Urban Witcher

Chapter 222 Discovery

Wang Ting immediately explained: "Yes, from our side, if you want to go up, you can only pass through that pass. The cliff is so high, and they are not afraid of going into the valley by surprise, so they only sent a few people to guard the pass. Originally, you There is also on the road up the mountain, I was transferred here..."

Ye Shaoyang said in surprise: "Can you mobilize them?"

Wang Ting listened, and smiled mysteriously, "I put a spell on them, and they will obey my arrangement. Unless you try your heart, no one will be able to tell from the outside."

This time, not only Xiao Ma, but also Ye Shaoyang felt incredible, "There is such a magical Gu technique?"

Wang Ting said with a smile: "Every line is like a mountain. Brother Shaoyang, you don't know Gu art, so you think it's magical, just like we still think Taoism is magical. A small magic talisman can cast down demons."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, this is the truth.

The group followed Jin Shuai and others at the bottom of the cliff, and within ten minutes, the dead man's ditch came to an end, and there was a similar cliff behind it, connecting the ridges on both sides, and there was an open space the size of a football field in the middle.

Dozens of people in black robes lined up neatly and stood in the open space. When they saw Jin Shuai approaching, they bowed and saluted together. They put their hands in strange poses and muttered something. Judging by their expressions, they were very respectful to Jin Shuai.

"This pockmark, it's quite scary, I'll be forty-five yards later..."

"Brother Ma, don't say anything we don't understand." Teng Yongqing interrupted him.

"Fuck, you have a low IQ, do you think other people are as stupid as you?"

"Stop making trouble. Look over there." Tan Xiaohui pointed behind the group of men in black. In that open space, a large white cloth was spread, and something seemed to be covering it.

Jin Shuai walked among many blood wizards, came to the white cloth, knelt on the ground, chanted in a low voice, and waved his hands. After several minutes, he stood up and ordered four people to grab a corner of the cloth, Open up a little bit

Ye Shaoyang and the others immediately widened their eyes, and invariably let out surprised gasps:

Beneath the white cloth was a huge coffin, embedded in a deep pit matching its shape, so that only a coffin lid could be seen, and the coffin lid alone shocked everyone:

Judging from the color, the lid of the coffin should be made of copper, but there is a faint green glow. There are rows of beads the size of longan inlaid around the lid, which glow even in the daytime. There is a cloud-shaped cloud in the middle. The ornamentation divides the coffin cover into two.

On the upper part of the coffin lid is a huge butterfly relief. The lines of the two wings are carved very softly. The position of the head is a skull with four fangs carved out of the mouth.

The beauty of the wings is fused with the evil of the skeleton. This feeling is indescribably weird and evil. It looks very uncomfortable, and even gives people a chilling feeling.

In the middle of the coffin, there are three pieces of jade rings, which look a bit like a compass, with densely packed words or symbols engraved on them. From such a height on the top of the mountain, nothing can be seen clearly.

On the coffin, there are a total of eight grooves with the thickness of human arms, which spread out in a "rice-shaped" shape and extend all the way around the coffin, just connecting to eight ravines dug on the ground. In the pit, the sides and bottom of the pit are inlaid with red stone slabs.

Such a grand and weird scene, especially viewed from a height, has an indescribable shock.

Wang Ting explained from the side: "When we came, the coffin had already been embedded in the ground. These people have been digging ditches for the past few days, and by this morning, it was all completed."

"In this coffin, the corpse king should be buried, right?" Xiao Ma murmured, "But what's the use of Jin Mazi sending people to dig these holes?"

After observing for a long time, Ye Shaoyang already had a good idea. He pointed to the three rings in the middle of the coffin and said, "This should be a mechanism. The eight grooves around it, and the eight guideways dug out beside it, together It's bloodletting.

Have you noticed that every bloodletting channel has a slightly sloping arc, including the coffin lid. In this way, the blood on each bloodletting channel can flow all the way to the middle, enter the three rings, and activate Take it easy and enter the coffin. "

Little Ma said in a low voice, "Where did the blood come from?"

"Of course it's the eight pits, the eight sacrificial pools," Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked at Tan Xiaohui, "If I'm not mistaken, these eight sacrificial pools are the places where the four animals and four birds are slaughtered. blood, to activate the mechanism in the middle of the coffin, flow into the coffin, be absorbed by the blood gu corpse king, and wake it up."

Tan Xiaohui nodded, "It's the first time I've seen this scene, but my guess is the same as yours."

The pony shook his head, and said with a little flinching: "What the hell, to wake up the corpse king, there is such a big fight, this corpse king must be amazing, little leaf, are you confident?"

"No," Ye Shaoyang replied very frankly, looking at the huge coffin, and said, "The Tao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet high. This guy has been lying in bed for thousands of years, and I don't know how many times he has absorbed sacrifices. God knows How powerful this thing is. We can only find a way to stop it from coming out."

Qin Xiaohui nodded and said, "Today is the first day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, the day of the waning moon. I guess they will perform priests tonight. We still have a few hours to prepare. Does anyone have any good ideas?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Teng Yongqing looked at the cliffs on both sides of Dead Man's Valley, and said: "There is only one way to enter this valley. We can't take a sneak attack. We can only attack from the front. They can't be undefended, so it's a tough battle."

Everyone was silent, Ye Shaoyang looked at Jin Shuai and the black-robed man at the bottom of the cliff, and murmured: "From the top down, it is almost within reach, but it is a pity that there is no way to sneak attack..."

The little horse slapped his head and said, "I have a solution! Isn't there a lot of stones on this mountain? Let's use Rolling Stones to push the stones down the mountain to hit them... No matter how awesome these guys are, their bodies are made of flesh Right? I don’t believe that a stone rolled down from the top of the mountain can’t kill them!”

Ye Shaoyang said: "This method is good, but we only have a few people. If the rolling stone goes down, they just need to stand in the middle of the open space, so as to avoid it, and the damage is not strong. After all, the stone is rolling down, and the distance is limited. We are not big. You can't use throwing ones for wrestlers, but...if there's something like black dog blood, it's easy to handle."

"There's plenty of black dog blood!" Wang Ting said excitedly.


The next two chapters will be published as soon as they are written.

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