Urban Witcher

Chapter 2097 Chapter 2105 Dragon Tiger 1

Because Ye Shaoyang was looking for someone this time, and Mao Xiaofang was with him, Cuiyun was more at ease and didn't want to be his burden, so he readily agreed, took out Ye Shaoyang's gold bars, and gave Ye Shaoyang one, so that he could Take it with you on the road, and keep putting the rest away by yourself to help him hide it. Then he packed his luggage, brought some dry food, two pairs of flat shoes that he personally brought, and some clothes, etc., and packed them up for him, Haosheng gave some instructions.

After a while, Chen San also came upstairs to make money and bid farewell to Ye Shaoyang... After driving corpses along the way, now that he has made money, of course he has to share it with him, not to mention dealing with those bandits and human-shaped evil spirits. It saved Chen Sanyi's life.

After those few gold bars were lost and recovered, Ye Shaoyang has some assets now, so naturally he won't ask for the money for exorcising the corpse. Besides, he took Zhang Daozhang's 50 yuan back then, and helping him exorcise the corpse is considered repayment, and he definitely doesn't want the money.

Ye Shaoyang shied away for a long time, seeing that Chen San felt sorry, so he had to take some symbolically. Chen San said that after finishing the work here, he was going back to Yizhuang, so he bid farewell.

"Ye Tianshi, I can see that you are a dragon among men, and I am just an ordinary person. I don't ask for friendship, and I can't talk about repaying favors. But in the future, you Ye Tianshi, wherever you are useful, just go to righteousness." Zhuang is looking for me, my life is ready for you at any time!"

The parting was imminent, Chen San was also a little emotional, and said to Ye Shaoyang with fists in his hands.

Ye Shaoyang was also very moved, patted him on the shoulder, said something like "green mountains and green waters", and then sent Chen San out with Cuiyun. After a while, Mao Xiaofang also arrived, leading two horses over , Ye Shaoyang said goodbye to Cuiyun reluctantly, and then he and Mao Xiaofang led a horse and left towards the northeast.

After leaving the city, the journey was considered peaceful, and the two of them rode horses again, at a fairly fast speed and relatively leisurely, but every time Ye Shaoyang thought of walking with the legendary Mao Xiaofang, he couldn't help feeling a very special feeling in his heart. Feel. Thinking about going back to my own time in the future, after seeing my friends, I must compare this experience with bragging in front of everyone.

I must be able to go back.

Ye Shaoyang firmly believed in this point.

The two chatted about various things along the way, discussed Taoism, and a friendship developed unconsciously. From Ye Shaoyang's point of view, this Mao Xiaofang is really similar to the one in the TV series. He doesn't like to talk much, but he is also very humorous when he speaks. He has a straightforward personality and is very serious in doing things, but he is not as stingy as he is shown on TV. He also takes the initiative to pay for accommodation and meals on the road.

But Ye Shaoyang himself is a local tyrant now, so he didn't let him treat him.

A few days later, the two came to Qingtan, at the foot of Longhu Mountain.

Longhu Mountain stands on the edge of the Xinjiang River, with overlapping mountains and beautiful scenery. It is the first of the seventy-two blessed places of Taoism. Fengshui is still on Xuanqing Mountain, including the nearby Shaohua Mountain and Wuyi Mountain. It is an excellent Fengshui Pan, Longhu Mountain is in the best position in this Feng Shui pan.

Zhang Daoling once practiced Taoism here and founded Zhengdao Sect. Longhushan became the birthplace of Taoism and was honored as the "Taoist Capital". It is rumored that there used to be a total of 64 Taoist temples on the mountains near this area, but many of them were destroyed in the long river of time. Only one Tianshi Palace is left, which is located on the top of Tianmen Peak, the main peak of Longhu Mountain.

Among the auspicious clouds, the Tianshi Palace is faintly visible.

Ye Shaoyang is no stranger to this palace. He has been here several times since he was young. The scenery in front of him after careful observation seems to be similar to that of a hundred years later, except that the trees are more lush. The most important thing is that there is no As a scenic spot, there are no scenic spots built for people to burn incense and play in Qianshan. There are a few Taoist priests walking on the few mountain roads.

It was the first time Mao Xiaofang came to Longhu Mountain, and he was full of praise for everything in front of him. "What a treasure land full of spiritual energy, it is worthy of being the most blessed land of Taoism!"

The two went up the mountain all the way, and when they came to the gate of the mountain, Ye Shaoyang announced the names of the two disciples guarding the mountain. The two disciples heard that Tiandaozong was okay, but they were a little surprised when they heard that Ye Shaoyang was a disciple of Xuanqing Mountain, and looked at him curiously. , Saluted and said: "Two friends, do you want to place an order or pay homage to the head teacher?"

"I don't place orders, and I don't pay homage to the head teacher. I'm here to find someone, Daoyuan Daoist."

"Daoyuan?" The two disciples were stunned immediately, looking him up and down, "This fellow Taoist, what are you doing with Daoyuan?"

"I... am a friend of his. I happened to pass by here and wanted to meet him to catch up with each other, that's all." Ye Shaoyang lied.

A Taoist boy said: "To tell you the truth, Daoyuan was punished to face the wall and think about his mistakes because of breaking the ban. Do you know about this?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "I heard that, so I came to see him, can't I see guests when I face the wall and think about my mistakes?"

Daotong said: "There is no such rule. It's just that Daoyuan is not allowed to go out of the mountain, but... to be honest, although he is a descendant of a celestial master, because of breaking the ban, the disciples in the sect are too lazy to contact him. Besides, Lu Yuan, we I'm also not interested in reporting, if you want to find him, go directly, he is on the mountain on the left, you can find him when you reach the top of the mountain."

Ye Shaoyang thanked him, and took Mao Xiaofang to go there together, passed through the mountain gate, did not go up to the main peak, and went directly to the mountain that Dao Tong said.

"What mistake did this Daoyuan real person make, and was punished to face the wall and think about it?" Mao Xiaofang couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"I really don't know, I have to ask him when we meet."

Along the way, the scenery is very good. Mao Xiaofang was admiring the scenery, feeling the beautiful scenery of the famous mountains and rivers of Xianjia, but Ye Shaoyang was not in this mood. He was thinking along the way, what should he say after seeing Daoyuan to make him believe in him, after much deliberation, it is better to tell the truth , because everything is based on making Dao Yuan believe in himself.

On the top of the mountain, there is a rock that stands on the top of the mountain as if flying from the sky. The word "Qingfeng" is engraved on the stone. There is a spring under the rock, which is built into the shape of a wellhead. A mountain spring flows down the mountain. Surrounded by green trees, although there is no spectacular scenery, it seems to have a kind of pleasant taste, and it is a place for peace and quiet.

After the two reached the top of the mountain, they both had a feeling of peace of mind.

"Sure enough, it's a place to face the wall and contemplate." Mao Xiaofang pointed to the rock and said, "There is a stone wall here, sitting under the rock, looking at the mountains in tranquility, you can indeed think about many things clearly."

Going up again, I came to the edge of the cliff, only to see on the other side of the cliff, there is a small pavilion with ventilation on all sides, half of which hangs outside the cliff, and I don't know how it was built at that time.

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