Urban Witcher

Chapter 2139 Chapter 2147 Peacock 1

"Uh... a little bit, I have stayed in big cities." Ye Shaoyang poured her another cup of tea and said, "Don't talk about this, tell me what happened to that ancient tomb, whose ancient tomb is it? tomb?"

"I... go to the room first."

"What are you doing?"

Miao Xin ignored him, with an unnatural expression on her face, took the key given by the previous boss and went to the next door.

"What did she do?" Ye Shaoyang was curious.

"You don't need to ask, it's convenient to go." Mao Xiaofang gave him a blank look.

"Oh..." Ye Shaoyang stuck out his tongue in embarrassment.

Cao Yuxing sat on the bench with Erlang legs crossed, and started chatting with Mao Xiaofang. Mao Xiaofang was a disciple of Tiandao Sect. Not available, but wanted to chat with someone, so I chose Mao Xiaofang.

But because of Ye Shaoyang, Mao Xiaofang really looked down on Cao Yuxing and didn't pay much attention to him. Cao Yuxing was bored, and knew that Mao Xiaofang and Ye Shaoyang were in the same group, so he didn't bother to chat.

After a while, Miao Xin came back, and after sitting down, she began to talk about business, and asked Ye Shaoyang and the two of them: "I don't know if you can see that the trend of the valley where the Toad Valley is located is a dragon vein?"

Ye Shaoyang and the two nodded.

"Then do you know how many dragon veins there are in Huaxia?"

Before Ye Shaoyang could open his mouth, Mao Xiaofang said: "The eleven dragon veins are all on Rilun Mountain and Yumai. Most of them were sealed by Zhu Yuanzhang. The rest were sealed when the Tartars entered the customs. There is one In Liaodong, it is said that Nurhachi rose through this dragon vein."

Miao Xin nodded her head and said: "The dragon veins sealed by the Qing Dynasty were sealed by my ancestors. My ancestors were the national teachers of the Qing Dynasty."

Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang were shocked when these words came out.

"Are you... Manchu?" Mao Xiaofang asked.

"I'm a Han Chinese, but my ancestors were the Imperial Masters of the Qing Dynasty, who started from the Kangxi Dynasty, so they are not considered traitors, are they?"

"It doesn't count, of course it doesn't count." Both Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang said they didn't count. After all, the Manchus had already entered the customs at that time. Born in that era, there was no way to do things for the court. Like Wu Sangui and Shi Lang, those who had served the Han officials and then gave their lives to the Tartars were considered traitors.

"It is unrealistic to say that the Manchus entered the customs relying on Fengshui. However, after the Manchus entered the customs, they were really worried that the Han people would rob the country, so from the Kangxi Dynasty onwards, I ordered my ancestors to search for dragon veins in various places. Dynasty, I finally found and destroyed most of the dragon veins... The dragon vein here is one of them, but Feng Shui has been destroyed at that time. At that time, I was very curious about who was buried, so I went to the tomb to check.

At that time, a lot of traps were found outside the main tomb, and there was a lot of evil below. My ancestors were afraid that there would be something weird, so they brought a lot of people down, at least nearly a hundred of them, after opening the traps of the tomb passage, it turned out... ... all died inside. At that time, my ancestors went to the tomb together with father and son. The old father tried his best to send his son out. After he came out, he called his colleagues from the magic world to go to the tomb together. The big array sealed the evil things inside, repaired and sealed the tomb passage from the outside, so that no traces could be seen from the outside, and destroyed the feng shui here, to a certain extent, it could prevent people from being found. "

Having said that, Miao Xin paused for a moment and took a sip of water.

Ye Shaoyang asked curiously: "What evil is in the tomb?"

"Corpse refining vat." Miao Xin spit out these three words slowly, and then added, "A corpse refining vat occupied by evil things."

"What!" Mao Xiaofang yelled as soon as he heard it, "The corpse refining vat is occupied by evil things? Then..."

Miao Xin understood what he meant, and said: "The corpse refining vat itself is a rare evil weapon in the world. If it is occupied by evil things, it is unimaginable. According to the clues handed down by my family, the evil things in this tomb are a Only the demon king... have you ever heard of the birth of the corpse refining vat?"

Mao Xiaofang nodded immediately, and said: "I've heard that a corpse refining vat was obtained by a demon king. I wanted to use her to cultivate, but I was eaten back by the corpse refining vat. After being absorbed, my spiritual wisdom was also absorbed by the corpse refining vat." Controlled by evil spirits, it became an evil spirit. But... wasn't it destroyed later?"

"I also heard that it was destroyed. This public case has been going on for a long time, so I don't know, but the corpse refining jar buried in this tomb should be this one. But when my ancestors went to the tomb, the corpse refining jar was in the In the dormant state, he just woke up a little bit, so he had the opportunity to send his son out..."

Ye Shaoyang was terrified when he heard that, what kind of ghost refining vat, it only woke up a little, and killed hundreds of people. Since the ancestor of Miaoxin, since he was the master of the Qing Dynasty, he was forced to sacrifice himself and put his son to death. Send it out... If the evil spirit in this corpse refining vat is fully awakened, what kind of concept would it be?

Miao Xin went on to say: "Later, my surviving ancestor... was the son of the father and son. He sealed the ancient tomb without even digging out his father's body, and left a message. Each generation of descendants of the family must be responsible for the seal of this ancient tomb, so as not to let the corpse refining vat reappear in the world, causing endless disasters.

Decades ago, when my grandfather caught up with an earthquake, the outer seal was loose. He had no choice but to re-seal it, and sealed the three-legged golden toad as a mountain god. As a living formation, it has continued to this day... ..."

Speaking of this, she fixed her eyes on Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang, implying that she had finished speaking.

The two of Ye Shaoyang murmured, digested for a long time, and finally understood the ins and outs of this ancient tomb. Ye Shaoyang said: "But you have said so much, you still haven't said, who is the owner of this ancient tomb?"

Miao Xin carries a knitted bag with her, which is very fashionable in this era, something only found in big cities, but it looks retro in Ye Shaoyang's eyes.

Miao Xin took out a small object from her bag and put it on the table.

Ye Shaoyang and the two of them immediately fixed their eyes on it. It was a square jade seal, white with a little greenish, crystal clear, with a wandering luster under the kerosene lamp. This jade seal was the size of a child's fist, and there were carvings on it. Ye Shaoyang looked at it and was shocked. On the top of the jade seal was a coiled dragon. The carving was very fine and lifelike just by looking at it.

"Is this used by the emperor?" Ye Shaoyang responded quickly. In his time, dragon-shaped sculptures could be seen everywhere, but in ancient times, except for the emperor, no one dared to use dragon-shaped objects, otherwise It is a capital offense.

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