Urban Witcher

Chapter 2299 Chapter 2307 Ancients 1

Ye Shaoyang almost burst into tears when he heard what he said. He grabbed Xiao Yiyun's hand and said, "I'm so excited that Fujun can say that. You should have done this long ago! Tell me, what good way do you have to find out?" Xu Fu?"

"Your Majesty took the book of life and death to find Di Ting. Di Ting can perceive the breath of all living beings. As long as Xu Fu appears in our time and space, he will definitely be perceived. Besides, he has the seal of mountains and seas on him, and the Yin Division used to be in charge of the seal of mountains and seas." Minister Shang Baocheng can sense the existence of Shanhaiyin, and with the help of these two, we may be able to find Xu Fu's whereabouts."

Ye Shaoyang nodded vigorously. "Then it's settled, once there is news, you will inform me immediately!"

Xiao Yiyun agreed to come down, talked for a while, and hurried back to Yin Division.

Ye Shaoyang and others continued to discuss.

Master Daoyuan thought of one thing, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "After what happened yesterday, I guess people from the Magic Guild and several sects are looking for you now. I'm afraid I'm going to take you to Xuanyuan Mountain, so you must not show up recently, be careful."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and said: "Then I will live here and wait for news from Mr. Xiao Lang."

"It's not necessarily safe to live here, it's too close to Peach Blossom Mountain." Mao Xiaofang analyzed, "They are likely to investigate the surrounding inns, we should change to a safer place, I suggest we rent a private house Come and live, this can also deceive people."

Feng Xi and Cui Ying immediately said that they would leave this matter to themselves, and after obtaining Ye Shaoyang's consent, they immediately went to do it.

"Well, Shaoyangzi, I'll go and find out if the sects have left. I'll go to my master and the others to find out what the magic world is doing to you, and then I'll come back and tell you." Daoyuan Daoyuan suggested .

"That's good, thank you very much."

"Between brothers, you don't have to be polite." Daoyuan Daoyuan waved his hands and followed Fengxi and his wife out.

"Fuck, this is Daoyuan Daoyuan, a living fossil of the magic world..." Sibao stared blankly at Ye Shaoyang, "Hearing that he calls you brothers and sisters, I always feel a little... ah, I can't say this feeling well. "

"I was the same at first, but now I'm used to it." Ye Shaoyang was deeply moved.

Sibao's eyes fell on Mao Xiaofang's face, "And this buddy, Zombie Daoist..."

Mao Xiaofang had heard Ye Shaoyang mention about playing him in a TV series a long time ago, and asked Sibao again, knowing that what Ye Shaoyang said was true, he was even more proud, and planned to study more spells for catching zombies after he went back, so that he could be worthy of this situation a hundred years later. reputation.

"I'll go to the town to see if there is a funeral, and add some magic medicine."

When he was at Cuiyun's house before, Ye Shaoyang asked Mayor Liu to help him purchase some magic medicines. Yesterday, he was fighting with others on Peach Blossom Mountain and used up some of them. Although there were still a lot left, the talismans were not enough. Ye Shaoyang wanted to go to the town to buy some.

Mao Xiaofang and others also wanted to go out for a walk, so they all went together.

This small town is really small, with only one street and very few shops, but for ordinary people, no matter how poor they are, life and death are the two biggest things, so there are still funeral shops.

Everyone asked for directions to find a funeral shop, bought some peach wood and magic talismans, and went to the pharmacy to buy magic medicines such as cinnabar and realgar, but Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang were both celestial masters, and they used purple talismans, so there was no place to sell them, Ye Shaoyang I proposed to go to Taohua Mountain to find Taoist Shanhe to ask for some.

"He is having a funeral, can you give it to us?" Sibao questioned.

"It should be. They are not hostile to us, but have a good impression of us. They will help."

Anyway, Peach Blossom Mountain was not far from here, and they were not short of money, so they went to a horse shop to buy horses. As a result, Sibao and Wu Jiawei couldn't ride a horse, so they hired a carriage and drove to Peach Blossom Mountain.

On Peach Blossom Mountain, there is a dojo being held, Ye Shaoyang asked the little Taoist priest on the mountain, and learned that the dojo was held for the death of Patriarch Qingniu. Shanhe real person presides over it in person.

When Ye Shaoyang and others arrived, the dojo was almost over, so he waited for a while, and after it was over, he found Master Shanhe and made a request.

Master Shanhe didn't agree immediately, but invited them into the living room, served tea first, then went to change into costumes by himself, and after coming over, he quietly accompanied them to drink tea.

"Master Daoist, what are you going to do with Peach Blossom Mountain in the future?" I didn't have time to talk about this yesterday, the most important thing was that sitting was too boring, so Ye Shaoyang had to find a topic.

"Recruit disciples widely, and carry forward the Taoism taught by the ancestor." Master Shanhe said lightly, holding a teacup.

"Aren't you afraid that the magic guild will trouble you?"

"We are a small sect, they don't pay attention to it, and the ancestors have ascended to heaven, what else do they want, so they are not afraid of others' gossip?"

Ye Shaoyang thought about it, and said, "Then I wish you all the best. By the way, can I make it easier for what I said earlier?"

Master Shanhe put down his tea cup, looked at Ye Shaoyang's face, and said, "It's you, Ye Shaoyang, what are your plans?"

"What plan?" Ye Shaoyang didn't understand for a while.

"The Magic Guild values ​​you very much." Master Shanhe glanced at him meaningfully, "As long as you surrender, the Magic Guild will immediately forget the blame, and you can replace Zhang Xiaohan...they will help you become the number one in the magic world Disciple... are you not moved?"

Ye Shaoyang exchanged glances with his friends, and said with a smile, "If I wanted to surrender, I wouldn't have come to ask you for these purple talismans."

Master Shanhe frowned, and said, "Why don't you feel moved, because you are a disciple of Xuanqing Mountain, but now that the magic world has fallen, even Xuanqing Mountain can't restore its former reputation..."

"It's okay, I just don't like being treated like a dog, let alone a nuisance."

Shanhe Zhenren said: "But the Magic Guild will not let you go."

"Then what's the matter, just come. Fight if you can beat it, and run if you can't beat it." Ye Shaoyang said casually, which is also his consistent strategy.

Master Shanhe didn't quite understand this sentence, but he also saw that Ye Shaoyang really didn't want to join the magic guild, so he asked the left and right to retreat, and when the door closed, Ye Shaoyang knelt down for Ye Shaoyang.

"Daozhang, what are you doing!" Ye Shaoyang was startled, and hurriedly helped him up.

"Shaoyangzi, my patriarch was killed by the magic guild. We humble people cannot take revenge. After all, he also died because of you. I hope Shaoyangzi can avenge his patriarch in the future!"

To avenge Li Haoran?

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, nodded slowly, and said, "Anyway, if there is a day when I have to duel with them, I will definitely ask them for an explanation. If they don't give an explanation, then I will give them an explanation. I'm serious."

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