small business in a county not far from the foot of the mountain, occasionally going up the mountain. visit them.

When asked about herself, Cuiyun lied that she and Ye Shaoyang were sisters and brothers, and they came to Xigan to visit relatives, but because they encountered bandits, they had to walk here. When the old couple heard this, they felt even more pitiful.

Ye Shaoyang asked them about the surrounding situation. The old couple said that this village is called Sigu Village. The reason why it has such a strange name depends on the ancestors of the village. It is said that the ancestor of this village was a General, because of avoiding disaster, he took a group of relatives and subordinates to hide here, opened up mountains and rocks, cultivated land by himself, was self-sufficient, and lived a life like a peach blossom garden. After the Ming Dynasty fell, the descendants of the general also got used to it. The environment in the mountains has been reproduced.

Because of the arrival of guests and the sweetness of Cuiyun's mouth, the old couple were very happy. Old man Liu excitedly took out the five-poison wine he made himself, and asked Ye Shaoyang to taste it.

Ye Shaoyang knew it was not a good thing as soon as he heard the name. Sure enough, after old man Liu opened the wine tank, Ye Shaoyang took a look and found poisonous substances such as scorpions and centipedes in it. In order to save face, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and catch the wine glass he handed over.

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