Urban Witcher

Chapter 2350 Chapter 2358 Today I know I am me 2

"Oh, senior sister, you should go quickly." Su Mo knew that she didn't want to tell the truth to herself, so she didn't ask any more. Fan Lihua smiled at her and flew up the mountain.

Fan Lihua climbed over the main peak and came to the pear orchard ten miles behind the mountain. The pear orchard was guarded by a large formation, and no one was required to guard it. Fan Lihua knew the formula for entering the formation, so she slipped through after a while, and came to Lishan's old mother's thatched hut. Stopped outside the door, bowed and said: "Disciple Fan Lihua asks to see Master."

"Ewha? Why are you here, come in quickly." The voice of Li Shan's old mother came from the room.

Fan Lihua pushed the door open, pulled a futon from behind the door without making a sound, and sat opposite Li Shan's old mother.

"I asked you to go to the human world to supervise Ye Shaoyang's residence. Why did you come back suddenly? What happened?"

Fan Lihua nodded and said, "Ye Shaoyang is back!"

Li Shan's old mother was stunned: "Really?"

"I saw it with my own eyes. Ye Shaoyang, the monk, and others returned to the residence together. Afterwards, Daofeng and Chaos Heavenly Demon also arrived. I don't know what they were planning. The disciple was afraid of being discovered, so he didn't dare to approach. Seeing from afar, I don't know what they said."

Li Shan's old mother stood up, walked to the window, was silent for a while, and said: "Ye Shaoyang is back, and it's time for him to come back... so, you go to see him and ask him about his plans, and don't say anything else."

Fan Lihua hesitated and said: "Master, we are enemies with him, so asking him directly...does it mean to show affection?"

"It's just to show kindness." Li Shan's old mother said, "The real enemy I teach is not Ye Shaoyang, nor Daofeng. If it is a peaceful world, I will naturally not let them go. The world is in jeopardy, and the reincarnated ghost boy is in the hands of the corpse clan... Do you know what the corpse clan wants to do?"

Fan Lihua said: "This disciple can still guess that the corpse tribe just wanted to use the reincarnated ghost boy to lure Ye Shaoyang to defect and stand on their side. However, Ye Shaoyang is just a mage in the world, and he really has such great value. Can even a corpse king like you?"

"No, you were not present in the Xingxiuhai battle that day. Now that I think about it, Ye Shaoyang's group of people are all dragons and phoenixes. If time passes, some of them will grow up to dominate the world, let alone Ye Shaoyang. The person who should be robbed... Secondly, he is the head teacher of Xuanqing Mountain. If he turns his back on the corpse clan, the human magic world will definitely attack Xuanqing Mountain, and the world will be in chaos.

The corpse tribe is now in chaos, and what they want to see most is a chaotic world... Besides, there are Qingqiu Mountain and the Valley of the Wind behind Ye Shaoyang. If these two major forces turn against the corpse tribe like Ye Shaoyang, the situation will be different immediately. So right now, no matter what, we have to let go of the old hatred and strive for an alliance... You just need to know what I say, you must not say it directly, first test Ye Shaoyang's reaction. "

The old mother of Li Shan stretched out her hand to grab Fan Lihua's hand, with an elder's loving smile on her face, she said: "You are going back to the mountain today, I should have given you some time as a teacher, but in this situation, we can't afford to delay. You go now."

"Student obey!" Fan Lihua got up, thought for a while and said, "I have one more thing to report. Recently, the Magic Guild has been doing a lot in the human world. It wants to lead the human magic world. Its ambition is obvious. Master, how should we deal with this matter?" ?”

Li Shan's old mother snorted coldly, "In the age of the end of the Dharma, everyone really wants to jump out and stir up the wind and rain. The Xingyue Slave has such ambitions for a hundred years, and endured for a hundred years. This time, he must have come prepared Yes. I will discuss this matter with Fluctlight and the others, and then make a decision. At present, it is neither an enemy nor a friend. If they contact you, just ignore it."

"Yes! That disciple is going now." Fan Lihua bowed and said goodbye to Li Shan's old mother, turned to go out, but was stopped by Li Shan's old mother again.

"It suddenly occurred to me that since Ye Shaoyang has returned, the Patriarch Qingniu disappeared with him, maybe he has also returned?"

"This disciple didn't see it."

"Go find Su Mo, tell her about this, and let her go around the world and find her senior brother. She lives in the second thatched cottage on the left."

"Oh, Junior Sister Su Mo, I saw her on the way up the mountain before. She just happened to be going down the mountain, so I don't know where she is going."

"Take a few people with you and go look for them in the valley."

Fan Lihua then resigned.

Su Mo came all the way to the valley, walked for a while based on feeling, seemed to be getting closer to the symbol in his mind, looked around in a bush, suddenly felt someone behind him, turned his head to look, but saw A lotus flower grew on the grass, it was still in bud, and it was full of aura up and down.

I walked by myself before, but I haven't come here yet, where did it come from?

Su Mo walked over curiously, squatted down in front of Lianhua, and looked carefully.

The buds suddenly opened, and a refreshing fragrance came to the nostrils.

Su Mo trembled all over. The fragrance... seemed to evoke some kind of memory deep in her heart. Looking at the lotus in front of her again, Su Mo felt a very familiar feeling in her heart. This feeling is indescribable, as if ... The lotus flower in front of her is like herself.

Su Mo was stunned for a while, and finally sat down cross-legged in front of the lotus, and closed his eyes. The lotus was still in his mind, as if a stone had been thrown into the calm water, causing ripples.

Memories of the past and present... all kinds of things are turning over and over in my mind.

Su Mo trembled all over, his expression extremely painful, as if he was enduring some terrible torture.


Su Mo suddenly let out a cry, his body trembled, he came to his senses, he stumbled back a few steps, and the lotus in front of him had disappeared.

Su Mo burst into tears.

"The fate of the Tathagata, the cause and effect of the previous life, the breeze of the lotus flower, today I know that I am me...Su Mo, have you realized it?"

A voice sounded behind him. When Su Mo heard it, he was startled again. He turned around abruptly and saw a girl walking in the air with bare white feet. Every time he took a step, a lotus flower composed of spiritual power would grow under his feet. , and then bloom.

Lotus grows step by step.

Her appearance was exactly the same as her own, wearing a long green dress, she looked like a lotus emerging from water.

Su Mo seemed to see another self.

"You are..." Su Mo's voice began to tremble.

"I am you."

Su Mo stared blankly at her, then lowered his head, raised his head after a while, with tears streaming down his face, and murmured: "Today I know I am me, I know, you are Fairy Futiao. I... ...is a ray of your divine thoughts in reincarnation."

Biqing smiled slightly.

"But, you shouldn't be here, you...your true self, has been sleeping in the void...you shouldn't be here."

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