Urban Witcher

Chapter 2345 Chapter 2353 Daofeng's means 1

Ye Shaoyang was very pleased to be able to come back and fight side by side with everyone.

Xiao Yiyun and Chengzi had official positions, so it was inconvenient to stay in the human world for too long. After chatting with them for a while, they reluctantly left. Chengzi originally wanted to kiss Ye Shaoyang on the face, but Ye Shaoyang saw through the motive in advance, afraid of Xiao Yiyun Embarrassed, dodged.

"Boss." Baozi suddenly jumped in front of Ye Shaoyang, opened his mouth, and spit out a turquoise, shiny thing like a snowflake.

Soul Crystal...

Baozi is a plant that becomes a demon, and the soul crystal is naturally turquoise.

"This is..." Ye Shaoyang was stunned.

"Boss, you said that as long as I really come to your era with you, you will accept me as a doorman. Now is the time."

The scene was silent, everyone looked at Ye Shaoyang.

The soul crystal was spat out, if Ye Shaoyang didn't collect it, it would wither. Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to spread his hands, letting the soul crystal fall on it, turning into a green line in the palm of his hand. Side by side with several other lines, although they are all dark colors, they are also colorful, and these lines are criss-crossed, as if forming some kind of pattern...

Ye Shaoyang looked at it carefully for a while, but he didn't see any clues. He restrained his mind, looked at Baozi and said, "Well, since you have officially become my disciple, I don't have anything to say. Our ghost hunting alliance has a tradition, that is, No big or small, no difference in dignity, everyone is equally important!"

"I have a question, as the second brother, I want to ask you!" Guagua sat on Ye Shaoyang's shoulders, folded his arms, and said with a condescending and serious look: "If the boss takes us to beat the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, do you want to fight?" what to do?"

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?" Baozi was startled, looked at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "Then how can we beat him!"

"You just can't beat it, what are you going to do then?"

"I...dissuade the boss not to die?"


Guagua jumped down, stood in front of him, and said sharply, "Since the boss is going to deal with the Ksitigarbha, there must be his reasons, and he is dissuading, dissuading your sister, we who are younger brothers will naturally go with us, No matter who the other party is, even if it is the Ksitigarbha King, we must fight our way!"

Baozi was terrified, and said, "But I can't beat it."

"If you can't beat us, then we'll die together!" Xiaoqing took over the conversation and said word by word, "No one in the sky or on earth can come over us. If you treat us well, we will treat them well. Those who want to deal with us , even if it is the Great Emperor and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, we have to fight back!"

Baozi was stunned, and turned to look at everyone, all with the same resolute expression, and he vaguely understood something deep in his heart.

Ye Shaoyang himself was also very moved. It was this spirit that allowed the Ghost Hunting Alliance to gain a foothold in the Three Realms, and to fight against those ordinary mages who would piss when they heard their names.

This is the way of all of them.

Wherever the Tao is, it is invincible.

"Okay, it's time to learn the lesson, and I will be my own from now on." Guagua stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, charging like two to five or eight thousand, "Well, you are the youngest, you are in Behind Xiao Jiu, you are... Old Ten!"

Everyone came forward to tease him.

"You are obviously a plant, why are you called Baozi? Who gave you such a funny name?" Xiaobai tilted his head and said.

Ye Shaoyang blushed...

After dinner, Ye Shaoyang took everyone back to his home. Sibao made an appointment with Wang Xuwen, and left in a hurry when they finished their business. Xie Yuqing and Xueqi also went home.

Although Xie Yuqing was very excited, but since Ye Shaoyang has returned, naturally he will not get lost again, and the future will be long, he knows that Ye Shaoyang is still waiting for Daofeng to come to talk about things, and he doesn't want to disturb him.

I haven't been back for more than a month, and nothing has changed at home. Ye Shaoyang looked at everything in the house, but he had a feeling of being touched by the scene.

"Shaoyang, this is your thing. After you left, the photo studio sent it to you. I was afraid of losing it, so I sent it to you here." Lao Guo took out a box from the cabinet.

"Photo studio?" Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that it was a wedding photo taken by himself and Leng Yu, and his heart felt a little cramped.

Lao Guo patted Ye Shaoyang's shoulder very understandingly, and said: "Don't be sad, when you and Leng Yu are together in the future, looking back at these experiences, they are all sweet wealth."

Knowing that he was comforting himself, Ye Shaoyang smiled, and instead of opening the box to look at the photos inside, he put it back in the cabinet.

Ye Shaoyang found the phone, it was out of battery a long time ago, when he was looking for a charger to charge it, the wind suddenly picked up outside the window, when he looked back, Daofeng flew in, it was still the same as before, with flowing long hair, blue gown, capital Old cloth shoes, dressed up like Ximen Chuixue.

Behind him was Yang Gongzi, who was dressed in snow, and behind Yang Gongzi, there was a person following him, who turned out to be a pony with wicked eyebrows.

"Hey, Little Leaf!"

Seeing Ye Shaoyang, the pony immediately cried out and came up to greet him affectionately.

"My lord, why are you here?"

"Come with your sister!"

The pony slapped Ye Shaoyang's chest. Ye Shaoyang was completely unprepared and almost flew away by him. He took two or three steps back before stopping, and shouted: "You're going to die!"

"Look at you. I said, I heard Fengshen said that you are back, so naturally I have to come and see you. I said, where have you been after you have been away for so long? Is Master Bao with you, someone?"

"I went to pick up girls."

Ye Shaoyang looked towards Daofeng and Yang Gongzi. Yang Gongzi had a smile on his face, revealing two dimples. This appearance really felt a bit upside-down.

Ye Shaoyang cleared his throat, and deliberately joked: "Sister-in-law, you are here too."

Yang Gongzi was a little embarrassed, and gave him a hard look.

"When did you come back?" Daofeng asked.

"not long ago."

"Where's Xu Fu?"

"He..." Ye Shaoyang asked them to sit first, and he briefly told his experience of going to the Republic of China. After listening to the three people, they were also sighing. Xiao Ma was curious and asked him about the details of the time travel. He was very envious and regretted that he was at that time No chance to go together.

"Little Ye Zi, before you want to time travel next time, you must tell me in advance and take me with you, I want to time travel even in my dreams!"

"You are a ghost now, can you still dream?"

"Meditation, it's like dreaming, you'll know it when you die!"

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, and asked Daofeng, "I heard that you helped Xu Fu rob Zhao Prison and rescued Bai Qi, why did you help him?"

"It's also good for you to have one more helper for him."

"Then why don't you let him send you to find me!"

"Xu Fu said that you should respond to the robbery and complete your mission over there. Since he didn't intend to harm you, I am naturally relieved." Daofeng didn't like to talk about such useless things, so he changed the subject and said, "You are going to break through Lei Chi?"

(End of this chapter)——

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