Urban Witcher

Chapter 2382 Chapter 2390 Sudden Disaster 1

Ye Shaoyang looked at him blankly. "Is it okay to prove it?"

Daofeng nodded. "Hunyuan Dao is the three realms of heaven and earth. Beings in the three realms and being outside the three realms are completely different things."

Ye Shaoyang said: "When will you testify?"


"I'll wait, take me to fly when the time comes." Ye Shaoyang chuckled.

Lin Sansheng said: "Let's talk about business. Shaoyang, you also remember the affairs of the Republic of China. Xingyue Nu and Li Haoran had a grudge against each other. If Li Haoran really proved the truth, why would he let her go and take Biqing with her in silence?" go away?"

Sibao nodded slowly, "That's right, this Li Haoran is a talker, and he didn't say a word this time, it doesn't suit his style of painting."

Ye Shaoyang pondered for a while, then said: "Could it be because he has enmity with both sides, so the two don't help each other? Don't forget that we shoveled the Taoist sect in the world..."

Everyone thinks that this should not be the reason, and in the end it can only be regarded as an episode and left alone.

"Then what shall we do now?" Pony asked, looking around.

"Brother Feng said, let's all go back quickly, otherwise Yue Heng and the others won't be able to guard them. Now that Shaoyang is awake, we should go too." After Yang Gongzi finished speaking, he looked at Ye Shaoyang, nodded and said: " Taiyin Mountain has made a lot of moves in the ghost domain recently, we have to rush back, and when you need help, come to us again."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "I don't want to say thank you to you, and you are the same. I have something to call."

After speaking, he looked towards the pony.

Xiao Ma was a little disappointed, looked at these familiar people, and finally pulled Gua Gua in front of him forcefully, rubbed his head, and said to everyone: "I'm leaving too."

"Be careful. Don't be so rash."

"It's okay, I'm a lucky general, I can't die." Xiao Ma chuckled, "Okay, brothers, I'm leaving, remember to call me if you have anything to do."

Xiao Ma looked at the crowd with infinite nostalgia in his eyes, then turned around and went out with a cruel heart.

Ye Shaoyang and others are also very reluctant to part with him, but there is no way, the current pony is from the Valley of the Wind, although the two organize a family, but Daofeng also needs manpower now, and Ye Shaoyang is not good at keeping him .

Yang Gongzi and the others left one after another after saying goodbye to Ye Shaoyang and his party.

"I will borrow this sword for a while. When you need it, I will return it to you." Emperor Jianwen said to Ye Shaoyang holding the fish intestine sword.

"Just tell Daofeng, I don't care." Ye Shaoyang had no interest in him. Speaking of which, the two still had a feud against their wives, but Emperor Jianwen was a man of great affairs and did not show this hatred, but Ye Shaoyang knew in his heart that he held grudges.

He didn't reject Emperor Jianwen because of this, on the contrary, it was because Emperor Jianwen could bear the revenge of killing his wife. Ye Shaoyang thought that this kind of city man was different from him, and he was destined not to be his brother.

Yang Gongzi and the others left first, and Daofeng was the only one left in the room.

Ye Shaoyang tilted his head to look at him, and said, "Is there anything you want to say?"

Daofeng said: "I killed all the disciples that Xingyue Slave accepted in the world, and there is only one left. I can't investigate anything about him. Now that you are back, I leave everything to you. You want to deal with Xingyue Slave, you can't get around this man."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly. Everyone had talked about Xingyuenu's hermit before, but at that time, everyone was full of thoughts on how to break into the thunder pond, and didn't think about it carefully. Said, Ye Shaoyang was still a little unconcerned, and said: "He is Xingyuenu's apprentice, so how powerful can he be?"

Daofeng said coldly: "Li Haoran is still the apprentice of Master Wuji, what do you think of him?"

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, and chuckled, "That's not bad, after all, Master Wuji is known as the god of Taoism in the world, you should take me as an example, I am much more powerful than our master."

Daofeng was speechless and didn't even bother to argue with him. Leaving behind a sentence of "Let's go", he walked away.

"Dao Feng is strong, I still have something to ask you..." Xiao Bai hurriedly chased him out.

When they were all gone, Ye Shaoyang looked around and said to everyone: "Everyone rest for a night first, how about having a dinner at noon tomorrow, Guagua, you go to Yinsi to get some wine that you can drink, after the party, you go with Xiaojiu Kongjie, go to fight against the corpse clan, firstly to accumulate yin virtue, find an opportunity to return to the underworld to work as an errand, secondly, to collect information, I don’t need you here for the time being, don’t need so many people staying here.”

Everyone nodded.

Guagua immediately took Baozi together, broke through the void, and happily went to Huangquan. Chengzi had been in the world for two days, so he said goodbye and went back with them.

"It's midnight now, I need to sleep, I can sleep until noon." After Xie Yuqing finished speaking, she lay down on Ye Shaoyang's bed. Before Ye Shaoyang didn't wake up, everyone was worried and didn't sleep well. Now that Ye Shaoyang is awake, there is no need to hold on.

Zhou Jingru yawned, and said, "Then I'll sleep here too, it's too late, and I don't want to go back."

"Okay, you all go to bed. I just woke up and can't sleep. I'll go find something to eat."

"Brother Shaoyang, you haven't eaten all day and all night. You just drank a bowl of porridge. Don't eat spicy food!" Zhou Jingru got up and instructed.

"Don't worry about him, he has a good stomach. He won't die." Xie Yuqing hugged the pillow and murmured with her eyes closed.

Ye Shaoyang smiled, these two are people who care about him most, but their personalities are completely different.

Sibao and Lao Guo also yawned again and again, and fell asleep on the sofa in the living room after eating the porridge.

"I'll go to the rooftop to get some fresh air, which one of you will go with me?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"I'm with you." Xiao Jiu said.

"I'm not going, I'll take Cui Lang to the night market, come back before dawn, let's go." Feng Xi pulled Cui Ying away. "Miss Meihua, do you want to go together?"

Meihua agreed, and the three of them went out together.

Xiaoqing complained: "Xiaobai probably ran away after Daofeng, Boss, let me go for a walk with you."

"Xiaoqing, come with us." Meihua waved to him.

"I don't go shopping..."

"Let's go, let's buy you clothes." Meihua took a look at Ye Shaoyang and Xiaojiu, and dragged Xiaoqing away who was not sensible.

"Baimei, you..."

"Don't worry, I'm sleeping, I'm not a light bulb." Wu Jiawei pushed Sibao and Lao Guo aside, and squeezed himself on the sofa. Fortunately, the sofa is relatively big, and the three of them could barely lie down.

Lin Sansheng said: "I'm going to find Wan'er, you go. I'll go over and discuss things later." After speaking, he got into the mirror of Yin and Yang.

Ye Shaoyang smiled at Xiao Jiu, and said: "These guys have good eyesight, let's go."

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