Urban Witcher

Chapter 2216 Chapter 2224 Door 2

Humans have their own way, but demons have their way.

Evil spirits are ever-changing, each with its own strengths, beyond the reach of manpower. That's why human beings invented various spells to deal with evil spirits. Taoism's Four Pillars and Five Elements, Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams, Buddhism's Three Sets and Five Gates, and Six-Character Mantra, etc. One exception is ghost art, that is, after the death of a mage, he transforms his whole body into a breath that can be mastered by the soul, retains his cultivation as much as possible, and practice according to the laws of magic he mastered during his lifetime.

Since Biqing was able to absorb and use the formation that sealed her, there is only one possibility: she used to be a mage in the world!

In just a short moment, Ye Shaoyang thought of all these, and came to this judgment through reasoning.

"You guys are all pretty good. It's just good enough for me to absorb it for a while!" Biqing's voice came from all directions.

As soon as the voice fell, the five-element formation suddenly spun, and terrifying forces surged from five directions overwhelmingly. Ye Shaoyang and his party immediately felt tremendous pressure. It can be blocked for a while, but everyone knows that it won't last long.

"We form an formation to resist, you stand in the position I said!"

Miao Xin instructed everyone to stand still, holding a magic staff and chanting spells. With the cooperation of everyone, a temporary formation was set up to cover several people present to resist the terrifying power and those ghosts coming from the five-element formation. s attack.

After running for a while, the five-element formation stopped, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but it didn't take long for the five-element formation to operate again. For a while, the flames shot up into the sky, approaching everyone. Even though there was an enchantment that blocked most of the power, everyone still felt hot intolerable.

"This is hellfire!" Ye Shaoyang said in horror, feeling even more horrified in his heart, damn it, this girl can actually control hellfire!

"It's a formation, it's summoned by the formation." Miao Xin said, "The previous wave was the wind, now it's a sea of ​​fire, and after that there are falling rocks, ice lights, and heart-killing swords... This is the five-element killing formation... It is unbelievable to launch to this intensity, we will not be able to sustain the fifth wave."

Ye Shaoyang asked while practicing, "Then what should I do?"

"The formation works, and the five elements generate and restrain each other. There must be a gate of life and a gate of death, which are constantly changing...every time we change direction, the two gates of life and death are also changing, so we are safe for now, but if we stand differently, sooner or later there will still be chaos here." Transformed into four doors, so the attack is wave after wave. After five waves, the cycle repeats without end. Only by constantly moving and changing directions can we temporarily guarantee safety..."

After hearing her finish, Wu Tong immediately asked: "There are six spaces divided by the formation. If life and death are divided in half, there are three places for life and three places for death. How do we know which way to move? What if we bump into death?" Where is the door?"

"I can only try, I can't figure out the mechanism of the formation for a while..."

Life and death are fate, at least there is a chance to fight, at most it is a narrow escape, if you stand here all the time, you will definitely die. Therefore, after listening to Miao Xin's words, everyone has no opinion.

Miao Xin looked around, the other spaces separated by the light looked calm from the outside, she really didn't know which one to go to, so she had to choose one at random, let everyone wait, and try it by herself.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed her and said, "If you go here, if it's a door to death, you won't be able to get out."

"Then what to do, are you waiting to die here?"

"Follow me, stay safe!"

After Ye Shaoyang finished speaking, he stepped towards a space on the right, but no one stopped him. Ye Shaoyang stepped in, and was immediately hidden by the space, making him invisible.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one expected Ye Shaoyang to be so decisive and leave as soon as he said it.

"Do you want to go?" Miao Xin asked in a daze.

"Try, I believe in Shaoyangzi!" After Mao Xiaofang finished speaking, he also stepped over.

Wutong and Miaoxin glanced at each other, nodded, first withstood the attack of those ghosts, and asked Lu Xiaoqing to wake up Chen Xiaoyu, and take his Monkey King with him.

"You guys go. I won't go! I don't believe him!" Chen Xiaoyu shouted.

At this moment of life and death, no one paid any attention to his angry words, since he was awake anyway, so he ignored him and jumped over the connecting lines between spaces one after another.

Only Chen Xiaoyu was left alone, staring blankly at the direction where everyone disappeared, sighed, and jumped over.

If you want to die, everyone will die together.

But what if none of them died, and he died alone, how unlucky would that be?

With this attitude, Chen Xiaoyu had to keep up with the big troops no matter what.

The space next door was really calm, not even disturbed by those ghosts.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Miao Xin thought of something, and asked Ye Shaoyang: "Are you fooled?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "Since it is a five-element formation, it must follow the laws of the five elements. There are twenty-five possible changes, and all changes are inseparable. As long as you master the rules, you will know where the door of life is."

Miao Xin frowned and said, "Twenty-five changes, each of which is possible, how do you determine which one is right?"

"I have my own way of deduction." Ye Shaoyang smiled, this is difficult to explain, and I don't have time to explain it: I know innate gossip, innate gossip, not only hexagram images, five elements and gossip are one, based on the innate gossip, Ye Shaoyang can deduce various formation mechanisms based on the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams, which is impossible in Acquired Eight Diagrams.

It seems that after mastering the multiplication table, you can easily calculate the multiplication of various numbers, which is incredible for people who don't understand.

After waiting for a while, Ye Shaoyang pointed in another direction and got into another adjacent space, and it was indeed safe again.

"Eldest brother, why are you here?" Ye Shaoyang raised his eyebrows at Chen Xiaoyu.

Chen Xiaoyu's face was flushed, and he was extremely aggrieved, but he didn't dare to attack Ye Shaoyang.

During the interval between formation changes, Ye Shaoyang led everyone to constantly move directions, drilled into different spaces, all the way was safe, never encountered danger again, and even the intrusion of those ghosts was no longer there.

"Are we going to hide like this?" Indus asked.

"Although this five-element killing formation is formed with the help of the venue, it is also laborious to drive. I don't believe that she can play hide-and-seek with us all the time." Ye Shaoyang frowned and said, "I'm afraid, she has other means."

Biqing's voice came from an unknown direction again, and there was some surprise in the voice: "Why can you touch the law of the Five Elements Killing Formation?"

"Small skills, what is this?" Ye Shaoyang said deliberately exaggerated.

(End of this chapter)——

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