Urban Witcher

Chapter 2165 Chapter 2173 Strange fish 1

Miao Xin suddenly took out what looked like a cigar from her backpack. It was a stick of thick incense. After lighting it, thick blue smoke burst out immediately. Under Miao Xin's method, the green smoke went towards the stairs in the opposite direction. Float below.

Miaoxin stood still, took the three-color lotus lantern from Ye Shaoyang, and lit it up the stairs herself. After waiting for a while, she saw a puff of blue smoke floating down the stairs.

People are downstairs, and the smoke is flying downstairs, but it actually floats down from the top of the head. Although this is the only way to crack the Hanging Soul Ladder, but after experiencing this process, I still can't accept this logic...

Miaoxin asked Ye Shaoyang to hold the incense, walked to the place where the smoke was mixed, squatted on the ground, took out a stone pen from the backpack, and drew a strange symbol like a five-pointed star on the ground, and then in the middle, He set up a candle, lit it, and asked everyone to walk in the opposite direction with her.

After turning a few corners, he returned to the distance again, and the candle stuck on the ground appeared in his vision.

Miao Xin smiled slightly, walked up to her, folded her hands, recited the incantation once, then opened her eyes, and blew out the candle vigorously.

The moment the candle was blown out, everyone felt a strange change around them, as if some invisible vibration had occurred in the air, and then... everything returned to normal.

"Are you okay?" Ye Shaoyang asked, looking around, he looked no different from before.

"It should be all right." Miao Xin said, beckoning everyone to go down, making the same turn as before. Everyone couldn't help being a little nervous, but when they turned to the fourth bend, a long corridor appeared in front of them, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and finally walked out of the Hanging Soul Ladder.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Shaoyang called to the people who were about to walk up the corridor, and pointed to the three-color lotus lamp in his hand. The three-color lotus lamp has now become the real three colors: red, green, and black. Moreover, the wind was clearly blowing from the other side of the corridor, but the lights of the three-color lotus lanterns fell towards the direction of the corridor, as if something was attracting the flames there.

"There are ghosts, demons, and zombies..." All the mages present, seeing the three-color lotus lantern in this way, immediately understood. Mao Xiaofang took a deep breath and murmured: "It's normal to have zombies in this ancient tomb, and it's understandable if there are ghosts. Why are there still demons?"

No one can answer this question.

"There should be danger ahead, everyone be careful! Zombies are easy to deal with. If there is a trap against tomb robbers, we are also mortals, so don't worry about it."

Miao Xin asked everyone to line up in a long line, so as to minimize contact with the ground, so as not to trigger some kind of mechanism, and then walked in the front, Ye Shaoyang followed her and stretched out his hand to illuminate the lamp for her, and then walked towards the camp step by step. Walking in the corridor, pay attention to your feet with every step.

The corridor is very long. It is made of tomb bricks up, down, left, and right. It is presented in an arched shape. There is no decoration around it, and the bricks and stones look very solid. Walking in the corridor, Ye Shaoyang thought that the corridor was built brick by tile. Yes, I have some feelings in my heart, don't talk about other places, just talk about such a long tomb passage and the stairs I walked before, I don't know how many people and how long it will take to complete it.

And this, from the current point of view, this is at most a small part of the ancient tomb... The real threat is still deep in the ancient tomb.

At the end of the corridor, a road appeared on both sides, showing the shape of a "Ding".

On the wall opposite the intersection, there is a statue, which is a Buddha, sitting on a lotus platform, with one hand holding a flower, the other hand on his chest, wearing a Tripitaka crown on his head, with a serene expression, Ye Shaoyang observed it specially At the corner of his mouth, he found that there was no smile on the Buddha's face.

Wutong walked to the Buddha statue, bowed and bowed.

Ye Shaoyang asked: "What kind of Buddha is this?"

"This is Manjusri Bodhisattva, but it is the image of Tibetan Buddhism. It is different from the image of Bodhisattvas in Chinese Buddhism. I have seen Tibetan Buddhist statues in some classics. I can't remember many of them, but I can still recognize a few Bodhisattvas. .”

Miao Xin heard what she said, and said: "It really has something to do with Bon Religion. Bon Religion is a black religion in the Western Regions. After Buddhism was introduced, it absorbed a lot of things from Buddhism and worshiped the main god of Buddhism."

Wu Tong said: "This makes sense, but I still can't figure it out. Didn't you say that this is the tomb of Zhao Yu's descendants? Why do you enshrine the gods of the Bon religion?"

"I don't know either. It seems that we have to go to the tomb first."

Ye Shaoyang used the three-color lotus lamp to illuminate both sides, and they were all the same passage, so he asked Miaoxin which side to go.

Miao Xin felt that the wind was blowing from the road on the left, so she suggested to go to the left first. Just like before, she asked Ye Shaoyang to hold the three-color lotus lantern, then stared at her feet, and walked carefully, suddenly found some marks on the floor, looked down, there were many scratches on the ground, winding and circling on the bluestone board ...

Miao Xin looked down for a while, feeling something was wrong, so she asked Ye Shaoyang to take out a few candles from her bag, lit them, and placed them on both sides of the aisle. The notch on the ground is a pattern, it looks a bit like a spider, but it is very abstract, the lines are complicated but not chaotic, everyone observed it together for a long time, but still can't figure out what it is...

Miao Xin guessed that this might be some kind of totem of the Bon religion. As for its function, they couldn't figure it out for a while, so everyone had to give up temporarily and continue walking to the end of the corridor. By candlelight, you can see that on both sides of the tomb passage, there are some arched door openings, one after another, separated by a distance of about ten meters.

"It looks like an air-raid shelter." Ye Shaoyang blurted out, thinking of those wall holes in the air-raid shelter.

"What is an air-raid shelter?" Miao Xin asked.

"It's the place to prevent plane bombing..."

Seeing Miao Xin and other people's bizarre gazes, Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered that there was no air-raid shelter in this era, so he had to smile coyly, "I just said it casually, just pretend you didn't hear it."

There was no plane bombing in this era, so it is impossible to have an air-raid shelter, and this is an ancient tomb. I don’t know what is in each of these tombs. Ye Shaoyang carried a three-color lotus lantern, and walked into a tomb first.

The tomb is very small, only the size of a bathroom in an ordinary house, and there is only one thing in it: the coffin.

The coffin made of stone, with the big end facing inward and the small end facing outward, was just embedded in the tomb, and there was no room around it.

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