Urban Witcher

Chapter 2104 Chapter 2112 The Weird Valley 1

Mao Xiaofang said: "There is no need for a portrait, just put out the name and try to spread it to the ears of his friends. The rest of the people don't know who he is or what he looks like. Even if they meet, they won't be able to recognize him. As long as Yangzi doesn't dislike the loss of reputation."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said, "I'm a person in the future world. I don't have any reputation. As long as I can find my friends."

Master Daoyuan then took this matter on himself. Although he is in retreat in name and is despised by others, he is also a descendant of Zhang Tianshi, and he has the status in the magic circle to distribute the post.

"Exactly, if I want to go down the mountain, I can't just go down the mountain like this. I have to go and tell my grandfather, and by the way, let him agree to send Fatie. You tell me the name of the place, and I will find you when the time comes."

The two agreed to come down, and then took their leave first to deal with the matter of the Hundred Ghosts at Night. Just as he was about to go down the mountain, Master Daoyuan stopped Ye Shaoyang again and asked him what to write about his crimes on the legal post.

The first word that came to Ye Shaoyang's mind was "*** robbery", but after thinking about it, this is actually not under the jurisdiction of the magic world, and it is enough to report directly to the official. After thinking about it for a long time, there is no good crime, so let him choose one.

"Try to make it as big as possible, so that it will cause shock and spread more widely." Mao Xiaofang reminded.

"I'll try my best." Master Daoyuan scratched his head, looking thoughtful.

After Ye Shaoyang and the others went down the mountain, they took the horse that was tethered to graze at the foot of the mountain before, and then went straight to the place Mao Xiaofang mentioned.

"It's about a hundred miles away. Although the road is not very good, it's only a day or two at most."

Speaking of this, Mao Xiaofang thought of something, and asked while riding a horse: "By the way, Shaoyangzi, in your era, what did people mainly rely on to go to other places, riding a horse or taking a car?"

"You also know about cars?" Ye Shaoyang was a little surprised. He had never seen a car during his journey.

"I've seen it in Shanghai and Beiping. But it's not as fast as a horse. I've also seen the train from Jinmen to the capital." Mao Xiaofang said to himself, "It's just too much trouble. It needs to build the train track and route. It is also fixed, and it is convenient to ride a horse.”

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "This is not considered a secret, I can tell you that in my time, there were trains all over the country, and it was convenient to think of any city, and the trains at that time were much faster than the current ones. , the speed... can run hundreds of miles in an hour."

When Mao Xiaofang heard this, he almost fell off his horse in fright, "It can't be so fast, it's hundreds of miles in an hour, so from the capital city to the capital city, can it take one year?"

"If it doesn't take a day, it will take half a day by train, or two hours by plane."

"Airplane?" Mao Xiaofang was very new to these two words.

Ye Shaoyang briefly explained the knowledge of airplanes, and Mao Xiaofang was even more shocked after hearing it. When Ye Shaoyang mentioned that it was possible to go abroad by plane in that era, Mao Xiaofang asked about the relationship between China and foreign countries in that era, and then he felt that some secrets were leaked, so he stopped asking.

Along the way, Mao Xiaofang pestered Ye Shaoyang to talk about a lot of knowledge about technology and life after a hundred years, and he was fascinated by what he heard, and he really wanted to go there and experience it for himself.

The two rode their horses and went back to Pingnan County first. Ye Shaoyang found Cuiyun in the inn and told him that he was going to do something and asked her to wait here. Cuiyun was very happy to see him return safely. Don't worry about letting him go.

Leaving Ping'an County, the two rode horses and continued to go southwest. One day later, they entered the mountain and encountered a place that could not be passed by horseback. They let their horses go and walked there.

After entering the mountain, there is barrenness everywhere. Occasionally, when you turn over a mountain peak, you will see some small villages. In these villages in the mountains, the villagers make a living by farming and hunting. They rarely go out, and it is not like ten years later In that way, a large number of migrant workers will enter the city. At least at this stage, these people living in the deep mountains are a kind of happiness. Apart from needing to pay tribute to the bandits nearby, they are also free from the devastation of war and are self-sufficient.

The two walked all the way to the haunted valley that Mao Xiaofang mentioned before, but they didn't go down immediately, but climbed up a nearby mountain peak and looked into the valley.

The valley is one to two kilometers long and about ten meters wide. It runs from east to west. Looking from the top of the mountain, there is a grayish-white mist-like gas in the valley, permeating the valley.

"This is Yin Qi." Ye Shaoyang said, Yin Qi is originally black, but if it is not thick enough, it will show this color in the sunlight during the day.

If it is diffused, there must be evil spirits.

This is a proverb in the magic world, but it is only talking about some closed spaces, such as some haunted old houses, where the air is not circulated. scattered. Ordinary people can't see Yin Qi with their naked eyes, but when they enter such a place, they will immediately feel chills all over and feel uncomfortable.

But... the valley extends in all directions, the breath is smooth, and the whole valley is filled with strong Yin Qi, which makes Ye Shaoyang feel very incredible.

"There are only two possibilities." Ye Shaoyang said, "The first one is that there is a source of Yin Qi in this valley, which continuously emits Yin Qi and maintains the concentration of Yin Qi in the valley. There is also a possibility that there is a source of Yin Qi in the valley. The invisible enchantment will be sealed in the valley and cannot be dissipated."

Mao Xiaofang nodded and said: "I left in a hurry that day, and it was night, so I didn't look carefully at all. We can check it carefully now."

Before going down the mountain, the two walked around the valley, and surprisingly found that this place is actually a treasure land of geomantic omen: at the end of the valley, there are three mountains standing, which divide the valley into four, all the way downhill, mining east Looking at the past from the peaks, these three peaks look like tigers crouching, and there are streams winding below them, dancing like spirit snakes.

This is a feng shui where a tiger sits on a dragon's plate, but the stream is too small, not a big river, so it is not a complete feng shui situation, so it is just a snake instead of a dragon, otherwise it will become a dragon vein.

Even so, this feng shui is as good as it gets, and this is a yin house feng shui. If the ancestors are buried in this valley, as long as the feng shui remains unchanged, the descendants will surely flourish. It's just...Ye Shaoyang doesn't understand, why is such a good geomantic treasure land covered by Yin Qi? In other words, does the strong Yin Qi in the valley have anything to do with Feng Shui?

With this question in mind, the two went down to the valley, and each used spells to detect it for a long time, and came to a frustrating conclusion: there is no enchantment in this valley at all. Then, there is only one explanation for the thick Yin Qi in this valley:

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