Urban Witcher

Chapter 2137 Chapter 2145 Underground Secret 1

Wu Tianle was overjoyed when he heard that, he toasted Mao Xiaofang in various ways, and asked Wu Qiao to come out to accompany the drink. Mao Xiaofang was so embarrassed that he kept staring at Ye Shaoyang, but when Wu Qiao came out to toast, he still acted a little excited, Ye Shaoyang saw Seemingly, I secretly thought it was funny.

On the way back, Ye Shaoyang teased Mao Xiaofang in various ways. When they returned to the inn, the two went to Mao Xiaofang’s room to drink tea and chat. Mao Xiaofang had a habit of drinking tea. He didn’t use a cup. Instead, he carried one with him like those old gentlemen. When I am free, I make a pot of tea and drink it slowly.

"Boring... Shaoyangzi, what was the place you were most unaccustomed to a hundred years ago when you came to us?"

"No electricity." Ye Shaoyang said, "There is no electric light."

"Then only big cities have access to electricity."

"In our time, almost any place where people lived had electricity. The most unaccustomed to it, there was no TV, no computer, no mobile phone to play with."

"Hand chicken?"

Mao Xiaofang sat up, and pestered Ye Shaoyang to tell him about some scientific and technological products in the modern society a hundred years later, as he did a few days ago. I got up and went to open the door, I saw two people standing outside the door, one was the owner of the inn, the other was a girl with long hair, she was not tall, she was pretty, she was wearing loose cotton and linen clothes, she looked like a century-old girl The feeling of retro style that was popular in the later period, but in this era, it is quite a trendy clothing.

The girl raised a hand and made a gesture.

Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang were stunned for a moment, and hurriedly returned one.

The innkeeper said at this time: "This girl came to the inn to look for foreigners. I think it seems that there are only you two recently. I don't know..."

"It's them."

Before the boss finished speaking, he was interrupted by the girl, "Thank you, boss, please help me to find a room to live in. It's best to be next to them. Open two rooms."

"Okay!" The boss went cheerfully. The inn usually doesn't have much business in this small place, so it is of course very happy to have business come in.

"I'm Miaoxin Daoist." The girl said, "The magic knot at the entrance of the town was made by you, right?"

Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang looked at each other, Ye Shaoyang said: "Are you a woman?"

Seeing Miao Xin's discoloration, she hurriedly waved her hands and said, "No, no, of course I'm a woman, and I'm a beautiful woman. I mean... I didn't expect Miao Xin to be a girl."

Miao Xin said: "How do you know my name?"

"The three-legged golden toad said it." Ye Shaoyang said.

Miao Xin was stunned for a moment, then said: "What about the toad spirit?"

"This...it's a long story, please come in and talk."

Ye Shaoyang invited Miaoxin to the room. Before they could start chatting, the innkeeper opened the room and came over and gave the key to Miaoxin. Seeing that there were two keys, Ye Shaoyang asked curiously when she remembered that she wanted to open two rooms. she.

"I have a friend who is shopping outside." Miao Xin sat down and asked, "Is there any tea?"

Ye Shaoyang hurried to make tea.

Miao Xin's demeanor is very quiet, not the kind of temperament that is easy to be anxious. She sat down and drank tea slowly. After drinking a cup of tea, there were footsteps outside.

"Here." Miao Xin said, and a young man walked in quickly outside. He looked to be in his twenties, wearing gray clothes that looked like a Chinese tunic suit, and his hair was combed in the standard "twenties and eights", even at night Look, it is also shiny.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly had the feeling that the figure in the textbook illustration had come down—this person's attire was the same as the attire of the college students or intellectuals in the illustrations of the Republic of China when the textbook talked about the history of the Republic of China.

"Xu Zhimo!" Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of a name that fit this outfit.

"What?" The man froze for a moment.

Ye Shaoyang waved his hands hurriedly, saying it was nothing.

At this time, Miaoxin also finished drinking tea, and the two sides introduced each other. The woman is Miaoxin, a descendant of a master of the earth. Ye Shaoyang also knows this. As for the guy with oily hair and flour noodles, he is also a mage, and he is also a lay disciple of Rilun Mountain. His name is Cao Yuxing, and at a young age, he is already a celestial master tablet. He was very clingy to Miao Xin, he came a step late before to buy buns for Miao Xin, after entering the door, he took out two catties of buns wrapped in greased paper from his pocket, put them on the table for Miao Xin to eat.

Miao Xin was not polite either, she took the buns and ate them without asking Ye Shaoyang and the others to eat.

Ye Shaoyang introduced Mao Xiaofang first, and then introduced himself, "Disciple of Xuanqing Mountain, Ye Shaoyang."

"Disciple of Xuanqing Mountain, disciple of the outer sect?" Cao Yuxing glanced at him with a smile on his face, but Ye Shaoyang saw a trace of contempt in his eyes.

"Could you pour me a glass of water, please? We're going all the way and we're thirsty."

Ye Shaoyang sat on the coffee table and pouted, "Let's pour it yourself, the bun shop is quite far away from here, and it's tiring to run around." Ye Shaoyang teased, feeling a little upset, this guy guessed that he was an outsider Disciple, the attitude immediately changed. It's not like Ye Shaoyang has never encountered this kind of situation. He can tell at a glance that he doesn't like this guy instantly.

"About Wutongshen, let's talk." Miao Xin also said in a condescending attitude, after eating the buns, she wiped her hands with a handkerchief.

Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to tell what happened from the beginning. Miao Xin and Cao Yuxing were shocked and suspicious after listening.

"What tablet are you?" Cao Yuxing asked suspiciously.

"Tianshi, do you have any comments?"

"I think your strength is at most a celestial master. How can you two celestial masters beat Wutongshen?" Miao Xin said.

"Of course there is a friend to help, plus a little coincidence and luck." Ye Shaoyang didn't tell Meihua, after all, Meihua is also an evil thing, and he asked an evil thing that shouldn't stay in the world to help drive the true god away... This kind of No matter how it sounds, something is wrong, and it is easy to be caught as a pigtail, so Ye Shaoyang didn't mention it, nor did he mention how to capture the three-legged golden toad and send it to the Yin Division.

"You guys, how dare you touch the Wutong God conferred by the Yin Division! How courageous you are!" Cao Yuxing questioned.

Ye Shaoyang didn't like this tone very much, so Ye Shaoyang frowned and didn't make a sound.

Miao Xin said slowly: "The three-legged golden toad was sealed by my grandfather. It suppresses the ancient tomb here. You captured him and sent him to the underworld. What's your intention?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I don't know about the ancient tomb, but he is here to harm the girl, don't tell me you don't know."

Wonderful words.

Cao Yuxing snorted and said, "What the three-legged golden toad does is naturally under the control of the Yin Division. If the Yin Division thinks that his merits are greater than his faults and acquiesces in his doing so, what are you doing? Do you really regard yourself as a master?"

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