Urban Witcher

Chapter 2356 Chapter 2364 Origin 2

"I said, those were all your subordinates just now? Why do you speak Mandarin?" Ye Shaoyang asked, standing behind Yang Gongzi with a hand on her shoulder.

"Infuriating Chaos, an elf is born by chance. After a hundred years of practice, it takes a human form and develops spiritual wisdom. Although I am all evil spirits in the Chaos Realm, once my spiritual wisdom is activated, I have to learn human language, etiquette, and simple knowledge. This is the rule set by the previous Chaos Heavenly Demon, only in this way can we gradually become stronger."

After a pause, Yang Gongzi continued, "It's not just us, even Xuanyuan Mountain, Qingming Realm, and Wuliang Realm are the same, and they all act according to the etiquette of China in the human world."

Daofeng took up the conversation very rarely, and said: "Compared with evil things, the most powerful thing for human beings is not spells and magic tools, but civilization."

Ye Shaoyang pondered. He knew that the "civilization" mentioned by Daofeng did not refer to civilization that fosters a new style of civilization, but a larger meaning: culture.

Mainly language and knowledge. These are the most remarkable achievements of human beings. Even spells and instruments are the products of this knowledge. They can think and practice before they can make progress.

Whether it is human or evil, it is in line with this principle.

This is one of the reasons why any goblin desperately wants to cultivate human form.

Along the way, they encountered several groups of chaotic creatures. Yang Gongzi didn't bother to say anything more, and kept flying over. When these humanoid chaotic creatures saw Yang Gongzi, they immediately knelt down and looked very respectful.

These evil spirits all look like people, but it may be because they have no aesthetics, most of them are ugly, and they wear ancient silk and satin clothes. After kneeling, they fold their hands and hold ancient ceremony.

Seeing these people along the way, Lin Sansheng couldn't help scrutinizing them carefully, and asked Yang Gongzi many details about these evil spirits.

"Who taught them manners and language?"

"I have three chiefs, all of whom often go to the human world, learned these things in the human world, and taught them, but they are not proficient in these things. They are nothing more than teaching them etiquette and language, as well as the scriptures and spells of Taoism and Buddhism. Class." Yang Gongzi has a good temper with everyone except Ye Shaoyang, answering every question.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Why do you inquire so much, you want to be a teacher."

Lin Sansheng was silent for a moment, then said: "I really have this idea."

"You are crazy!" Ye Shaoyang and others expressed their contempt together. It's not that he looks down on these creatures in the Chaos Realm. The main reason is that Lin Sansheng is a ghost in the world and has nothing to do with the Chaos Realm. This idea is really crazy.

Lin Sansheng said: "I'm serious. Think about it, Wan'er and I can't stay in the human world. The Yin Division and the Qingming world are all connected to the human world, so we can't go there. Why don't I come here and be a teacher?" Sir, it’s also free, so we can still get together from time to time, why not, besides, with my knowledge, it’s not a problem to be a teacher.”

Then he said to Yang Gongzi: "You guys can not only learn this, I can teach them more things, as long as you allow me to come."

Yang Gongzi glanced at him in surprise, and said, "If you're serious, we'll talk about it later."

In the dense fog, Ye Shaoyang tried his best to see the surrounding environment clearly, and found that there were also flowers, plants and trees here, but the shape was different from the human world, and the trees were very tall, even as high as dozens of floors, which was simply amazing. Not to mention tasks and the like, this time can be regarded as a strange journey.

After flying for about half an hour, Yang Gongzi finally stopped, waved his sleeves, and dispersed the dense fog nearby. Everyone looked around and found that they were standing on a small island with endless water nearby, but it was very calm. , the water quality is also excellent, the island is not big, only the size of a football field, there is a tree on the island with a straight trunk, it looks like a spruce, but it is so tall that you can't even see the crown of the tree when you look up.

On the leaves and in the air, there are countless light spots like fireflies flying all over the sky, but they maintain a slow flying speed in the cold wind.

"Wow, it's so beautiful here!"

Ye Shaoyang suddenly heard Cheng Zi's voice, he was startled, turned his head to look, found Cheng Zi in the crowd, and immediately scolded: "Didn't I not let you come! You are the Yin God of the Temple of Heaven, it is inconvenient to act with us , you don’t know it yourself!”

Chengzi pouted, and muttered: "I'm the only one left, how boring, anyway, I'm here, so don't worry about it, at worst, I won't do anything."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless.

Xie Yuqing walked over, took Ye Shaoyang's arm, and murmured: "This place is so beautiful, there is absolutely no such scenery in the world, even if it is worth dying here."

"Don't talk nonsense." Ye Shaoyang covered her mouth. But I saw Baozi and Guagua jumping up the tree together to catch those fireflies. But these light spots were not real fireflies, they couldn't catch them at all, and flowed away from their fingers. The two guys had a great time.

"Don't make trouble!" Ye Shaoyang scolded, seeing that Yang Gongzi didn't object, he ignored it and asked her about everything in front of her.

"This is the Sea of ​​Chaos. Well, I named it randomly because it has no name. This tree... also has no name, so let's call it the Tree of Life. The entire Chaos Realm is filled with chaos... only After being absorbed and exhaled by this tree, it can become the true energy of chaos. These lights become living beings here, and they will stay here to practice unconsciously until they cultivate human form and produce spiritual wisdom. The form, the slightly formed ones are all on top."

Yang Gongzi waved his sleeves in the air, dispelling the mist above the trees, and he could see a little higher place, wisps of smoke-like breath, slowly swirling around the trees, and a little higher, the smoke With the shape, it looks like a small paper talisman with a slightly human form. The higher you go, the clearer the human form becomes.

"It's...unbelievable." Ye Shaoyang held his head up and spit out this sentence to express his current mood.

No matter how different he is, Ye Shaoyang is a human being after all, and this is the first time he has seen such a mysterious and bizarre scene before him, and the shock in his heart is indescribable. One word came to his mind: origin.

Although this is not the human world, it is the world of chaos, but it is also the origin of life in a world.

"Amazing." Lin Sansheng used a more literary word.

"It's really...you don't know if you don't look at it. It's shocking." Xiaoma has too many threads.

While everyone was talking, dozens of figures flew over from the other side of the island,

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