Urban Witcher

Chapter 2308 Chapter 2316 Transaction 2

Ye Shaoyang drew back and retreated quickly, Biqing moved his left hand, and the water flow around him instantly condensed into a water wall behind him, Ye Shaoyang bumped into it coldly, Biqing's sword had already stabbed down, but it barely stopped on the center of his eyebrows Living.

"You think I really can't kill you?" Bi Qing sneered.

"I didn't really work hard with you." Ye Shaoyang raised his hand to block the sharp sword, "I said, it's not a big deal, isn't it... well, did you see me, don't worry I won't say it, I It’s okay if you haven’t seen it, right?”

"Don't mention this!" Bi Qing angrily wanted to stab him with the sword again.

"Okay, okay, don't mention it, don't make trouble?" Ye Shaoyang waved his hands.

Biqing hesitated for a moment, stomped her feet angrily, and the sharp sword in her hand turned into a mist, and she slapped the ground heavily to vent her anger, splashing a lot of water.

Biqing jumped out of the bathtub, walked to the window step by step, looked out of the window, it took a long time to calm herself down, and said coldly without looking back: "Ye Shaoyang, I won't kill you, it's not that I don't want to kill you." Dare or don't want to, I have killed countless people, and I have never been unable to do so."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I know, you are an evil cultivator."

"I'm not an evil cultivator, I just accidentally occupied the corpse refining jar, and I didn't kill the living souls in it. I won't kill you, just because I need your help."

Having said that, she turned around and stared at Ye Shaoyang with two shining eyes, "Why did you save me? If you have any unreasonable thoughts, give up as soon as possible, or I will really kill you."

"What is unreasonable thinking?"

"You asked knowingly."

"Oh, what do you mean by physical appearance? Cough, you think too much, I have a sweetheart, of course. You are indeed hot and good-looking, but I really have no idea, let alone you That avatar Su Mo is my enemy, and he wants to kill me every minute."

Biqing frowned slightly, and said, "You save me, don't you want to accept me as a demon servant?"

"This... I really haven't thought about it." Ye Shaoyang smiled.

"Then why did you save me?"

"First, I don't want to see you die. Second, I also want to know what happened to you, and Li Haoran, what happened, and whether he died. Although he and I are also enemies, we are in the same world after all. He came here, and to be honest, I still admire his previous performance." Ye Shaoyang became more serious as he spoke, "Honestly speaking, his performance is worthy of the word 'patriarch'."

Biqing looked at him, also a little moved, and said, "You really think so?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded seriously, "I'm not joking about this kind of thing."

"Then do me a favor, go find Xingyue Slave with me, and snatch Vajra Zhuo back!" Bi Qing said, "I don't believe that brother just died like this. I want to get Vajra Zhuo and identify it clearly."

Ye Shaoyang said: "You ran out of the Vajra cut, you don't know if he is dead or not?"

"At that time, I felt his primordial spirit, shattered into strands, floating beside me. I don't know if he can reunite... Speaking of which, the primordial spirit must have been destroyed to such an extent that there must be no Saved, but my senior brother is supernatural. I don't believe that he will disappear like this after he practiced for thousands of years. In addition, when I think about the words he said at the last moment, I always feel a little strange. No matter what, I want to get the diamond , verify it yourself."

"What if he's dead?"

"Even if he dies, I still want to take back Vajra Zhuo. It is my brother's relic. I can't let it stay in the enemy's hands."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly.

Bi Qing hurriedly said, "You agree by nodding."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, and smiled bitterly: "What did I promise? I just agree with your idea. If it were me, I would definitely do the same. Not only that, but I would also kill Xingyue slave for revenge."

Bi Qing said: "So, I need your help."

"Ahem," Ye Shaoyang coughed twice. "I'm just analyzing from your standpoint. He is your senior brother, not my senior brother... It seems that I have no reason to help you. If you ask me for help, you must have a condition in exchange."

Biqing stared at him and said, "Whatever you want, as long as I can do it, I can do it."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her with a smile that was not a smile, and said: "To be honest, you can't do what I want to do. Li Haoran must have told you about my origin. The only thing I have to do now is to find Xu Fu. , Let him take me back to my era... I am not in the mood to help anyone now, to be honest, you can find someone else."

"Who else can I look for?" Biqing smiled wryly, "I've been in the corpse refining vat for a long time, and my old friends are long gone."

"But I'm not Xingyuenu's opponent. You and Li Haoran have beaten the three of them, let alone me."

"You and I are together, there is no need to fight her head-on, as long as you agree, we will slowly look for opportunities." Bi Qing persevered. "Once it's done, I can give you the corpse refining jar."

"Corpse refining jar? Where is it?" Ye Shaoyang was stunned. This is a man-made evil weapon that can rival all magical weapons.

"He was also taken away by Xingyue Slave."

"Haha, it's a bad promise. I'm afraid I'll lose my life before I see the corpse refining vat. Besides, it's useless for me to ask for that kind of evil weapon. I'm not interested.

"As long as you help me do this, I can promise you one thing." Biqing gritted her teeth, "Anything is fine."

"Anything is fine?"

Biqing looked away from his face and murmured: "Yes, anything is fine. I think you understand what I mean."

I mean?

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment before trying to understand the hidden meaning of her words. For some reason, the suet white jade-like skin that he saw before appeared again... He shook his head hastily, and said in a sincere tone , "There is no need to mention this matter again. Let me be honest. I admire Li Haoran very much, but I have no friendship with him. Guild, no matter what price you pay, I can't help you. I can save you, it's already a face, you can continue to complain. I'll go out for a walk."

Ye Shaoyang stood up as he spoke, and turned his head to the outside of the room.

"Ye Shaoyang!" Biqing called him suddenly and coldly, Ye Shaoyang turned his head and saw her murderous look.

"You have seen my whole body, don't you just want to leave!"

Ye Shaoyang trembled all over, almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and hurriedly said: "I said big sister, I'm not right big sister, it's wrong for you to say that, I didn't mean to look at you, I saved you somehow, you can't just use this Use an excuse to rely on me, but I have a fiancee." nt

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