Urban Witcher

2063 Chapter 2071 Demon 3

Ye Shaoyang walked towards the row of corpses against the wall, came to the first corpse, pulled out the ink fountain from the backpack, hung a copper coin on it, and tied it around the neck of the corpse.

Daoist Qing Ming and the others were puzzled when they saw him doing this, but they didn't dare to ask further questions.

After putting the red thread around the corpse's neck, Ye Shaoyang began to draw talismans. First, he drew a talisman with a purple magic talisman, wrapped it around the Momo Casting Mother's big money, then drew six yellow talismans, and pasted them on the bodies of several corpses respectively. Put a red rope tied with five emperors' coins on every corpse, except for that special female corpse, the red rope was wound a few more times, and then three corpse talismans were drawn and pasted on her forehead and two shoulders respectively. To prevent the corpse from being topped by foreign evil things and getting into her corpse.

After doing all this, Ye Shaoyang turned his head and said to Chen San: "I'm about to get up, you can ring the bell to clear the way."

Chen San was stunned for a moment, then nodded ignorantly, meaning I'll see how you get up like this.

Daoist Qing Ming and Daoist Zhang looked at each other with confused faces. Ye Shaoyang's method is completely different from that used by exorcists. Even if it is a Taoist spell, they have never seen any spell that can drive six corpses together at the same time.

Ye Shaoyang took out his yin and yang mirror, and drew a rune somewhere with a cinnabar pen. Then ask Taoist Master Qingming for a bowl of water, and silently recite the mantra.

With a flick of the talisman, it burst into flames in the air. Ye Shaoyang threw the talisman into the water, the talisman was not extinguished, it floated and burned on the surface of the water, and within a short while, a bowl of cold water boiled and evaporated continuously.

It was the first time for Zhang Daochang and the others to see such a bizarre spell, and they couldn't help but move closer to look at it, only to find that the cold water was boiling, not because of the burning of the magic talisman, but because the casting mother's big money in the middle was red all over, spinning continuously at the bottom of the bowl , to evaporate the water.

When the bowl of talisman water was completely evaporated, the Zhumu Daqian was also dyed black by the talisman water. Ye Shaoyang carefully picked up the cast mother's big money, blew lightly on the money's eyes, and shouted: "Get up!"

A ray of golden light flashed across the cast mother's big coin, divided into six beams, and fell on the magic charms attached to the faces of the six corpses, and the golden light disappeared in a flash. Then something miraculous happened: the seven corpses that were leaning upright against the wall suddenly stood up together, then turned around, bounced up with both arms, stretched straight, and jumped towards the door .

"Ah!" Cuiyun covered her mouth in fright and exclaimed.

This cry brought Daoist Qing Ming back to his senses, seeing that the corpse in the front was about to go out, he hurriedly shouted: "Remove the threshold!"

The two Taoist priests standing outside the door also came to their senses, and hurriedly grabbed both sides of the threshold and removed the threshold.

The threshold of Yizhuang is very high, so that in case of corpse change, when the corpse wants to jump out, it may trip over the threshold. Once there is a corpse to be driven away, the threshold needs to be removed so that the corpse can jump go out.

After the threshold was removed, the seven corpses jumped out one after another. Only then did Chen San realize that his work had already started. He chased after him, took the lead, and rang the copper bell.

Ye Shaoyang cupped his fists at Daoist Qingming, smiled, then pulled up the bewildered Cuiyun, and walked out the door.

Daoist Qingming and Daoist Zhang immediately chased them out and sent them down the mountain. On the way, they asked Ye Shaoyang about the method of exorcising the corpse. Attached to the faces of the seven corpses were child charms. Ye Shaoyang burned the charms and chanted the mantra. Only one mother charm was needed to control the seven corpses through the seven child charms.

This is a kind of magic from the inner sect of Xuanqing Mountain. Ye Shaoyang does not take too much trouble to cast it, but his mana is limited now, and he is afraid that it will be too difficult to cast, so he wraps the cast mother's big money with purple talismans, and melts the talisman water, which is burning and evaporating. In the process of water vapor, the spiritual power of the talisman is absorbed into the big coin of the casting mother, so that the spiritual power of the big coin of the casting mother can be used to achieve the effect of casting spells.

This is a means of combining magical tools and spells. It sounds complicated enough. Daoist Zhang and Daoist Qingming have limited mana. In terms of understanding of magic, they are more like children than Ye Shaoyang, so they can only admire it. for the sake.

Now, the exorcising talisman has already played its role. Ye Shaoyang only needs to recite the incantation and give orders to the corpses within their ability, and they will execute them. It is no problem at all to drive a few ordinary corpses with the spiritual power of casting mother Daqian. Even the human-shaped evil, because Ye Shaoyang sealed the body firmly with the red thread five emperors' money and the Ding San Corpse Talisman, if the seal is not broken, it is no different from an ordinary corpse.

After Ye Shaoyang thought for a long time, he found a relatively easy way to drive away the corpses from his spells. As long as the cast mother has a lot of money, he can now order these corpses to do anything, even attacking people. Of course, The more complicated the action, the more mana will be consumed. Even with the spiritual power of Zhumu Daqian, with his current strength, it is impossible to manipulate a few corpses to do too complicated things. Simply hurry.

Chen San rang the bell to clear the way. The bell was specially made, and it could be regarded as a magic weapon. The sound could stimulate the corpses to a certain extent, allowing them to follow the rhythm of the bell.

Although Ye Shaoyang didn't use the usual methods of exorcising corpses, what he expelled was corpses after all, so they are similar in this respect.

Under the leadership of Chen San, the seven corpses bounced down the mountain along the path, Ye Shaoyang and Cuiyun followed behind, Cuiyun was very scared at first, and kept shrinking behind Ye Shaoyang, and then gradually became numb, seeing these corpses It's just going on the road, and nothing else will happen, so he gradually became more courageous, and followed Ye Shaoyang's side to ask questions.

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the starry sky in Nagano, the bright moon in the sky, couldn't help sighing secretly, shook his head and smiled wryly. Those of my little friends who lived a hundred years later must never have imagined that I was engaged in the ancient profession of driving corpses in the mountains and fields a hundred years ago, in places I didn't even know.

It took half a night, three people and seven corpses, went down to the mountain depression. Chen San told Ye Shaoyang that there was a small town in the mountain depression, and there was a wooden house built by their Yizhuang next to the town. They could rest for a day, which was the first time to drive away the corpses. One stop. At the same time, there are some small businesses in the town, who can supplement the food consumption on the road.

Under the leadership of Chen San, the three of them drove the corpse to the town. It was almost dawn at this time, and there was no light in the town, and no one was outside.

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