Urban Witcher

Chapter 216

"This gentleman, you can't!" The driver ran down from the car, but he was afraid of the zombie and didn't dare to go forward. He bowed to Ye Shaoyang from a distance, and said anxiously: "Sir, we all know that you have some It's capable, but the God of Corpse is willing to leave for the sake of face, please don't offend it, sir, otherwise, if you are not an opponent, all of us in the car will suffer."

After listening to him, the people in the car nodded in agreement. The ghost looked at Ye Shaoyang, with a smug smile on his stiff face.

Seeing this scene, Ye Shaoyang not only didn't feel angry, but burst out laughing. "The light of rice grains also emits brilliance, and you, should you be worthy of being called a god?"

The ghost corpse was stunned, with a confused expression on his face, he didn't understand that Ye Shaoyang was not stimulated at all, how could he know that he was not even qualified to stimulate him. But he wouldn't think of this, he wanted to tear Ye Shaoyang to pieces right now, so he grunted, clasped his claws with both hands, and rushed towards Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head lightly, took a wrong step to avoid the attack, and got behind him. Before he could turn around, he lightly slapped his palm on the back of his head, and immediately heard a "click", a complete head, along the way. Following the track of the scar on his face, it split in two, one half fell to the ground, and the other half was still on his head.

Inside the head, the brain was still intact, a large mass like fat intestines, covered with congealed blood clots.

"Woooo..." The ghost let out a series of low-pitched mournful moans, and it didn't care about attacking Ye Shaoyang anymore. It squatted on the ground, picked up the cut-off half of its head, and pressed it firmly on its own head. Please be our greatest support, thank you!

In the end, it was not buckled correctly, and it was a little crooked. The top edge got stuck on his brain, and he squeezed it hard. As a result, his brain burst and flowed down his hair and his hands.

This scene... directly caused many people in the car to spit it out on the spot.

Ye Shaoyang frowned, walked over, raised his left hand, and tapped his middle finger on the ghost gate of the corpse. He moved back and dragged out a phantom in the shape of a human. The original corpse fell to the ground motionless.

Everyone looked at it intently, and the appearance of that "phantom" was the same as that of the corpse, except for the scar on the head. Obviously, it was the soul of that zombie.

With just one click, the zombie ghost was captured. Although these people don't know magic, they can tell that the young man in front of him is indeed a master, and they can't help but respect him.

"Master, spare your life, spare your life." The ghost begged for mercy.

Ye Shaoyang sneered and said, "Now that you know how to call me Grandmaster, where are you from, how did you die, and why did you take our car?"

After speaking, release the ghost from his hands.

The ghost immediately fell on the ground, whining and crying. "I, my name is Jin Jun. I'm from the Jinjiazhai in Qiuhaishan. I was working on a construction site in Rongcheng. Because I had a conflict with a worker, he cut me to death with a shovel. Woooooo... where he killed me In the woods, I was afraid that the corpse would be eaten by wild animals, so I controlled my corpse before the ghost messenger came, and walked back by myself, wanting to return to the roots..."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head when he heard this, people are dead, how could he have such ignorant thoughts, and he didn't bother to say anything to him right now, so he drew a soul-attracting charm and said to him: "While you haven't stayed in Yangjian for a long time, Hurry up and report to the Yin Division, and the punishment will be less, your body, don’t worry, I will send it to your home.”

The old man of the Jin Army did not hesitate to violate the laws of the Nether Division, but also possessed himself on the corpse, in order to send the corpse home. Now Ye Shaoyang promised to do it for him, instead of going there himself, and if he went to the Nether Division earlier, he could also reduce his punishment. Of course, he wished for it.

Immediately, he bowed to Ye Shaoyang, turned around on the spot, turned into a cloud of smoke, and attached to the soul-attracting talisman, Ye Shaoyang let go of his hand, and the talisman flew up in the wind and gradually disappeared.

Ye Shaoyang let out a breath and looked up, only to find that everyone inside and outside the car was looking at him in shock and awe, especially the driver, scratching his ears and cheeks, looking very nervous.

"Master, Grand Master, I offended you just now..."

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the brain-cracked corpse on the ground, and said: "His corpse, I think I'll leave it to you, and you are responsible for sending it to his home. For you, it is also a sinful virtue, how about it?"

"It's easy to talk about. My car happened to pass by Jinjiazhai, and I will definitely give it to his family in person." The driver immediately opened the luggage rack on the car, pulled out a tarp, and asked two enthusiastic passengers to help him. The corpses were carried up, carefully wrapped, and stuffed under the shelves.

Everyone returned to the car one after another and continued on their way.

Ye Shaoyang didn't like the feeling of being noticed, so he moved to the back row with Qin Xiaohui and Xiao Ma. The student was still playing games and didn't raise his head. He was really calm, which made Ye Shaoyang admire him.

After driving, Tan Xiaohui took the initiative to tell Ye Shaoyang that the Miao people, especially the Miao people in this place, valued what happened after death. There was no cremation, so after people died, they had to go home no matter what, and they were most afraid of dying in a foreign land.

"However, because the dead body is rarely found by people, it is rare for zombies to return home," Tan Xiaohui said. Family, basically choose to exorcise the corpse, would rather trouble than bring back the ashes after cremation, this is a custom."

"That's why you have to find your cousin's bones no matter what." Ye Shaoyang said in a low voice.

Tan Xiaohui nodded, "I forgot to tell you, that day, Xiaoting and I used a kind of... witchcraft to check the water in the well to make sure there were no bones underneath."

After she mentioned it, Ye Shaoyang also thought of it, "This means that your cousin died there?"

"No, she must have died in the well. The current situation can only show that her body was taken away. It is likely that Jin Shuai did it."

After a pause, Tan Xiaohui continued: "It's impossible for him to do useless things, let alone bury her with good intentions, so...he must have used my cousin's bones for some bad purpose."

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback: "What use are human bones?"

"Some advanced black witchcraft can be performed through human bones," Tan Xiaohui sighed, and said, "I don't dare to guess now, let's talk about it when we find the bones."

"Do you know where?"

"I guess, the human bones are probably used in the five ghosts moving mountains formation. Since there are none in the four formations, it can only be used in the last formation."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, agreeing with her statement. A faint intuition arose in his heart, Jin Shuai must have used this set of human bones in some terrible witchcraft, and this last formation would definitely not be easy to decipher.

"By the way, you just mentioned expelling corpses, isn't that something from Xiangxi?" Ye Shaoyang asked curiously, thinking about what she had said before.

Qin Xiaohui said: "As long as there are places where Miao people gather, there are corpses. But now that the transportation is convenient, it is basically unnecessary. But in some mountainous areas where cars cannot enter, and there are some special circumstances, corpses are still used. "

As soon as Xiao Ma heard this topic, he immediately became interested, and said: "What is the matter of exorcising corpses? I have watched some TV programs, and it was revealed that exorcising corpses is actually carrying corpses. Isn't it true?"

Qin Xiaohui smiled contemptuously, and was about to speak when suddenly a loud noise came from outside the car window. Everyone was attracted by the sound, and turned their heads together to look, only to see a column of water more than ten meters high rising from the river below the cliff, slowly falling .

"Someone fried fish?" Xiao Ma said in shock, "With such a powerful power, the one who knows how to use it is TNT, right?"

Tan Xiaohui shook her head slowly, stared out of the window, and murmured three words: "Let's go!"


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