Urban Witcher

Chapter 2116 Chapter 2124 Anger 1

"Mountain burial! There are dragon veins. If you want to bury it there, you must dig a mountain and bury it. However, the project is huge, and the owner of the tomb is definitely not an ordinary person."

Finally, they had some clues, and the two decided not to go to the tomb for fear of being killed in it, thinking that since there is a tomb here, the locals cannot be unaware of it, so they should find a way to find out the identity of the owner of the tomb before thinking about it. Uncover the things behind this ancient tomb little by little, and talk about it later. Right now, we should deal with the matters in the mountain temple first.

The two waited until it was dark at the foot of the mountain, and drew a talisman array together. Then Ye Shaoyang sat in the middle, performed the method of leaving the body of the soul, and went to the top of the mountain to find out the truth.

The primordial spirit has no form or form, even the Wutongshen would not be aware of it. Moreover, when the primordial spirit comes out of the body, it consumes the power of the primordial spirit, not the qi. Ye Shaoyang's primordial spirit is so powerful that he can leave his body for several hours without any problem. Of course Mao Xiaofang can't, and this kind of thing can be done alone. Ye Shaoyang asked him to guard his physical body in the talisman array to avoid accidents, so that someone can protect the physical body.

"Shaoyangzi, you must be careful, I heard that there are evil things that can see through the Yuanshen, and the Yuanshen is too weak to deal with the enemy, you must be very careful."

Ye Shaoyang nodded in agreement, sat down and recited the mantra, Yuanshen left his body, floated towards the mountain, all the way to the top of the mountain, looked at the mountain temple from the perspective of Yuanshen, there was auspicious aura in the hall, it was a fairy house The place of Qingxiu shows that I feel right during the day, this temple has an owner, and the owner is in the temple.

But in the auspicious light, there seems to be a cloudy color, which makes the auspicious light not so pure, and Ye Shaoyang doesn't know why.

He entered Old Man Chen's room first. Old man Chen's room was not lit, and he was already sleeping on the bed. Although it was only after eight o'clock in the evening, Ye Shaoyang was not surprised by this. After all, there were no entertainment activities in this era, not to mention TV, there was no radio, and one couldn't just sit under the kerosene lamp.

But Ye Shaoyang was also relieved to find him here, at least he didn't appear in the next room.

Ye Shaoyang floated to the next room, but it was eye-catching as soon as he entered: the girl was taking a bath.

There are no such things as baths in this era. The method of bathing is very simple, and it has been used until at least the rural families in the 1990s. It is to get a big wooden bucket, after boiling water, hang a bath cover outside, which can not only isolate the cold air, It can also prevent water from splashing outside.

This is the girl in front of her eyes: she is taking a bath in a wooden barrel under the bath cover, which is made of cotton gauze, and by the light of the kerosene lamp, only a hazy shadow can be seen.

And if you are in the mood to take a bath, then you must not be tied up. Ye Shaoyang thought to himself, but he was even more curious, why does a girl live in this ruined temple, and what does it have to do with Old Man Chen next door?

Seeing the girl standing up, Ye Shaoyang quickly turned his head, heard the girl go out, waited for a while, then turned his head and took a peek, the girl was already dressed and sitting on the bed.

Ye Shaoyang shifted his gaze to her face. This girl is also very beautiful. From Ye Shaoyang's own perspective, she is at least seven or eight points tall. She also has fair skin. She doesn't look like a crop grower. She looks sixteen or seventeen years old, still childish.

But... what Mao Xiaofang said was right, the girl was sitting on the bed, staring at the oil lamp in a daze, her brows were frowning, and she looked sad.

Ye Shaoyang was really full of curiosity, so he stayed in the room to see what this beauty was going to do.

After waiting for about half an hour, the door was pushed open from the outside with a squeak, and Ye Shaoyang looked inside with wide eyes. The person who came in was a short, fat man with a big belly, with a strange shape: a big belly, long legs, and a big mouth. , with eyes like copper bells, wearing a green robe, walked in with a smile.

The first time Ye Shaoyang saw him, he felt a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, his heart immediately trembled: Why does this guy look similar to the statue of Wutongshen?

Seeing the auspicious light between the man's eyebrows again, Ye Shaoyang immediately understood: Wutongshen...

Actually... that's how it is...

After Wutongshen entered the room, he closed the door, walked to the bed, and asked, "Did you clean it?"

The sound of the urn sounded very strange.

The girl said nothing.

Wutongshen said with a smile: "You have been here for three years, and I have always treated you well, but I have never seen you smile."

The girl still did not speak, and began to undress. But Wutongshen reached out to grab her hand and said, "Yun'er, don't worry, I want to tell you good news today and make you smile."

Yun'er stared at him blankly.

Wutong said: "After three days, you can go down the mountain. I have already found a good family for you. I will give you money so that you will have enough food and clothing for the rest of your life. It is not in vain for you to serve me for three years."

"Three days later...why?"

Wutongshen laughed loudly, "Why? This is a rule I made. Although I don't want to part with you, I have to change someone."

Ye Shaoyang heard Wutongshen's words on the side, understood everything, and was furious on the spot.

Wutongshen said with a smile: "Don't worry, I don't want to part with you either. When you get married, I can go to find you soon..."

Yun'er took a deep breath, endured his harassment, and said, "I don't know which family's woman is going up the mountain this time?"

Wutong Shen said: "I don't know. Like you back then, the town has already picked twenty girls for me. They have been raised since they were more than ten years old, and they never went down to work in the fields. Their appearance and skin are just like yours. Choose one of them, but I really don’t know who it is.”

Yun'er frowned and endured without resistance. She has been here for three years, and she has long since lost the instinct to resist... She suddenly smiled at Wutongshen.

Wutongshen was startled, grinned and said excitedly: "You laughed! This is the first time you smiled at me by yourself!"

Yun'er put her hands on his shoulders, and said softly: "Master, please keep me, I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life."

This sudden initiative made Wutongshen a little unpredictable, he couldn't help but frowned and asked: "You are usually indifferent to me, I know you don't want to stay on the mountain, but why did you say that?"

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