Urban Witcher

Chapter 2321 Chapter 2329 The Battle of Ye Family Village 2

There are more people to help when I go back, of course they support, but in this way, the parting will be imminent, and it is unavoidable to be a little sad. Especially Meihua, who was a little unhappy on the spot, bit her lip and didn't speak.

"The question now is, how to find Xu Fu and tell him our decision?" Sibao pondered.

"He will come to look for us." Lin Sansheng said, "He must avoid the Yin Division's pursuit, and he must not show his face, but he left a breath on the Eastern Emperor Bell, and he can sense the direction. He will definitely find us in the near future. Just tell him."

"What if he doesn't agree?"

"He has no right to disagree." Lin Sansheng replied decisively, "He is the person who plans the overall situation. There are no pros and cons to this matter for him personally. He will not have any objections."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, glanced over everyone's faces one by one, and said: "If you have no objections, then the matter will be settled like this."

Everyone nodded, and then discussed for a while, because they had to go on the road tomorrow, and everyone went to rest.

Meihua and Baozi flew up to the roof together, monitoring the surroundings to prevent any unexpected guests from coming.

"Where's your wife?" Ye Shaoyang left Lin Sansheng in the room, and suddenly remembered that he came out of the yin and yang mirror alone, so he asked.

"Still in the mirror." Lin Sansheng was a little absent-minded.

When Ye Shaoyang asked about Wan'er, Lin Sansheng told the story from the beginning.

"Damn it, it turns out that you didn't come to see me for so long, you went with your wife! You value sex over friends!" Ye Shaoyang scolded, and then smiled, "Congratulations, you finally didn't wait for hundreds of years in vain."

Lin Sansheng bowed his head and remained silent.

Ye Shaoyang said: "So, she still doesn't know the truth of all this, and thinks you are his dead lover? Uh, I mean... In fact, Lin Sansheng, who was shrinking with her in that world, is not alone. Uh, uh , how do you sound so convoluted."

Lin Sansheng said: "I didn't know, to be honest, I didn't plan to tell her before, and I didn't plan to come to you. I wanted to live with her in that grove forever. You should understand, but I was afraid that she would accept it." I can't tell the truth, but since I want to see you, I can't hide it from her."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, he didn't expect this level, and murmured: "Then why are you still here?"

Lin Sansheng looked at him and forced a smile: "When you were talking to Xu Fu, I was watching you all the time in the woods. I heard that you were going to enter the Thunder Pond, so you all went. I hid alone with my wife, Shaoyang, you Do you think I can stand it?"

"Haha!" Ye Shaoyang laughed, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Then you told her everything in the Yin Yang Mirror before, right? What's her attitude?"

"Understand me, and accept me. It's just..." Lin Sansheng hesitated for a while, but didn't say what it was.

Just as Ye Shaoyang was about to ask questions, someone knocked on the door outside, Ye Shaoyang went to open the door, saw Daoyuan Daoyuan and Mao Xiaofang standing outside, and let them in.

"Shaoyangzi, we are here to say goodbye." Mao Xiaofang said as soon as he entered the door.

"What, you guys are leaving!" Ye Shaoyang was startled.

"Not now," Mao Xiaofang smiled, we will accompany you to find Miss Wutong, I am worried that if something happens, it will be too late to say goodbye to you, so I will feel relieved if I say it in advance. After all, it is impossible for us to go to your era with you. "

Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt a pang of sadness. These days, he has always been with the two of them, and he has also experienced several battles. ...This time we parted, and we may never have the chance to meet again in the future.

"Let's talk about the breakup later, there's no need to be sad in advance." Ye Shaoyang smiled, "But what are your plans, we can chat."

Mao Xiaofang said solemnly: "I've thought about it, and it's actually a reminder to me. My strength is just like this. At most, I can break through the Earth Immortal Tablet. I can't compare to a genius like you. I'd better specialize in one. Choose a zombie, after you leave, I will retreat to study spells to deal with zombies, and become a real zombie priest in the future. Haha, sounds good, right?"

"Um, that sounds so cool." Ye Shaoyang thought that Mao Xiaofang would probably really figure out the clues and become an expert in catching zombies, so the deeds will be passed down... But he obviously knew the result first If you want to fight in this direction, then what is the cause and what is the effect?

It seems that everything is not so important.

"I believe in you, a generation of zombie Taoists." Ye Shaoyang smiled at him, then turned to ask Master Yuan, "How about you, Patriarch?"

Master Daoyuan was silent for a moment, and said: "I want to walk around the world alone, looking for the way in my heart."

Ye Shaoyang looked at him, nodded, and didn't say anything about his later fate. In any case, it was his own choice.

"After a hundred years, we can still meet."

"At that time, I really became your patriarch." Daoyuan Daoyuan, who has always been serious, also laughed.

"No matter what happens in the future, at least now, I can still call you a good brother. Both of you are my good brothers."

The three looked at each other and laughed.

Mao Xiaofang suggested drinking, but Ye Shaoyang insisted on drinking until the real parting time, and he would not rest until he was drunk.

After chatting together for a while, the two bid farewell and left together.

"I really miss them," Ye Shaoyang said to Lin Sansheng after the two left, "It's thanks to their help that I come here. I'm also very lucky, and I can make good friends wherever I go."

Lin Sansheng seemed to be preoccupied, but just nodded without speaking.

After waiting for a while, someone knocked on the door again, this time it was Meihua who came to say goodbye in advance, Meihua was a little depressed, Ye Shaoyang comforted her a little, and then reluctantly left.

"We're leaving. Feng Xi and his wife may also go to reincarnation in the future." After closing the door and returning to the room, Ye Shaoyang sighed.

"There is always a banquet in the world. Shaoyang, you have many advantages, but you are too emotional, and you can't look away from many things."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "What's wrong with you today, you still have a wife, and people have become sentimental. I don't want to think about the future now. My biggest headache is going into the thunder pool... But with you to help me make suggestions, I'm also very relieved."

"But I can't always be with you."

"Not necessarily. You are a ghost and live forever. At worst, I will stay in the Yin Division after I die, and become the head of the Yin Yang Division. We will be together for a long time and pretend to be in the Yin Division. It's very cool to think about it."

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