Urban Witcher

Chapter 2131 Chapter 2139 Marrying a Bride 3

Where did Wu Qiao dare to speak, she bowed her head and remained silent.

The three-legged golden toad only thought she was shy, laughed, went up to untie Wu Qiao's clothes, and quickly took off her coat.

Wu Qiao struggled a few times and shrank to the bed. The three-legged golden toad didn't give her this chance, so it jumped on Wu Qiao, pressed her shoulder, and kissed her on the mouth.

Wu Qiao dodged a few times, and suddenly made a certain determination in her heart: the ugly man in front of him, no matter whether he is a man or a god, is absolutely not worthy of his chastity, and he has served him for three years.

When the three-legged golden toad wanted to kiss her again, this time she didn't dodge, and kissed him half-push and half-way.

The Three-legged Golden Chan thought she had given up resisting, and was overjoyed, sticking a thick tongue into her mouth. Wu Qiao also responded. Suddenly, something came out of Wu Qiao's mouth. The three-legged golden toad subconsciously thought it was her tongue, bit it lightly, and found it was a round and hard thing, and wanted to spit it out. , but it is too late.

The moment this thing touched his saliva, it immediately melted, and then an indescribable smell spread in his mouth.

"You, what are you feeding me!" The three-legged golden toad shouted sharply, trying to reach out to grab Wu Qiao, when a burst of cracking sound exploded in his throat, his whole body trembled like sifting chaff, and fell backward on the ground. He fell to the ground, pinched his mouth with both hands, and kept rolling on the ground, howling shrillly from time to time.

At this moment, as soon as a figure broke through the window, he straightened his sword and slashed at Wutongshen.

It was Ye Shaoyang who had been lying in ambush outside.

"It's you!" The three-legged golden toad saw Ye Shaoyang at a glance, and immediately recognized it. He wanted to pounce on him, but his whole body trembled. mouth, sticking out a scarlet tongue, fanning the evil wind, rolling towards Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang immediately felt dizzy, and hurriedly used his long sword to withstand it. At this time, Daoyuan Daoyuan and Mao Xiaofang also rushed in, attacking the three-legged golden toad from both sides.

"I am Wutongshen, you dare not kill me!"

The three-legged golden toad grasped two strands of black light with both hands, and launched an attack on the two on the left and right respectively, muttering something in his mouth, after the evil wind was blocked by Ye Shaoyang, he rolled his tongue and continued to attack Ye Shaoyang.

He determined that Ye Shaoyang was the mastermind of all this, and he must kill him soon.

Ye Shaoyang's current mana is actually the weakest among the three. He was blown to pieces by the evil wind from the three-legged golden toad's fatal blow. , was caught by the tongue at once. The three-legged golden toad was originally a toad, relying on a tongue to find food.

This tongue was extremely ferocious, after wrapping around Ye Shaoyang, it immediately tightened like a boa constrictor, Ye Shaoyang almost spit it out, and hurriedly secretly lucked out to resist this huge force.

"You mage, I will let you die today!"

Following the three-legged golden toad's loud shout, Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt the strength of his tongue enveloping him a little stronger, and immediately felt that his eyes turned black, and he almost spit it out on the spot.

"Go to hell!"

The three-legged golden toad gave a strange roar, and tightened its tongue again... But at the next moment, a sword cut off his tail from behind.

With a puff, the three-legged golden toad spurted out a mouthful of blood, its huge body fell to the ground, and the tongue wrapped around Ye Shaoyang was also untied. Ye Shaoyang broke free and looked intently. The three-legged golden toad had already fallen to the ground, revealing the real body of the toad spirit: a huge green-skinned toad covered with tumors, lying on the ground with its mouth crooked, twitching all over.

Ye Shaoyang heaved a sigh of relief, glanced at Daoyuan Daoyuan, and said, "It's dangerous."

Ye Shaoyang walked up to the three-legged golden toad, looked down condescendingly, and said, "I said I would kill you, and I will definitely do it. Do you still doubt it now?"

The three-legged golden toad looked at him desperately, with an unbelievable expression in his eyes.

"You...you dare to slaughter a god..." The voice sounded very weak, even with a trace of fear.

"Dare, there is nothing to dare. If you do something wrong, you will be punished. God is the same. You are a mountain god after all. You don't understand this truth, do you?"

The three-legged golden toad looked at him and said tremblingly, "Who are you...?"

"Xuanqing Mountain Celestial Master, Ye Shaoyang."

"Ye Shaoyang..." Three-legged Golden Toad repeated his name, and from the way he looked at himself, Ye Shaoyang knew that he already believed that he would kill him.

The three-legged golden toad murmured: "What did you give me?"

"Three Flowers Extinguishing Demon Pill."

Sanhua Mieyao Pill is a kind of elixir refined by the inner sect of Xuanqing Mountain. It is similar to Mieshi Pill. It is made of realgar, peach pistil, and lily heart. It is specially aimed at goblins. Ye Shaoyang went to the county before to buy it. these things.

On the basis of the Sanhua Mieyao Pill, Ye Shaoyang added his own blood. After the preparation was formed, once it was swallowed by the goblin, it would melt immediately after being swallowed by the goblin. It has to be swallowed by people, so there are very few opportunities to actually use it. Ye Shaoyang knew that the old pervert, the three-legged golden toad, would treat Wu Qiao frivolously, so he asked Meihua to come to Wu Qiao in advance, and put the Sanhua wrapped in a magic talisman Wrap Mie Yao Wan in the middle, and before the three-legged golden toad enters the house, tear off the talisman and hide it in his mouth.

The Sanhua Mieyao Pill is aimed at all monsters and has no effect on the human body. There is a layer of wax on the outer layer, which will not melt. It will only show its medicinal power when it enters the mouth of the Three-legged Golden Toad...

There is another thing that Ye Shaoyang doesn't know. After getting the Sanhua Mieyao Pill, Wu Qiao actually didn't make up his mind to help them. It was not because he was afraid that they would kill the Wutong God, but because he was afraid that he would not be able to kill the Wutong God. At that time, as an accomplice, she will be retaliated by Wutong God, not only her, but also her parents and family members will be implicated.

She even thought about giving up at one point and took the initiative to tell Wutongshen about this in exchange for his favor, to see if she could let herself go, but when Wutongshen really underestimated her, the momentary strong resentment prevented her from Thinking about it, I sent the Sanhua Mieyao Pill into his mouth without thinking...

This caused the defeat of the three-legged golden toad. He is lustful, greedy for pleasure, and finally defeated by the girl. Thinking of this, Wutongshen also sighed in his heart.

But he no longer had the energy to sigh, he looked up at Ye Shaoyang, and said almost pleadingly: "You can't kill me, if you kill me, the corpse refining vat will reappear in the world."

Corpse refining jar? ?

Ye Shaoyang and the three looked at each other. Ye Shaoyang was a little unfamiliar with these three words, but both Mao Xiaofang and Daoyuan Daoyuan knew the allusion to the corpse refining vat, so they lost their color on the spot.

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