Urban Witcher

Chapter 2396 Chapter 2404 You follow the wave 2

"Master Tao told me."

"Master Tao?" Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, "Oh, you said Tao Hongjing Tao Patriarch. He..." Ye Shaoyang turned his head and glanced at the main hall, "Is he in there?"

"Going out for a walk."

"Oh, master, if you hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten that this is Mr. Tao's site. You see, I didn't bring any gifts..." Before I could finish speaking, I suddenly saw Qing Yunzi raise his hand, and instinctively asked After a flash, he avoided a shot of a chestnut, "Hey, I didn't hit it."

"Hmph." Qing Yunzi sneered, and quickly drew a few times with his left hand in the air, directly gathering spiritual energy, forming an indeterminate talisman, patted it on Ye Shaoyang, and turned into eight golden locks in front of Ye Shaoyang, before he could remove it The solution was already wrapped around the neck, and I couldn't move immediately.

Qing Yunzi leaned over, tapped him firmly on the head, and said with a smile, "Didn't you say you can't hit it?"

"Yes, Master is amazing."

"It's boring." Qing Yunzi shook his head, "I'm old, and now I need you to let me hit you."

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he was a little embarrassed, "Master, I didn't let you, Master is so powerful, I'm no match..."

Qing Yunzi glared at him, hiding the frustration in his eyes, and said: "Next time, I have to put on a show, your acting skills are too bad, it's so boring, you know."

"Yes, Master taught me a lesson, but even if I don't let you, I really can't beat you." Ye Shaoyang felt infected in his heart. Qing Yunzi's last joke was obviously to comfort himself, so that he would not feel uncomfortable in his position. The helplessness of life.

"But, Master, why are you beating me? I'm telling the truth."

Qing Yunzi said: "Of course it makes sense for me to knock you! I'm here to tell you something serious, you are talking about gourds and gourds with me, what are you talking about, what are you talking about?"

"But Master..." Ye Shaoyang scratched the back of his head, "You hit me, and it took a lot of time."

After hearing this, Qingyunzi still wanted to hit him, but after thinking about it, it seemed that this was really the case, so he gave up.

Guagua and Baozi were shrunken and didn't dare to laugh, they were already happy in their hearts, neither of the two masters and apprentices was serious.

Ye Shaoyang coughed twice, "Master, let's talk about business. You just said... Mr. Tao told you, but how did Mr. Tao know?"

Qing Yunzi said: "You can't say it."

"What can't you say?" Ye Shaoyang was puzzled.

"Originally this is a secret of others. If you ask it out, it is no longer a secret. How did he hear about it? What does it have to do with you? Anyway, just be careful!"

"Oh..." Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, then asked Guagua, "What kind of ecstasy is this, is it very powerful?"

"It is said that their cultivation is not very strong, but these three people are all from the human world, they are very sinister and cunning, and they are ever-changing, making it hard to guard against."

"Insidious and cunning...I don't worry about this, I have never seen anyone who is more cunning than my military division, ever-changing...Is this an adjective?"

"What is an adjective?" Guagua blinked.

"Okay, okay, just tell me, what do you mean?"

"Oh, that is to say, the soul seducer only needs a drop of blood from a certain creature, whether it is human blood or ghost blood, just a little bit, and he can transform into the appearance of this creature. Except for using the demon mirror, even if you open your eyes, you can't see the clue .”

Ye Shaoyang was stunned. "No way?"

"It really is."

Qing Yunzi held his beard and said: "I'm afraid it's true. I heard that the ecstasy envoy turned into the appearance of that shady and handsome master. He was suspicious of providing false information, and finally led the army of Taiyin Mountain to encircle him in the north of the isolated city." , Lured the enemy to go deep, and finally the whole army was wiped out... Until the end, the yin handsome didn't find any flaws, and still believed in him as the master, he was seriously injured, broke through and fled, and was finally killed by this 'master'..."

"This..." Ye Shaoyang thought about it, and said slowly: "Insidious and cunning, coupled with the ability to take shape, this is terrible. For example, if he turns into the appearance of Master, I will definitely be fooled."

Qing Yunzi said: "You should think about this slowly, anyway, you should be careful recently, I can't help you much."

I stood up, stretched my waist and said, "Okay, let's go. Go back and ask Da Ya to burn me a ghost book No. 2. My previous one was borrowed by King Yama. I went to Sen Luo Hall three times. This old man is hiding If I don't see you, I can't do anything, remember, this is a big deal!"

"Yes, I see. By the way, Master, I have one more thing to say..."

Ye Shaoyang told about Xu Fu's arrest and Bai Qi's being taken away by Taiyin Mountain, and then added Hei Wuchang's analysis. Qing Yunzi frowned after hearing this, and thought for a while: "This matter is really troublesome. You go back and see what's going on, if something really happens, I'll help you find a solution. Remember not to invite me, just burn the paper and tell me!"

"Understood, Master, take care of yourself, I... have left." Ye Shaoyang looked at Qing Yunzi reluctantly, "Do you... have any other teachings?"

Qing Yunzi stroked his beard, waved his hands and said: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and now it's your time. Go ahead and waste your time, and waste all the things that Master didn't waste. I'll see what you can waste." movement."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "Don't embarrass Master."

"Time and space are irreversible. What Xu Fu did is wrong. Even if you really get the Shanhai Seal in the future, don't think about changing the past...You son of a bitch, no matter whether I will be here in the future, you must remember what Master said."

Ye Shaoyang was about to go out, but when he heard the last words, he was stunned and said: "Master, why don't you just stay here, where else can you go? You promised me that you won't go to reincarnation for the time being." .”

"I won't go, don't worry." Qing Yunzi waved to him, "Let's go."

Ye Shaoyang wanted to say something, but Qing Yunzi had already turned around.

Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to walk out the door.

As soon as he turned around, Qing Yunzi also turned around, watching his back with cloudy eyes, and murmured: "You son of a bitch, I know your heart, but it's useless to talk so much nonsense. I only want you to be mediocre!" An An, marry a wife and have children, live a long life..."

It's a pity that Ye Shaoyang didn't hear his inner monologue, and had already walked out of the gate of the Taoist temple.

"Boss, are you going back if you don't open the void crack?" Guagua asked.

"Let's go for a walk, I want to ask you something." Ye Shaoyang walked slowly on the wasteland, looked at Guagua and Baozi, and said, "Which one of you will talk first?"

"What?" Both of them were confused.

"Don't pretend to me, what are you hiding from me...I mentioned Leng Yu earlier, what did you think of, Baozi, you invaded his consciousness at that time, and you know some secrets. Which one of you will tell first, or come one by one?"

(Everyone who didn’t get the red envelope, hurry up, find that article from the historical news of the official account, scan the code to get the red envelope, hurry up)

(End of this chapter)——

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