Urban Witcher

Chapter 2310 Chapter 2318 I don't want you to go 2

"I can be your demon servant, as long as you help me get the diamond cut." Bi Qing said.

Acknowledging the master...that means unconditional obedience, you have to do what you are asked to do, unless there is a great favor or opportunity, no evil thing is willing to recognize the mage as its master.

Ye Shaoyang looked at her, a little in disbelief.

"you do not believe?"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. In short... I have no interest." Ye Shaoyang shrugged.

"Although I don't have a seal from the Yin Division, my strength is already that of a demon. You are a mage. You know what it means to accept a demon as a disciple."

Ye Shaoyang nodded. Biqing's strength is still higher than his own. If he can really accept her, it will certainly be a great help, but...he is not tempted. He smiled slightly at Biqing and said, "What if I still don't agree?"

"I will follow you until you say yes."

"Are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

"If you kill me, you can do it before, why wait until now."

Ye Shaoyang couldn't help scratching the back of his head, he didn't expect that a person like Biqing would play a rogue, it was really troublesome.

For a while, I didn't know what to do with her. Ye Shaoyang simply ignored her and packed his things by himself. After everyone packed up, they moved to the rented house under Feng Xi's leadership. Biqing followed Ye Shaoyang along the way, not saying a word and ignoring anyone. Like a bodyguard.

Everyone secretly looked at her, Sibao wanted to talk to her, but she threatened her a few words, and ignored her.

The house that Feng Xi rented was on the edge of the town. It was a detached house and there were no neighbors around. It was just suitable for hiding her whereabouts.

The house has two floors, with seven or eight rooms, enough for them to settle down, but there is a lack of bedding and other supplies. According to Feng Xi, the owner of this house lives in the town and is a big family. The house used to belong to that local tyrant The outer house was used to raise Xiaosan. Later, Xiaosan was driven away by his wife and ran away with others, so it was always empty. Fengxi was also rich and powerful, and rented the whole house.

Everyone in Ye Shaoyang divided a room and lived there temporarily. Feng Xi and his wife hired a carriage and went to the street to buy bedding and other supplies, and distributed them. Everyone was very satisfied, except for Ye Shaoyang. Entered his room uninvited and vomited on his bed.

"I said, there are a lot of rooms here. If you don't leave, I'll find you a place to live. What's the matter with you staying in my room all the time? You don't understand the reason why men and women can't kiss each other!"

Biqing only focused on talking, and turned a deaf ear to his words.

"You are addicted to it, yes, okay! As long as you are willing, you can stay here!" Ye Shaoyang intentionally made her shy, and climbed into the bed himself, and lay down beside her. The two of them were lying down and sitting while the other was sitting, Ye Shaoyang admired Her waist, hehe said with a smile: "I said, you don't mind lying on the same bed with me?"

Biqing still didn't speak.

Ye Shaoyang became cruel, and put a hand on her waist.

Biqing turned her head and struck his chest with such force that it almost broke the bed. Ye Shaoyang lay on the bed and groaned.

Meihua and Baozi poked their heads out of the yin and yang mirror together, seeing the situation in front of them, they were speechless. They also saw the grievances between Ye Shaoyang and Biqing in the past two days. Since Ye Shaoyang didn't let them do anything, they couldn't take the initiative to take care of them. They just hid in the yin and yang mirror and practiced.

"Boss is being bullied!" Baozi said.

"It's self-inflicted, and we didn't let us do it, so leave him alone." Meihua said and was about to shrink back. Ye Shaoyang shouted angrily: "You all come out to me and catch this demon girl together!"

"Boss, are you serious?"

"Really, I can't take it anymore!" Ye Shaoyang jumped off the bed and touched the magic weapon in his hand.

Meihua and Baozi immediately flew behind him, ready to attack.

Biqing exhaled lightly, got off the bed slowly, and looked at Ye Shaoyang confidently. "I have recovered 80% of my strength, and you are no match."

"Then try it!" Ye Shaoyang's unwillingness to admit defeat was revealed.

Biqing looked at him with a sneer, waiting for him to make a move. Suddenly, a gust of wind rushed out of the window. Everyone was startled and turned their heads to look.

A figure pushed open the window, walked in, and stopped by the window.

He is dressed in a Taoist robe and has a black beard. He doesn't look old, but because his face is covered by the black beard, he can't see his face at all. He can only see two dark eyes, which are shining, but they are extremely deep.

Ye Shaoyang has never seen such a pair of deep eyes, but he feels that this person seems to have seen it somewhere, no... he must have seen it, who is this?

The old Taoist stared at Ye Shaoyang, and said lightly: "How does it feel here?"


Ye Shaoyang didn't understand for a while, and asked, "Who are you, why did you come in through the window?"

"You have been looking for me, why did you really see me, but dare not recognize me?"

"Looking for you?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, vaguely aware of a certain possibility, and lost his voice: "Who are you?"

The old Taoist looked at him, and slowly uttered two words: "Xu Fu."

Xu Fu! ! !

These two words, like a bolt of lightning, struck Ye Shaoyang's heart.

Ye Shaoyang's blood pressure soared for a while, and he almost had a heart attack. His legs were weak, and he could hardly stand up. This is not an exaggeration at all. Xu Fu! The person who racked his brains and tried every means and couldn't find it suddenly appeared in front of his eyes...

Ye Shaoyang imagined the scene of finding Xu Fu countless times, but he didn't expect it to be like this. He suddenly jumped in from the window and appeared in front of you...

Ye Shaoyang suddenly came back to his senses, rushed to Xu Fu, grabbed his shoulders with both hands, and shouted in a voice that could tear his throat: "You are Xu Fu, I have been looking for you so hard! "

"This..." Ye Shaoyang's frantic performance made Xu Fu, who had lived for two thousand years, feel a little uncomfortable, and he took a step back involuntarily.

"No! You don't even want to leave! I don't want you to go!"

This is the only person who can save him from this world. Although he hated him deeply, Ye Shaoyang was even more afraid that he would run away like this. In desperation, he went up and hugged Xu Fu.

This time Xu Fu was embarrassed. After living for two thousand years, facing all kinds of situations and people, he can calm down like water, standing aside like the legendary wise man, with the kind of piercing look on his face. With a mysterious smile, he quietly watched the chaotic world and the warmth and coldness of people. But... I have lived until now, no matter whether it is as a person or what, no one has ever hugged me.

Ye Shaoyang was the first.

The old man was instantly embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)——

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