Urban Witcher

Chapter 2041 Chapter 2049 Seven Sons 5

Hearing what he said so simply, Liu Si's expression softened, and he asked old man Liu and Ye Shaoyang to follow him into the house.

The three of them came into the main room and saw that there were bundles piled up everywhere on the ground. Old man Liu asked, "When do you plan to leave?"

"I'm going to leave today. When Daoist Zhang comes over, he will teach us how to do it. We will spend the night in his Taoist temple first, and then we will go to the south."

Old man Liu sighed and said nothing.

Liu Si led them to the door of a room, the door was closed, Liu Si asked them to wait, knocked on the door himself, and said, "Uncle Liu and his nephew next door came to see Xiao Shun. "

There were footsteps in the room, and after waiting for a while, a woman opened the door. It was Liu Si's wife, who looked haggard like Liu Si. She greeted Old Man Liu as politely as possible, and then glanced at Ye Shaoyang. Liu Si said: "Didn't I say that we have to wait for Daoist Zhang to come over, Xiao Shun can't stand the trouble."

Before Liu Si could open his mouth, Ye Shaoyang said, "Sister-in-law, I'll just take a look at your child, and I won't make a fuss about it."

Although the other couple are over forty years old, it is okay to call them uncle and aunt, but the two couples call old man Liu uncle, and old man Liu says that he is his nephew, so of course they can only be called brothers and sisters-in-law.

Liu Si's daughter-in-law is instinctively disgusted. You can tell from her expression that she doesn't have any confidence in Mrs. Ye and doesn't want him to touch her child. It's not good just because of old man Liu's face. He flatly refused, and opened the door to let them in.

In the room, the curtains were drawn tightly, a kerosene lamp was lit, and a small figure lay motionless under the quilt on the bed. Ye Shaoyang glanced at it from afar and said, "Are you asleep?"

"Drowsy all the time during the day, only waking up in the middle of the night, asking his mother for milk, tossing for a long time before falling asleep again." Liu Si explained.

Ye Shaoyang walked over, looked on the bed, and saw a child with a sallow and thin face, two black eye circles, sleeping on the bed, anyone could tell that the child only had half a life left Well, to be more serious, he was only hanging on his breath.

Ye Shaoyang stared at the child's face for a while, then went up and lifted the quilt.

The June Fourth daughter-in-law wanted to stop her, but seeing Ye Shaoyang's solemn expression, she didn't know why she didn't make a sound. Anxiously watching Ye Shaoyang undo the clothes on the child.

Underneath is the skinny and almost skinny body, even the child's parents, Liu Si and his wife, can't bear to look at it. Liu Si's daughter-in-law lay in her husband's arms, holding back her grief.

Ye Shaoyang observed for a while, especially staring at the child's Yintang for a long time, and had some guesses in his mind, he stepped forward and grabbed the child's hand, and shot the Gang Qi into his body, wanting to feel his three souls and seven souls Case.

However, at the moment when he released the gang qi, the sleeping child suddenly opened his eyes and clasped Ye Shaoyang's arm with his backhand, but the five thin fingers erupted with terrifying force, almost piercing into the flesh. At the same time, his mouth grew wide, and he let out a strange cry, biting down on Ye Shaoyang's arm.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, and the universe borrows the law!"

Ye Shaoyang raised his hand, and blocked the baby with a large cast-mother coin. The baby's open mouth happened to bite on the copper coin, and there was a buzzing sound immediately. shrink back. Of course Ye Shaoyang would not give it a chance, he lightly clasped the back of the baby's head with his left hand, and before the baby's mouth was closed, he slapped his right hand and threw the mother's big money into the baby's mouth.

"Woo..." The baby let out a scream that didn't sound like a human voice, and wanted to spit out the mother's big money. Ye Shaoyang's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. A talisman had already been pasted on the baby's mouth, and then another, crossed and stuck to the baby. mouth.

Ye Shaoyang made seals with his hands, and didn't read the mantra, and saw the baby's teeth and claws. In the opened mouth, there seemed to be something pushing up the magic talisman, and at the same time, he let out a whining sound.

This sudden change and horrifying scene made the old man Liu collapse on the ground in fright. Although Liu Si and his wife were terrified in their hearts, they watched their son toss and turn on the bed as if he was being tortured, crying and making noises. I can't bear it. Liu Si rushed over, trying to pick up his son from the bed.

"Don't go there!" Ye Shaoyang yelled loudly, "He's a possessed ghost, not your son!"

Liu Si stopped immediately and looked intently. His son, who was less than one year old, now has red eyes, covered with bloodshot eyes, and his eyes are turned towards the corners of both sides. He looks very scary, not at all like a The living person, recalling Daoist Zhang's thesis before, immediately believed it, froze on the spot, and looked at the scene in front of him with great fear.

"But... what will happen to my son, will he be implicated!" Liu Si asked extremely worried.

Ye Shaoyang didn't answer, he couldn't be distracted anymore, he formed a seal with both hands, fixed his eyes on the baby on the bed, and kept chanting mantras.

Gradually, beads of sweat began to ooze from Ye Shaoyang's forehead, and his hands in seals also trembled, looking more and more strenuous.

Ye Shaoyang's gaze was still extremely firm, and he quickly chanted the incantation. The two talismans attached to the baby's mouth had been completely aroused, drawing the spiritual power of the casting mother's big money, and frantically strangling the ghost occupying his body in the baby's body. Want to destroy it directly.

The ghost had already been sealed in the baby's mouth. Relying on his own cultivation, he kept hitting the seal formed by the "久" character. He almost broke through the talisman several times, but was firmly suppressed by Ye Shaoyang.

just a little bit...

Ye Shaoyang closed his eyes, felt the ups and downs of the mother's big money in the baby's mouth with his spiritual sense, and the glowing spiritual power wrapped the ghost tightly. Killed in the mouth of the baby.

Although ghosts possessing human bodies are not allowed by the Yin Law, there are many hidden secrets. Generally, mages will find ways to arrest the ghosts when they encounter this kind of situation, ask the hidden secrets, and then release them.

However, Ye Shaoyang firmly believes that the one he met right now is definitely an evil spirit, not for anything else, just because the possessed is a baby under one year old, he just came into the world, everything starts from scratch, it is impossible to offend anyone Even if his parents have offended someone, and the other person becomes a ghost after death, if they want to take revenge, they should target the person concerned. Ye Shaoyang will look down on people who take other people's children like this, and treat them as evil ghosts. Will be stingy to kill the soul.

The Exterminating Soul Curse was about to successfully strangle the evil spirit. Suddenly, a gust of evil energy spewed out from the baby's body. Caught off guard by Ye Shaoyang, the two talisman papers of the character X were scattered and flew out.

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