Urban Witcher

Chapter 2369 Chapter 2377 Do what you say 1

This was the brightest moment of Lao Guo's life.

The first inventor in the magic world. Well deserved.

But when it comes to Jie Lingshui, the original design inspiration was to save money...

When Lao Guo was talking about all this with great pride, because Zen Master Shanshan, the strongest man, was broken, the strength of both the enemy and us suddenly subverted. Lin Sansheng called on everyone to retreat to the circle of the dung pile , quite enough to resist the siege of those Pangu monks.

It is precisely because of the temporary relief of the crisis that Lao Guo has the time and mood to speak such a long paragraph eloquently.

"Finally," he said, stretching out a finger and looking at Zen Master Shanshan, "I just want to say one thing. Believe in science. Sometimes the mind is more effective than the mana."

"This is pretending! I'm convinced!" Xiao Ma yelled, and climbed directly onto Lao Guo's back, wrapping his arms around his neck.

Lao Guo wiped his hair with his hand, and said lightly, "It's a piece of cake."

Lin Sansheng shouted loudly: "The battle is not over yet. Let's defend together!"

One sentence made the slightly relaxed atmosphere tense again. While responding to the enemy, everyone turned their heads to look at the Donghuang Bell one after another. Ye Shaoyang and Xue Qi sat on the top of the Donghuang Bell back to back. Xue Qi's expression was better, but Ye Shaoyang's face was not It was as white as paper, and looked very weak, as if the primordial spirit and soul had been drained dry.

Although he was injured countless times before and had to resist painfully in a difficult situation, in the eyes of everyone, Ye Shaoyang has never been in a situation like this one. It seems... a feeling that is very close to death.

It is not the death of the physical body, but the shattering of the primordial spirit and its ashes.

At this time, Ye Shaoyang can completely use the method to counteract the power of the thunder calamity, and people can be relieved immediately. However, the most cruel part of the whole process of crossing the calamity is that they cannot use mana: Ye Shaoyang's current role is a medium. Lead the power of the demon thunder to the East Emperor Bell to help Xiao Jiu cross the catastrophe. If he uses the gang energy, he can resist the demon thunder, but in this way, the meaning of crossing the catastrophe will no longer exist.

He can only rely on divine thoughts to survive, bear the demon thunder, and the thoughts of those undead...

"It's fortunate that Xue Qi helped him absorb part of the power of the demon thunder, otherwise he might not be able to withstand it anymore." Lin Sansheng murmured.

"Then let's go together too, let's stand together!" Xiao Ma said as he was about to go there, but Lin Sansheng stopped him, glared at him and said, "Xueqi has no soul, so she can withstand the thunder calamity. How do you go? Once you go, your soul will fly away!"

"Then... what are we waiting here?"

Lin Sansheng glanced at Ye Shaoyang, his eyes were full of worry, and he murmured: "Now he can only rely on himself, we just need to guard his eyes for him."

Chan Master Shanshan's dharma body was broken and fell to the ground, his expression seemed to be contemplative, he was silent for a long time, nodded his head, and said slowly: "Spells in the world have not been seen for hundreds of years, but they are also very talented, but... what is it? Minor techniques."

The pony stopped doing it as soon as he heard it, and yelled: "Old bald donkey, don't pretend to be so aggressive anymore, your legal body is broken now, what else is there to pretend, you are awesome, come, come, come with me Go shirtless and fight!"

If before, Xiao Ma would not dare to speak wild words, but now it is different, Chan Master Shanshan's dharma body has been broken, and he cannot use spells.

Zen Master Shanshan glanced at him, then suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched his middle finger. A golden light appeared at the fingertips, which turned into water waves and slowly flowed down, wetting his whole body, and the dung and water on the cassock were also washed clean.

"Master Kasyapa, Dawei Tianlong, Prajna Paramita!"

Zen Master Shanshan chanted a mantra and walked slowly towards Leichi. Every step he took, the water waves on his body would erode the area three inches in front of him. Not on the body.

A group of people from the Ghostbusters Alliance were stunned. Wu Jiawei, who was closest to him, immediately reacted and rushed over with a sword.

Zen Master Shanshan clasped his hands together, staggered up and down, and the golden light radiated between his ten fingers, forming a "*" character in front of him. The Zen Master's steps paused, and Wu Jiawei was immediately shocked back several steps.

"How can it be!"

The little horse cried out, "Didn't he, he, his body be broken, so he can't practice the law? What the hell is this?"

The rest of the people stared at Zen Master Shanshan who was approaching constantly, in a daze.

"I see." Sibao said suddenly, "He is a venerable, or a higher realm!"

my lord! ! !

These two words were like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's heart.

The order of the realm of Buddhist disciples is: novice, monk, master, Zen master, master, arhat, and venerable.

The venerable corresponds to the Taoist immortal, which belongs to the unknowable realm. Although there is only one realm difference from Arhat, it is a world of difference.

"How do you know?" Wu Jiawei asked.

"Buddhist disciples, it is rumored that after becoming a venerable, one can truly reach the state of 'no body, no life, no dirt and uncleanness'. It doesn't matter whether his physical body exists or not... Daofeng is also in this state, this state, It's not something we can understand."

"Then what should we do?" Xiaobai asked.

"Mana will always be exhausted." Sibao gritted his teeth, "Let's go together, ants will eat elephants! Anyway, we must prevent him from approaching Thunder Lake!"

Everyone rushed over together, doing their own way to prevent Zen Master Shanshan from approaching.

It was useless for Lao Guo and Xie Yuqing to go up, so they stood on both sides of the gap in the dung pile and sprayed dung at the Pangu monks to prevent them from joining the battle. Yang Gongzi and Emperor Jianwen also stayed to help, temporarily blocking the crowd of Pan Gu monks who flocked to him.

But even though the Ghostbuster Alliance swarmed up, Zen Master Shanshan was far stronger than any opponent they had encountered before. Even though everyone joined together, it only affected his speed. Under the dazzling golden light, he couldn't get close at all. Even Nangong Ying couldn't help him.

Zen Master Shanshan walked very slowly, but still walked forward step by step and unswervingly...

The power of His Holiness cannot be stopped.

As the spiritual thoughts became more and more exhausted, almost on the verge of falling apart, Ye Shaoyang's consciousness was about to disappear, leaving only a wisp of unyielding thoughts, almost relying on instinct, carrying out the final persistence...

This last spiritual consciousness is also being infiltrated bit by bit, like a small boat swaying in a storm, it has been completely submerged in the waves, only the last mast is left, and it is gradually submerged in the water, just a little bit would be completely submerged... nt

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