Urban Witcher

Chapter 2319 Chapter 2327 Going to Ye Family Village 3

"Shaoyang, if you can prevent her from becoming a ghost boy in the future, that's good. If not, after I am reborn, I will accompany you to find Leng Yu. No matter how difficult it is, I will always be with you." Xiao Jiujing Looking at him quietly, he said.

Ye Shaoyang smiled gratifiedly, "With you by my side, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Because Xiaojiu wanted to nourish her primordial spirit, Ye Shaoyang didn't want to disturb her too much, so after chatting for a while, he put the Donghuang Bell back in his pocket. The Eastern Emperor Bell...Ye Shaoyang held it with his hand, and could clearly feel its existence: the kind that is connected with consciousness and can be manipulated.

Since the Donghuang Bell was refined by Xiaojiu to become his natal magic weapon, can he use it the next time he defends against the enemy?

Ye Shaoyang still remembers the power of destroying heaven and earth when he used it last time... His heart suddenly moved. In the future, the Eastern Emperor Bell can be used as a secret weapon in the future.

Just thinking about it, a figure jumped down from the hood, landed beside Ye Shaoyang, and sat with him. It's Biqing.

"Who did you talk to just now, the nine-tailed sky fox?"

Seeing Ye Shaoyang nodding, Biqing looked at his side face and said, "I really can't believe that the nine-tailed sky fox would recognize you as its master. What good fortune do you have?"

"Because I'm handsome." Ye Shaoyang raised his eyebrows at her.

"What do you mean handsome?"

"Eh." Ye Shaoyang just remembered that this word does not exist in this era, or it is not commonly used.

"Handsome, that means...handsome, looks like Pan An or something."

A black line appeared on Biqing's head.

"Ye Shaoyang, you are really shameless." Biqing changed the subject and said, "Do you know how to get to the Thunder Pond of Xuanyuan Mountain?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, yes, he only imagined the specifics, but ignored the most core question: how to get to Xuanyuan Mountain?

With a triumphant smile on her face, Biqing looked at him and said, "Xuanyuan Mountain and the human world are not in the same space. It is not easy to communicate. You still said that you don't want to cooperate. Without me, you might even find the entrance of Xuanyuan Mountain." not."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Do you know how to get there?"

Bi Qing said: "Of course. Do you still remember the decisive battle that day, Xingyue Nu opened his portrait, formed a void crack, took his real body, Bai Ze and Bi Fang, and later sent them to the world through that picture? In the past, do you think that picture is ordinary?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at her in bewilderment and shook his head.

Bi Qingdao: "That picture is called Taiji Twins Picture, it is a magic artifact on Xuanyuan Mountain, the so-called Taiji Twins are two hexagrams, one Yin and one Yang, there are two pictures, one left in Xuanyuan Mountain, Weiqian picture, a picture she carries on her body, and Wei Kun picture, which is the one she holds in her hand, no matter which space she takes, the two pictures are connected by breath, no matter how far apart they are, they can be passed through a painting Reach another picture, so she can quickly travel between Xuanyuan Mountain and the human world."

"Tai Chi Twins, I've heard of it too." Xiao Jiu's voice came from Ye Shaoyang's backpack. She is in the East Emperor Bell, although she is a small world by itself, but she can hear the voices from outside.

Bi Qingdao: "That's right, the Map of Mountains and Rivers, the Map of Taiji Twins, and the Map of Posa Kasyapa, the three major maps in the world, each has its own magic, but this Tai Chi Twins Map is really nothing compared to the other two. The map can lead to the pure land of the Buddha, but it is a fairyland, and the map of the mountains and rivers is even more amazing, it can absorb all living beings... but there is no chance to see it."

"Ah." Ye Shaoyang was also complacent after hearing her evaluation of the Shanhe Sheji map, but he didn't take the initiative to say that the Shanhe Sheji map was in his hands, and said: "Could it be that the only way to go to Xuanyuan Mountain from the human world is through the Taiji twin birth map?"

"Xuanyuan Mountain is a chaotic space. It is rumored that it was created by Xuanyuan God back then. It is used for the practice of spiritual things in the world. It is not within the Three Realms and Five Elements. There is no life, no death, no life and no death. It was opened up from the Chaos Realm and has a connection with the human world, but in order to prevent human beings from going there, these cracks in space are guarded by people from Xuanyuan Mountain. If we don't think about it, even if we can break through, the guards will be alarmed. It’s impossible to reach Leichi at all.”

Ye Shaoyang knew she still had something to say, so he listened to her continue.

"The only way now is to go through the Chaos Realm. There is a crack in the Chaos Realm that leads directly to Rilun Mountain. It is called the Gate of Xuanyuan, because humans basically don't go to the Chaos Realm, and even if they go, they can't go through the Xuanyuan Gate. Therefore, there is not much defense there, and if you want to go to Leichi, you can only enter from here."

"Chaos Realm..." Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of something.

"That's right, it's much easier to go from the human world to the Chaos Realm. You should know how to get there from the Chaos Realm."

Ye Shaoyang nodded. The Chaos Realm is a space parallel to the ghost domain. Go out from the south gate of Yinsi, ten miles away, there is a golden osmanthus tree, and there is a well under the tree. From here, you can go directly to the Chaos Realm...

"Outside the Chaos Well, there are also heavy guards from the Yin Division. In order to prevent wandering souls from escaping from the Yin Division's investigation, ordinary people cannot go there, but you are very familiar with Xiao Langjun, so he should be able to help." General Biqing These things are all thought out.

"The only thing that is most difficult to deal with is those creatures in the chaotic world. These creatures are all generated by the energy of chaos. They have spiritual intelligence but no consciousness. I have never been there, but I will definitely reject foreign creatures if I want to come. Gotta have a fight..."

Bi Qing pondered for a while and said, "I heard that the Qi of Chaos transforms into evil spirits. Among them is the Lord of Chaos, who is the Chaos Heavenly Demon. I have never dealt with it before, but I think it is difficult to deal with it. This is the most troublesome thing."

Chaos Heavenly Demon!

Ye Shaoyang was startled, isn't that Yang Gongzi?

The image of Yang Gongzi immediately appeared in Ye Shaoyang's mind, and he murmured: "I haven't seen her for a long time."

"Who? Chaos Heavenly Demon?"

"Her name is Yang Gongzi."

"You actually know her?" Biqing expressed disbelief, and then said, "But it's useless just to know her. Chaos creatures have the responsibility to guard the Xuanyuan Gate. If we want to go to Xuanyuan Mountain from the Chaos Realm, she might not dare Make this easy."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and said, "You're wrong here, not to mention it's just for convenience, even if I ask her to lead very chaotic creatures to help me kill Xuanyuan Mountain, he won't hesitate."

Biqing looked at him in surprise, and said, "Why are you so confident?"

"That's my own, my sister-in-law. Dear." Ye Shaoyang smiled. In fact, even if he put aside the Daofeng layer, his relationship with Yang Gongzi...is nothing to talk about. soulmate,

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