Urban Witcher

Chapter 2273 Chapter 2281 Soul flying away 1

"You... are not human." Zhang Xiaohan murmured.

"Don't make excuses for yourself. I'm not a monster, and I don't have any beauty skills. I'm in my twenties just like you."

Zhang Xiaohan's Adam's apple twitched, as if he was about to cry. "who are you?"

"Disciple of Xuanqing Mountain, Ye Shaoyang."

Zhang Xiaohan closed his eyes, his whole body trembled from the humiliation, and wanted to say something cruel, but he didn't say anything after all. At the end, he opened his eyes and said bitterly: "I will definitely seek revenge from you!"

"What kind of revenge, you are about to die, how can you take revenge, if you become a ghost, it will be easier for me to kill you!"

Zhang Xiaohan was startled, but instead sneered, he found another thing that could fight Ye Shaoyang.

"Ye Shaoyang, even if you beat me, so what, do you dare to kill me? If you kill me, you will surely die today!"

"Ye Shaoyang!" Aunt Gui also yelled loudly, "He has already lost, so let him go!"

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and glanced at Aunt Gui who was standing in the distance.

Because she no longer tried to attack Ye Shaoyang, Sibao and the others also stopped attacking her (they couldn't beat her in the first place).

"Meet in a duel, life and death, this rule, don't you understand, if I lose, will he let me go, what would you say to be forgiving and forgiving?"

Aunt Gui's face was livid with anger, but she was really being unreasonable, and she couldn't argue in front of everyone, she just said coldly: "Ye Shaoyang, if you dare to kill him, you will know the consequences!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled at Aunt Gui, and let go of the foot that was on Zhang Xiaohan's chest.

A triumphant expression appeared on Aunt Ghost's face.

The disciples of the magic guild looked at Ye Shaoyang with a hint of sarcasm. Some people even taunted Ye Shaoyang into the Magic Attack Club.

The group of old fellows that Master Ziyun waited for was somewhat disappointed. They also didn't want Ye Shaoyang to kill people and let the situation get out of control, but it was a bit useless to just give in like this.

Zhang Xiaohan stood up from the ground, with a mocking smile on his face, and walked towards Ye Shaoyang, wanting to say something. Ye Shaoyang turned around suddenly, a purple light flashed from his throat.

Zhang Xiaohan didn't move all of a sudden, and his expression froze. After several seconds, a wound appeared on his neck, and blood spurted out.

Countless spirits flew out from his mouth, ears and nose.

Ye Shaoyang's sword not only killed him, but also shattered his soul.

This scene happened too quickly, and the scene was silent. Everyone stared blankly at Zhang Xiaohan, watching him slowly fall down after the spirit in his body dissipated completely...

Known as the number one genius in the world, the most valued disciple in the magic world, who had been carefully cultivated for many years, just died under Ye Shaoyang's sword.

Ye Shaoyang put the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword back into its sheath slowly, put one hand on his hip, looked at Aunt Gui provocatively, and said slowly: "I forgot to tell you, don't provoke me, there is nothing I dare not do in this world."

Ye Shaoyang is not bloodthirsty, but he will never be soft when he meets someone who really deserves to be killed: Don't say anything else, today's battle of life and death was initiated by Zhang Xiaohan, if he is the one who loses, he will definitely use more than this Killing himself was ten times more humiliating, so Ye Shaoyangsa didn't think there was anything wrong with killing Zhang Xiaohan.

Everyone was stunned.

"I'm in a hurry. A fight is about to start. I must keep Ye Shaoyang. I don't know how you are doing?" Yun Chunsheng said in a low voice.

"What's the matter, since I have such a genius in the magic world, I want to keep him even if I die, so everyone will be together, what do you think?" Master Ziyun looked at the masters on the left and right, and everyone nodded, expressing their willingness to contribute.

Aunt Gui looked at Ye Shaoyang quietly.

At the moment Zhang Xiaohan died, her face was extremely ugly, but soon, she calmed down instead, but this was not a real calm, but an expression of extreme anger.

"Ye Shaoyang, do you know the consequences of doing this?" Aunt Gui said lightly.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "Do you want to do it yourself?"

"Hahaha..." Aunt Gui laughed loudly, "You deserve it too?"

"I know I'm not worthy, at least you don't think I'm worthy, I'm just a human being, how can I challenge Xingyue slave?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was startled and turned their heads to look at Aunt Gui.

Even those masters were surprised. Everyone knows that Aunt Ghost is the steward of the Magic Guild in the human world, and the closest person to Xingyue Slave. All the people in the Magic Guild respect her very much, not to mention the many sects attached to the Magic Guild. The aunt's orders were obeyed. In the eyes of everyone, Aunt Gui's identity should be an envoy of God. What they respected was not her herself, but the Xingyue slave behind her.

Now, Ye Shaoyang actually said that she was Xingyuenu himself, which naturally shocked everyone.

Aunt Gui smiled lightly and said, "How do you know I'm Xingyue Slave?"

"Well, guess what, even if you are not Xingyue Slave himself, you must be a ray of her divine sense. If nothing else, just because you can take out the Xuanyuan Sword and authorize Zhang Xiaohan to use it, I believe it, you Absolutely not ordinary people, besides, you are not afraid that I will snatch the Xuanyuan Sword away, which means that you are absolutely sure to take it back. Just relying on your subordinates, I am afraid that they will not be of much use?"

"Ye Shaoyang, you are very smart, but people who are too smart often end badly..." Aunt Gui stretched out her hand, shook out a picture scroll, and hovered over her head. It was still the scroll from yesterday, with the portrait of Xingyue slave on it.

Aunt Gui didn't do anything, but saw a gust of wind blowing by, and the paint that made up the portrait glowed with a dark golden light, then turned into powder, peeled off, spun around Aunt Gui's body, and then adhered to her body.

Aunt Gui's body changed rapidly, as if the embryo of a statue was quickly colored... gradually becoming real.

When the gold powder was completely attached to her body, Aunt Gui became another person completely: just like the person in the painting, wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, luxurious and graceful, with a beautiful appearance, which was not obvious to people in the painting before, but now Seeing a real person, I feel more beautiful in appearance, but the strange thing is that she can't tell her age at all. She has the beauty of a young girl and the charm of a mature woman. There is a trace of ethereal atmosphere around her, which makes her look even more beautiful. A divine spirit.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the graceful fairy in front of him. This one was the Xingyue Slave of the Xuanyuan Clan who was in charge of the magic guild...

"Meet the Immortal Xingyue!"

I don't know which sorcerer took the lead, knelt down on one knee, saluted Xingyuenu, and immediately followed behind. These are naturally the mages attached to the magic guild. Some people didn't want to kneel, but everyone around them knelt down. If they didn't kneel, they were afraid that Xingyue Nu would blame them, so they had to kneel down too.


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