Urban Witcher

2335 Chapter 2343 Memory 1

Niutou hesitated for a moment, and said: "Then I will come to the world to arrest Xu Fu in a mighty manner, and even invited Di Ting, so this matter should be considered as a deal?"

Xiao Yiyun said: "I'll go back to the Yin Division and report to them. In the future, I will pay more attention to these people and beware of Xu Fu and come to them again." Black and white impermanence also came together, and several people discussed it and decided that it had to be so.

Xiao Yiyun looked at Mao Xiaofang and Daoyuan Daoyuan, and said coldly: "I don't care if you two really know Xu Fu, if Xu Fu or Ye Shaoyang come to see you, you must go to the Yin Division and tell me to wait!"

Mao Xiaofang and Master Daoyuan understood, and naturally agreed.

"According to Xiao Yasi's words, go back for now." After Bai Wuchang finished speaking, he turned around and cupped his hands in the direction of the mountain pass, and said loudly, "I'm sorry to listen to the holy beast, and return to the underworld."

The huge figure of Yamaguchi slowly moved away.

Xiao Yiyun told Black and White Wuchang to leave first, and stayed behind to talk to Mao Xiaofang and the others. Black and white impermanence, bull-headed and horse-faced may not be ignorant of Xiao Yiyun's relationship with them, and the existence of Xu Fu, Xiao Yiyun probably knew about it a long time ago, before he faced Ye Shaoyang and the performance of the two celestial masters in front of him, they all knew it was pretending. It's just selling favors, not telling the truth.

After all, they were only ordered to arrest Xu Fu, and since Xu Fu had left, they could just go back and report back, there was no need to take too much responsibility on themselves. Hearing what Xiao Yiyun said right now, they would all agree, greeted each other and left.

"Xiao Langjun, what should we do now?"

"What should I do?" Xiao Yiyun pondered for a while, and said, "Shaoyang has already returned to his own time, and it's over now, but let's pretend it never happened."

Daoyuan Daoyuan said: "That's true, but...he has been here after all, and he has made such a big commotion. Now the magic world knows his name, and they are still looking for him everywhere. After a hundred years, Shaoyangzi's era , what impact will it have?"

Xiao Yiyun frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"The name of Shaoyangzi will definitely be handed down. A hundred years later, in his era, everyone knows that this name is an ancient person a hundred years ago... He is also a disciple of Xuanqing Mountain, but the age difference is more than ninety years old. Today we The descendants of these people, in that era, saw Ye Shaoyang who was also a disciple of Xuanqing Mountain—the Ye Shaoyang of that era had the same name as an ancient man, and he was still from the same sect, wouldn't they feel suspicious? If they saw the truth, would they be suspicious? Cause some kind of unknowable consequences?"

Daoyuan's words caused everyone present to think deeply.

Mao Xiaofang nodded and said: "What Daoyuan said is, is there a way to erase the traces he left, as if he really never happened?"

Xiao Yiyun pondered and said: "But I don't know any way to do it."

Erasing a person's memory alone can certainly be done, but there were so many people who watched Ye Shaoyang's fighting in Taohua Mountain that day, and Yun Chunsheng also publicly admitted that Ye Shaoyang was a hermit of his junior brother Yun Qiusheng. Let’s clear it up. Besides, it’s been a while since the incident happened. The name of Ye Shaoyang must have spread in the magic world. It’s impossible to clear everyone’s memory.

Everyone discussed for a long time, but there was no good solution.

"I have a way." Indus suddenly said. Everyone immediately cast their eyes on her face.

"This method is not very good, but it can also make up for it. To a certain extent, it can convince most people that there is no such person as Ye Shaoyang."

When she said this, everyone's curiosity was mobilized, and they all looked at her.

Wutong said: "Let's go to Xuanqing Mountain, find Yun Chunsheng, and tell him all the truth..."

"What, how did this happen!" Mao Xiaofang exclaimed, "In the beginning, no one knew the identity of Shaoyangzi, so if you say it like this, it will be exposed instead?"

Wutong said: "It's not like that, think about it, now the whole world thinks that Shaoyang is a disciple of Xuanqing Mountain and Yun Qiusheng's hermit, and naturally they also think that Yun Chunsheng knows the details, if he releases the news, tell Everyone's name is not Ye Shaoyang, but some other name, and everyone will believe it. Over time, everyone calls him by a new name, and naturally forgets the word 'Ye Shaoyang'... Not to mention the distance between There are still more than 90 years left in Ye Shaoyang's era, and it is impossible for a false name to be passed down for that long."

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized, and after careful consideration, they all felt that this method is feasible, at least it can minimize the influence of Ye Shaoyang.

Mao Xiaofang said: "We can also let Yun Chunsheng let go of the rumor that Shaoyang is dead, and cut off everyone's thoughts. He was originally a flash in the pan, but for more than 90 years, it is enough to forget a lot of things. Even if there is something about Taohuashan It doesn't matter if a few words of the First World War are passed on."

Everyone nodded slowly.

Xiao Yiyun said: "Who can guarantee that Yun Chunsheng will not secretly tell the truth?"

Daoyuan Daoyuan said: "He won't, he is a real master who knows the stakes, and he will never leak the news, but...Qing Yunzi also remembers Ye Shaoyang's name, he is Ye Shaoyang's master, if in the future Wouldn't it be a surprise to meet a child named Ye Shaoyang?"

Xiao Yiyun said: "This is easy to handle, just clear his memory about Ye Shaoyang alone, oh, and his master Fu Mingzi."

Mao Xiaofang wondered: "Mr. Xiao Lang knows such thaumaturgy?"

"It's enough to drink Mengpo soup. Although Mengpo soup can't be given to living people, there are always exceptions to everything. I will ask the Lord Fujun, and I expect to agree."

Several people disagreed, "No way, drinking Mengpo soup is not just a memory, all memories will be erased. I heard that if a living person drinks it, it will be like a lost heart, like a mystery in the womb, what? I don’t even remember, it’s like dementia.”

Xiao Yiyun smiled and said: "This is about the secrets of the Yin Division, but it is inconvenient to tell, but leave this matter to me, you can rest assured."

Daoyuan Daoyuan was silent for a while, and said: "After a hundred years, I am still alive... If there is such a soup, I will drink it too, so as not to mess up my memory of Shaoyangzi in his time."

After finishing speaking, Master Daoyuan looked at the direction where Ye Shaoyang and his party were leaving, and sighed secretly, "I wanted to remember this brother, but after all, he is not from the same world, so we should consider the overall situation."

Xiao Yiyun nodded slightly, Master Daoyuan's decision was based on general knowledge. He turned his head to look at Meihua, and said lightly, "There's her."

Meihua was startled, then shook her head and said, "No, I don't want to forget him!"

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