Urban Witcher

Chapter 2099 Chapter 2107 Young Daoyuan 1

Ye Shaoyang was really speechless. I wish I could tell him what happened a hundred years later, but when I thought about it, because there was no proof, at most it just made him feel that I made it up better. I couldn't help scratching the back of my head, and suddenly thought of something, I took my saber Seven Star Longquan Sword Get down and hand it to Daoyuan Daoist.

"The treasure of Xuanqing Mountain, the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword! Take a look."

Master Daoyuan turned pale in surprise when he heard it, and took over to observe, with an overly shocked and dull expression on his face. Mao Xiaofang was also watching from the side, feeling the sharp and menacing aura of the Seven Star Longquan Sword, he blurted out praise: "Good sword!"

"Nine-level light magic weapon." Master Daoyuan murmured, "It's even better than ordinary nine-level light weapons..."

"Yes, so this is the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword."

Master Daoyuan closed the sword, returned it to him, stared at his face for a while, and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will snatch your sword?"

"You're not that kind of person, or I wouldn't have come to you."

Master Daoyuan heard this, his eyes moved, and he said: "The sword is a good sword, but I have never seen the Seven Star Longquan Sword, I don't know if it is."

Ye Shaoyang was a little speechless on the spot, and showed them all the magic weapons of Xuanqing Mountain that he carried with him, but it only made people doubt his origin even more.

"You have so many high-quality magic weapons, and your origin is unusual, why do you pretend to be a disciple of Xuanqing Mountain?" Daoyuan Daoist was very puzzled.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't answer. He glanced and found the sword hanging on his waist. Ye Shaoyang was shocked when he saw the scabbard. ?”

Master Daoyuan froze for a moment, then nodded.

Ye Shaoyang said: "When was this sword on your body?"

"I am a descendant of Master Zhang Tianshi of Longhu Mountain. This sword is passed down in my family. When I was thirteen years old, I was promoted to a real person tablet. This sword was entrusted to me to keep. Until now, I have never left it."

Ye Shaoyang patted his thigh and said: "Okay, you are thirteen years old... Even if you are my current age, I will be two or three years old at most at that time, that is to say, it is impossible for me to have the opportunity to see this sword." , it’s also the first time I’ve seen you, right?”

Master Daoyuan looked at him suspiciously, not understanding what he meant, but he still answered honestly: "Of course."

"Then have you ever shown this sword to others?"

"Of course not. This is my sword, and it's not for people to admire. How could it be shown casually. What exactly are you trying to say?"

"I want to say, are there few people who know about some of the features of your sword?" Ye Shaoyang said, "If I say, I know this sword like the back of my hand?"

"Impossible!" Reverend Daoyuan denied it with one sentence, "This sword is a family heirloom of my Zhang family. If it doesn't pass on a foreign surname, even in Longhu Mountain, no disciple has seen the blade of this sword."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I have seen it, I know the characteristics of the sword body!"

Immortal Daoyuan was about to deny it, but Ye Shaoyang said first: "The front end of this sword, counting from the blade, is about one inch and three inches away. It nourishes the sword body and enhances its spiritual power. In addition, there is a dragon-shaped symbol engraved on the fitness body, which was probably engraved by its owner, Gongsun Sheng, the dragon in the first place..."

Ye Shaoyang continued to recall some features of the Songwen ancient Dingjian, and said them one after another. After speaking, he looked at Daoyuan Daoyuan calmly.

Seeing Daoyuan Daoyuan's silly expression, Ye Shaoyang knew that he was not wrong, and of course it was impossible to say wrong.

"Even if what you said is true, how do you know the secret of my Song Wen Ancient Ding Sword?"

Ye Shaoyang hesitated for a moment, feeling that if he didn't say anything, there would be no way to pass this test, and he said, "In my time, you gave me the Song Wen Ancient Ding Sword."

"Give it to you? How is it possible!" Daoyuan Daoist almost jumped up.

"It's true. Otherwise, how do you say I know the secret of this sword?"

Master Daoyuan said: "Why should I give it to you?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Because I did something for you, you gave him to me. Of course, you still hope that I can use it to combine with the Seven Star Longquan Sword to fight against the catastrophe."

"Heavenly Tribulation, what Heavenly Tribulation?"

Ye Shaoyang froze for a moment, thought for a while and said, "Are you sure you want to know in advance what will happen in the future?"

Daoyuan Daoyuan hesitated for a moment, and said: "Then I won't ask, but I still have doubts about your identity, do you have anything else to prove?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "Some things involve too many things that will happen in the future, I don't want to tell you."

"You said that the Songwen Ancient Ding Sword is in your hand, where is it now?"

"It's not on me, because I have the Seven Star Longquan Sword, so I gave it to my wife. As I said before, my wife was arrested by the corpse tribe. My purpose is to go back to my own time and save her. "

Daoyuan Daoyuan said: "Even if what you said is true, what's the use of you coming to me? I can't let you go back."

"I don't know what I can do with you, but you are the only person I know in this world. Oh, there are still some in the Yin Division, but the Yin Division won't let me go." Thinking of the experience of going to the Yin Division last time, thinking of Xiao Yiyun, He sighed helplessly.

But what he said reminded Master Daoyuan of something, and he said, "I have a way to verify whether you are lying!"

"what to do?"

"I'll take you to the underworld! Daoist Mao, please come along and be a witness for me!"

Mao Xiaofang nodded hesitantly. In fact, even if Master Daoyuan didn't ask for it, he still wanted to go along with him to witness that what Ye Shaoyang said was a huge shock to his world view.

After all, in their era, they can’t have a certain understanding and acceptance of time travel like Ye Shaoyang’s era a hundred years later. People in this era, because of the occlusion of science, don’t even is anything imaginable.

In Ye Shaoyang's backpack, there was something for Yin Yin, and he took it out to set up an altar for Yin Yin, but Master Daoyuan told him not to use it, got up and walked to the rock, and pressed one hand on the rock.

Only then did Ye Shaoyang see the symbols composed of five elements engraved on the rock, like a circle. After Daoyuan's palm was pasted on it, the five runes were activated, and a black mist appeared, spreading in the middle of the circle. Form a vortex of nothingness.

Ye Shaoyang could tell at a glance that this was a space crack. There are many space cracks in the human world, some are man-made, and there are also nodes of space operation. Through these space cracks, anyone can enter other spaces.

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