Urban Witcher

Chapter 2386 Chapter 2394 Ambush 2

Ye Shaoyang seemed to understand something, and said, "I have returned to the present world, so it is impossible for me to see what I wrote a hundred years ago, because I am a person in this world... I can't explain it clearly, anyway, that's what it means, If I were allowed to see what I wrote a hundred years ago, it would form a paradox...Maybe the Dao of Heaven and Earth does not allow this kind of rule to be formed, and it is automatically corrected."

Xie Yuqing stared at him blankly. "Avenue of Heaven and Earth?"

"It should be the rules of the world. Time, space, birth, old age, sickness and death, etc., all have laws that have not changed for thousands of years. Things that break the laws will be corrected. I was in the Republic of China before, so you can see The above words, because there is no me in this era, but when I come back, this matter will be corrected...Of course this is my own guess, I believe it is."

Xie Yuqing tilted her head, pondered for a long time, and said, "Then who made this rule?"

"Then who knows, maybe it is a kind of power that surpasses everything in the dark. Maybe you will know the truth of everything after you have certified the Hunyuan Dao."

Xie Yuqing thought foolishly for a long time, and said, "Shaoyang, will you be able to prove the Tao one day, just like that Li Haoran."

"I don't know. It depends on chance. I never thought about it."

"After proving the Tao, will you become a fairy?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a long time, and said: "It should be the existence of transcending everything and becoming another kind of living being. Ordinary people may think that they are immortals, but the concept of immortals is only imagined by ordinary people. The reality is of course different. Li Old Mother Shan and Fairy Yaoguang are all Golden Immortals of Explanation and Education, isn't that the same thing, even Daofeng is not necessarily an opponent."

Xie Yuqing stepped forward and took his arm, walked forward together, and said with a smile: "Shaoyang, if you become a fairy one day, you must come and tell me what it will be like after becoming a fairy, oh, maybe you will become a fairy!" Empress Dowager, don’t care about everything anymore, forget about me too.” At the end, she felt a little lost for no reason.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "How come, if the price of proving the Tao is to forget all feelings, then I will never prove the Tao."

After six o'clock in the morning, the steamed stuffed bun shop opened. The two of them had a delicious meal of big meaty steamed stuffed buns, and then packed a lot to take home for everyone to eat. As a result, when he walked halfway, he suddenly felt a burst of heat in his palm. He raised his wrist and saw the two soul imprint lines on it light up.

"It's Guagua and Baozi, they sent me a signal together, something went wrong!"

"How do you know something happened?" Xie Yuqing was curious.

"The signal is one long and three short, which we agreed upon, and we will never send such a signal unless it is a major event."

"Ugh, you've become a telegram!"

Ye Shaoyang stuffed the buns to him, "They are in Yin Division, I want to go and have a look, you send the buns back first, then tell them to wait, if necessary, I will call everyone down!"

"Okay, you go quickly, how are you going?" Xie Yuqing looked around.

After Ye Shaoyang said this, he remembered his situation. He could leave his body anytime and anywhere and go to the Yin Division, but if he continued like that, his soul would not have much cultivation and magic weapons would not work, and on this street... What about the flesh? Or just go back first, set up the altar, and project the physical body through the cracks in the void...

The two took a taxi and went back quickly. When they got home, Ye Shaoyang explained the matter while arranging the altar, and asked everyone to wait. Anyway, each other can perceive each other's position through the soul seal. What kind of accident did they encounter? , It is not too late to call them over.

Passing through the gap in the void, Ye Shaoyang landed near the south gate of Fengdu City. Fengdu City, like the city in the human world, also has four gates, but contrary to the human world, the south is respected in the human world. If it is a city, the main gate must be the south gate , but in the Yin Division, it is the opposite of the human world, and the north is the most respected, so the main gate of Fengdu City is the North Gate.

The location of Guagua and Baozi's soul seal is on the north gate. Ye Shaoyang flew forward, very curious in his heart, originally he thought that something happened to the two of them, maybe they encountered creatures that shouldn't be encountered like Taiyin Mountain in the ghost domain, but what could happen near Fengdu City?

After rushing all the way, there is an unknown river two or three miles away from the city gate.

There was a five or six-year-old child standing by the river, looking left and right, when he saw Ye Shaoyang, he rushed over immediately.

It's buns.

"Boss is not well, hurry up and follow me!" After finishing speaking, he burrowed into the opposite forest.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly followed and asked, "What happened, where is Guagua?"

"He was guarding in the woods, and asked me to wait for the boss here. There is a fight ahead, so if I go late, it will be too late!"

"Tell me clearly, who fights whom?"

"It's Xu Fu, the ancestor of Xu, who fought with the people of the Yin Division. Black and white are impermanent, and there are many people such as wandering gods."

"No way!"

Ye Shaoyang cried out involuntarily.

This news was really a bolt from the blue for him. He hadn't seen Xu Fu since he came back from Chuang Lei Chi, and he was still wondering how to find him, but... he was actually here.

Too late to think about it.

Ye Shaoyang rushed over quickly, Baozi ran faster than him, and led the way. When he was in the woods, Ye Shaoyang heard the sound of fighting outside, rushed out of the woods, and immediately saw Guagua, and Guagua also saw him , pointing in one direction and said: "Boss, look!"

Not far ahead, in a huge open space, a battle is going on.

Black and white impermanence, six or seven gold-armored ghost warriors, and Shiniang, the current director of the patrol department who had dealt with Ye Shaoyang before, led a group of patrol gods, and they were besieging Xu Fu and Bai Qi.

Holding the Judge's Pen, Xu Fu kept swiping in four directions. Every time he drew a stroke, a line of spiritual power would be formed, bless the barrier, and protect himself and Bai Qi.

Bai Qi stood still, with a dark red aura constantly exuding from his body, forming bubbles that circled around him, attacking and defending freely.

On the periphery, under the auspices of black and white impermanence, we united everyone's strength to form a huge spiritual magnetic field, locking the two of them in the middle, countless spiritual lights, attacking regularly, colorful and layered, it looks like Like a kaleidoscope.

Xu Fu and Bai Qi are struggling to support...

Ye Shaoyang rushed over, and the golden-armored ghost warriors on the periphery spotted him, turned to face him and shouted: "The Yin Division is arresting important criminals, it has nothing to do with living beings, leave quickly!"

His shout made Hei Wuchang and the others discover him,

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