Urban Witcher

Chapter 226 Enemy

A large wave of gray-black insects squeezed out from the gaps in the crowd, looking like a wave of black tide.

With the light of the torch, Ye Shaoyang took a closer look: this kind of insect looks like a cockroach at first glance, but it has no wings, a bare body, a pair of clip-like sharp teeth at the front end, and is two inches larger than the largest cockroach. Three times, the crawl is fast.

Ye Shaoyang originally had a natural fear of this kind of strange-looking insects. Seeing this huge wave of thousands of insects rushing towards him, he couldn't bear it.

The pony also shouted nervously: "What kind of insects are these, what the hell, there are so many, the baby is scared to death!"

"This is a blood lice, a kind of Gu insect. The venom it sprays out is corrosive. Get behind you and let me come!" Tan Xiaohui said while putting down the tripod, grabbed a handful of soybeans from her backpack, and sprinkled them on the ground. A square tripod, and then found out... two eggs?

Ye Shaoyang and Xiao Ma were shocked. Ye Shaoyang was not surprised why there was an egg in her bag, but after walking this way, the egg was not broken in the bag. How did she do it?

The two retreated one after another, hid behind Qin Xiaohui, looked down, Qin Xiaohui quickly opened the egg, skimmed the yolk, put the egg white into the square tripod, poured in several packets of powders of different colors, stirred them together, and buckled them with a net cover on, and galloped to a bunch of torches, tossed and toasted by the fire.

Inside Fang Ding, there was a sound like fish swimming, which became louder and louder.

This series of actions is troublesome to say, but in fact it is very coherent and completed in one go. When swarms of blood lice crawled in front of her, Tan Xiaohui lifted the net cover on the square tripod, and countless golden snakes crawled out immediately. When it landed, it spit out the letter, and licked the blood lice around it, and the blood lice that were licked immediately turned into pus. The latest chapter has been uploaded

The reaction of the blood lice was very sharp. Once attacked, they immediately gave up on Ye Shaoyang and others, and rushed towards the nearby golden snake, spewing green mucus, and gnawed on the snake's body with sharp teeth.

But it may be due to natural enemies. Although the blood lice have an absolute advantage in number, their attacks basically do no harm to the little snake. On the contrary, every time the little snake licks it, a large number of blood lice will die.

Xiao Ma was startled, staring at Fang Ding in Qin Xiaohui's hand, wondering: "I just can't figure it out, how can so many snakes be conjured from a pile of soybeans and eggs?"

Qin Xiaohui immediately rolled his eyes at him, "Beans and eggs are not transformed into snakes, but are used to hatch them. To put it bluntly, they are for them to eat! Roasting the fire is also to speed up hatching, and the snake eggs are sandwiched in those tadpole powder!"

Ye Shaoyang and Xiao Ma looked at each other, speechless.

Seeing the blood lice and the little golden snake fighting fiercely in the arena, Ye Shaoyang shook his head and sighed: "Miaojiang witchcraft is indeed extensive and profound."

Suddenly, Wang Ting's voice came from above the cliff: "Brother Shaoyang, Jin Shuai ran to the altar, he is going to release the corpse king, hurry up!"

Ye Shaoyang was startled suddenly, and when he looked up, those men in black were standing in a row, blocking the space behind him, and Shuai Jin was indeed gone!

It was only then that he realized why these guys let Tan Xiaohui do what he did before and did nothing until now. It turned out that it was a suspicious strategy to block the space so that he would think that Jin Shuai was still there. These blood wizards are really cunning!

I couldn't care about anything at the moment, unfolded my movements, stepped on the swarms of blood lice, and ran towards the opposite side, the sound of "thump, thump" worms being trampled on the soles of the shoes continued, which sounded very unpleasant. Comfortable, Ye Shaoyang could only grit his teeth and persist.

"Xiaohui support me, let me rush over!" Ye Shaoyang saw those blood wizards on the opposite side gathering towards him, afraid of delaying time, he yelled loudly, just as he finished speaking, he saw countless white silk threads coming from his side. Stretched out, each of them accurately bound the bodies of the blood wizards, and temporarily fixed their moving figures.

Ice silk?

It was only then that Ye Shaoyang remembered that Tan Xiaohui still had a treasure inherited from the family of the Great Witch Fairy on her body: the Extreme North Ice Silkworm, which had never been used. Just as she was about to look back curiously to see how she performed the witchcraft, Tan Xiaohui's leisurely voice suddenly sounded behind her. : "Brother Shaoyang, I beg you, don't look back, don't look back..."

Ye Shaoyang's heart sank, why can't he turn around? And why is there a sadness in Tan Xiaohui's voice?

However, although Ye Shaoyang was extremely curious and knew that if he turned around, he could discover her secrets, he still chose to respect her request, and instead of turning around, he pulled out the seductive rope and turned the two men in black in front of him. Dash across the gap that opened.

"Crack, click!"

The ice silk was strangled by those blood wizards, and they chased after them angrily. However, Ye Shaoyang had already run far away, without being ambushed all the way, and ran to the front of the altar in one breath, just in time to see Jin Shuai holding a big black worm and putting it on the coffin. cover. The bug immediately crawled towards the middle.

Ye Shaoyang took a look and saw a black aura flowing from the worm's translucent body, which was extremely rich. He immediately understood that what flowed from the worm's body was the one that Jin Shuai stole from the Five Ghosts Moving Mountain Formation. A powerful evil energy was sealed in this Gu worm's body by some unknown means.

The worm crawled very fast, and in the blink of an eye came to the middle of the three jade rings, there, compared to before, there was a hole bigger than a fist, the inside was pitch black, and the Gu worm quickly crawled in.

Knowing that Ye Shaoyang couldn't stop it, he simply gave up and looked at the three jade rings and the surroundings, only to see that the three jade rings were turning in different directions, and there was a gap in each ring. When the gap is symmetrical, the blood flowing out from the blood channel of the sacrificial pool that has been surrounding the surroundings flows in through the hole, and then staggers again and seals it up...

Ye Shaoyang suspected that this was because the process of absorbing the blood of the corpse king in the coffin had to be done step by step or something.

At this moment, a muffled hum came out from that hole, with a kind of joy and supreme majesty.

Ye Shaoyang was terrified, the blood gu corpse king, the ancestor of the world's blood wizards, has woken up!

At the same time, streams of energy-filled blood gushed out rhythmically from the hole, as if a person was breathing below.

Jin Shuai didn't know that Ye Shaoyang had arrived, or he was completely immersed in his own world, ignoring the surrounding situation. He opened his arms, lay trembling on the coffin lid, and said in an extremely excited voice: "Old ancestor , you are awake, old ancestor, please give me lich blood... Oh yes, there is another procedure, the heart of the enemy, the heart of the enemy!"


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