Urban Witcher

Chapter 2080 Chapter 2088 Complex 3

"Cough..." The female corpse let out a cough, put her hands on the ground, and tried to get up.

This scene frightened the bandits, and they jumped back one by one. The third master pulled out the box gun, pointed at the female corpse, and shouted: "What!"

These bandits robbed houses and robbed houses, killed many people, and had no fear of anything, but a corpse would suddenly move for no reason, and they were still instinctively afraid.

"Master, don't panic... the little girl is a living person, not a dead person." A delicate voice came out of the female corpse's mouth.

Cuiyun was behind Ye Shaoyang, clutching his sleeve tightly.

Ye Shaoyang sighed secretly, the last thing he wanted to happen still happened: Human Xingsha originally had no soul, at most it would turn into a corpse and bite people, but once a ghost enters the body, it will be different, it will immediately become a ghost corpse , Humanoid Sha's cultivation base, the strength of the ghost who controls it can be increased several times in an instant.

Take all precautions, and the result is still on the road.

It's a pity that I was held up by two guns, and I didn't dare to move around. I could only watch the female corpse stand up. This ghost is very smart and knows who is in charge here. He said a blessing to the third leader and said: "Thank you officer for saving me."

A piece of the cheongsam on his body was pulled off from his shoulder, exposing a white shoulder, coupled with his good face and exquisite figure, the fear in the hearts of the bandits suddenly weakened a lot, a trace of evil fire, from the crotch down and up.

"You are a human or a ghost, thank me for what."

The female corpse gave Ye Shaoyang a resentful look, and said: "From the words of the officials, the little girl is a human being, from Huizhou, who came here because of fleeing famine. I am beautiful, I am addicted to drugs, I plan to sell to other places to be a concubine, exorcising the corpses is just a cover, and these corpses are only used as a foil, because they put amulets on my body to make me unable to move. Let them drive away like a dead body...

Thanks to the officials who tore off the talisman and saved the little girl, the little girl is very grateful, and I ask all the officials to make decisions. "

After speaking, he wiped away his tears and pretended to be crying.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but snorted coldly and said, "You must have been an opera singer before you were alive, so you can act like that."

"Don't talk nonsense!" The third master came over, looked at the three of Ye Shaoyang, and said with a smirk: "I said, you are really good at fucking, you are even more bandits than us bandits! This idea is really amazing! "

When Chen San heard this, he hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "I said, sir, she is really a ghost, a corpse, not a living person, we are exorcising corpses, how could we do the filming of Hanako!"

"I'll fuck you!" The third master pointed at the woman's corpse with one hand, "What the hell do you think I'm blind? How can this be a dead person?"

Knowing that he couldn't explain clearly, Ye Shaoyang shook his head at Chen San.

At this time, the female corpse turned her head and smiled evilly at Ye Shaoyang, full of the pleasure of revenge. When the third master turned his head to look at her, he immediately made a pitiful expression: "I beg the official to make the decision for me."

The third family was stunned by her appearance, touched his mouth and smiled: "Sister, this is the first time someone calls me an official. To tell you the truth, we are bandits. Are you willing to go to the cottage with us? With your Look, our head will definitely accept you as Mrs. Yazhai."

The female corpse was stunned for a moment, then said timidly, "Is there any white flour steamed buns to eat?"

"Hahaha!" Several bandits laughed together.

"Steamed buns, let me tell you my sister, if you become our Mrs. Yazhai, don't talk about steamed buns, chicken, duck and fish are offered every day. Do you want to eat anything?"

Hearing this, the female corpse hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll do it!"

Routine! Everything is a routine!

Ye Shaoyang sighed in his heart, this female ghost is very smart, she said at the beginning that she was a vagabond and trafficked, but at this time, there are many refugees everywhere, no one would doubt her saying that, and now she specifically mentions the white flour steamed buns, which will only make these people Silly than the bandits think she is frightened by hunger. In troubled times, there are many people who betray themselves for a bite of food. This female ghost becomes Mrs. Yazhai in the bandit's den for a bite of food. At best, it will make people feel brave, not Doubt what, let alone these idiots and bandits would also think, this woman is very smart, knowing that she is being targeted by them, even if she doesn't follow, she will follow. It can only be said that she is aware of current affairs, and she will not suspect that there is anything wrong with her motives.

"Little lady, open up!" The third family gave a thumbs up and laughed loudly, "No, it should be called madam, my elder brother really needs a madam Yazhai, with your appearance, he will definitely like it, haha , I, Wu Laosan, made a great contribution today unintentionally!"

Several bandits also booed. This was the last chance, Ye Shaoyang was hesitant to make a move, but after thinking about Chen San and Cuiyun, he was still a little worried, so he had to hold back.

Sure enough, the third master waved his hand at the female corpse, "Madam, will you go up the mountain with me?"

The female corpse glanced at the three of Ye Shaoyang and said, "These three people kidnapped me here, it's really hateful!"

"What do you want, madam?" The third master asked nonchalantly.

"Do you... dare to kill?"

"Murder? Hahaha!" The third family laughed wildly, "I cut off a dozen ears, so adding a few more is nothing." After speaking, he pointed his gun at Ye Shaoyang.

"Wait a minute, I have something for you!" Ye Shaoyang shouted loudly.

"Hey, I'll kill you. Of course I will take your luggage. I'm sorry brother, who made our wife order it..."

Seeing that he was going to attack, Ye Shaoyang said: "I am Liu Zhenyun's cousin, you dare to kill me!"

When the third master heard this, he frowned, looked him up and down and said, "Commander Liu?"

"It's not him, anyone else, I'm his close cousin, from Sigu Village, my name is Liu Zhenhua." At the critical moment, Ye Shaoyang began to make up nonsense.

When the third master heard this, he was also stunned on the spot, and said: "Brother, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

"Why am I lying to you? I have evidence." Ye Shaoyang shook the piece of ocean in his hand early in the morning at him, "This is the amulet that Commander Liu gave to our family. It will be convenient, his name is engraved on it, otherwise you can come and have a look."

The third master just glanced at it from a distance. There were notches on the ocean, but he didn't ask to take a closer look. He had heard of Commander Liu's amulet. Except for his real family, it is generally impossible for others to know about this kind of person. The guy in front of him said that he had a nose and eyes, and Dayang was holding it in his hand. Thinking about it, he couldn't fake it. He hesitated and put down the gun in his hand. The first few bandits also looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to make a sound.

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