Urban Witcher

Chapter 2231 Chapter 2239 Team of Three 1

Ye Shaoyang didn't understand, and asked, "What does it mean?"

"There are also many sects that do not obey the guidance of the Spell Guild. They have been resisting in series for a long time, accumulating strength secretly, but this time they let Taohuashan take the lead. These sects are ready to move, and the Spell Guild does not want this momentum to continue... "

"Kill chickens to scare monkeys?"

"Yes, kill chickens to warn monkeys. The Magic Guild must attack Peach Blossom Mountain. Pressing down this mysterious figure can also be regarded as giving these sects their prestige." Daoyuan picked up the teapot and started drinking. At this moment, Baozi poked his head out from behind Ye Shaoyang. , was seen by him.

Immortal Daoyuan saw that he was an evil thing at a glance, he was stunned for a moment and said, "Who is this?"

"My newly recruited demon servant, don't worry about this, just go on. By the way, the magic guild can't kill people, right?"

"Of course not. However, you can compete. As long as you defeat that mysterious figure in front of many people, everything will be resolved."

Mao Xiaofang said: "Didn't you say that person is very capable."

"It's very strong. So when the time comes, other sects will see that such a strong person can't fight against the magic guild, and others will naturally give up their hearts." Daoyuan shrugged helplessly, "Speaking of it , Taoism is more important than strength, but now no one talks about Taoism, if you want to tell others the truth, you must first conquer him with your fists."

Strength is king, this is an eternal truth, even in the magic world, it is impossible to truly transcend.

Of course Mao Xiaofang also understands this truth, and pondered: "The disciple Xingyuenu likes is naturally very powerful. Being able to be easily defeated by this mysterious person shows that this person is really terrifying."

"That's why the Magic Guild summoned disciples to go there together, and it also attaches great importance to this matter." Daoyuan turned his head to look at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "What do you think about this matter?"

Ye Shaoyang put his chin in his hand and said, "I want to go to Peach Blossom Mountain and meet this mysterious person. I am not from this era. I don't want to get involved in Xuanyuan's entanglement with the magic world, but you are my good brothers. I I will definitely help you."

Ye Shaoyang has a very strange feeling to call these two people who are a hundred years older than him brothers and sisters, especially Daoyuan Daoyuan, but the people of his ancestors...

After discussing with each other, the three began to pack their luggage and left immediately.

Ye Shaoyang thought, Wutong and the others were summoned back suddenly, probably because of the Peach Blossom Mountain incident. In this case, when he arrived, he might have a chance to meet him.

Not long after the three of them started on the road, Li Haoran and Biqing finally found this inn in the town: they had arrived at the ancient tomb a long time ago, but they couldn't find Ye Shaoyang when they looked around. Biqing thought that they might settle down in a nearby town, so they came to the town It took a lot of time to inquire online, and when they went to the inn, the three of Ye Shaoyang had already left.

Biqing asked the boss where they were going, and the two chased them all the way. They could have caught up, but coincidentally, the three of Ye Shaoyang had walked for a while before Mao Xiaofang remembered that he had agreed to go to the grave Get some gold, and tell Daoyuan Daoyuan that Daoyuan is not interested in tomb robbery, but he is very interested in the calligraphy and paintings inside, so he turned back with them and went to the ancient tomb.

Li Haoran and Biqing didn't go the same way with them, so they just missed it and had an oolong. Biqing would never have thought that when they were looking for Ye Shaoyang everywhere, Ye Shaoyang was actually in his lair ...

Seeing Li Haoran, Biqing naturally did not go back to the ancient tomb. Anyway, the corpse refining jar was also on her body. After discussing it, the two decided to go back to Peach Blossom Mountain together. They will probably go to Peach Blossom Mountain together, and Li Haoran is even more sure about this. I believe that with Ye Shaoyang's character, he will never miss such a lively event.

Moreover, Li Haoran wanted to go back and lead Taohuashan to resist the siege of the Magic Guild, so they left together.

The three of Ye Shaoyang first went to the blacksmith's shop in the town, bought a sledgehammer, then went down to the ancient tomb together, came to the secret room where the treasure was hidden, and used the hammer to break open the lock on the upper door. It's the same as in the illusion of Buddha's flower.

According to Baozi, once the psychic Buddha flower takes root, it can perceive all the environment within a radius of about ten miles, so it created that illusion based on reality.

Baozi led the way, and everyone found gold first, but it was not easy to carry, and the three of them were not very greedy for money (except Ye Shaoyang, but he was afraid that the things here would not be brought back to his own time, so he didn't want to waste his efforts), so he took it. Not many, just took a few gold ingots, and then entered the compartment of the secret room, found those antique jade wares, and each picked a few pieces.

Daoyuan Daoyuan is only interested in calligraphy and painting. After reading the calligraphy and painting in these ancient tombs one by one, his eyes are moist. He understands this, and only when he truly understands can he know their value.

"I'd better choose one, these treasures... can't let me occupy them all by myself, or I won't feel at ease." Daoyuan Daoyuan hesitated for a long time, and finally chose a painting to take away.

When they left the ancient tomb, the three of them took a different path from before, avoiding the well. According to Baozi, there is indeed an underground river under the well, and there is a group of salamanders living in it. Ye Shaoyang and the others I only met two before, so I was really lucky.

After leaving the ancient tomb, the three of them, together with the two evil creatures, Meihua and Baozi, set out on the road together, heading for Hangzhou Taohua Mountain. During this time, Meihua went back to her cave for a while, and according to Ye Shaoyang's request, she dismissed all her subordinates - like them gathered together like this, no matter whether they are evil cultivators or not, as long as they form a party, they will naturally be in the future. Attracting the attention of the underworld and the wizarding world will not end well. Of course, Meihua obeyed Ye Shaoyang's arrangement, besides being able to follow Ye Shaoyang's side, she was also satisfied, and she was not nostalgic for her cave.

Walking on the road, everyone chatted again.

Ye Shaoyang told him the things that happened after Daoyuan Daoyuan left. Daoyuan Daoyuan finally set his eyes on Baozi, looked at it curiously, and asked him many questions about the growth of the psychic Buddha flower, but Baozi was too lazy to answer.

"By the way, Shaoyangzi, I was in Peach Blossom Mountain, and I met Yun Qiusheng, the head teacher of Xuanqing Mountain." Master Daoyuan remembered this and told Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment and said, "What is Yun Qiusheng doing in Peach Blossom Mountain?"

"Didn't I tell you that Xuanqing Mountain refuses to be controlled by the Magic Guild, and we also don't accept Longhu Mountain? There are still several schools. Discuss with Peach Blossom Mountain, and meet that mysterious person by the way..."

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