Urban Witcher

Chapter 2410 Chapter 2418 Town 2

Sibao turned his head and said to Zhuang Yuning: "You are a star, and you are more interested in your body, and this tomb-suppressing spirit grows on your shoulders, which is more conspicuous, so you found out that if ordinary people are parasitized, it grows on the back Or other parts that are more difficult to detect, then it will be troublesome, this thing is not painful or itchy, and it may not know how to die until it dies."

After hearing these words, Zhuang Yuning was also terrified.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Don't scare her, just keep talking."

Sibao said: "The tomb-suppressing spirit is not scary. The scary thing is that the tomb-suppressing spirit is born from the cave where the tomb-suppressing beast is... Do you understand, where there is a tomb-suppressing spirit, it means that there is a tomb-suppressing beast."

Ye Shaoyang said: "There really are tomb-slayer beasts? Impossible."

"If not, where did the word come from?"

"Didn't it mean that the tomb-slayer beasts are all ancient beasts? How could manpower subdue them?"

In the ancient tomb in western Hunan, Ye Shaoyang encountered a snake and was suppressed. This is still different from the tomb-suppressing beast. Alien beasts can be suppressed, but they can never be kept in captivity... the real tomb-suppressing beast , According to the book, it was "raised" by the mage in some way in the ancient tomb to protect the owner of the tomb and the treasures in the tomb.

"I've always regarded this as a legend, the tomb-slayer beast, it sounds like a fascination, but how can there be a mage who can subdue ancient beasts and keep them in ancient tombs? Let me give you an example, I am strong enough now Forget it, if you encounter an ancient beast, you can only run away, and wanting to subdue the beast is just a dream." Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "Please allow me to put on a comparison, ancient mages, even those awesome ones, As long as I don't kill the three corpses, I don't think anyone can be much better than me."

He couldn't catch things at all, and Ye Shaoyang didn't believe that anyone in ancient times could do it.

Sibao said: "You are right in pretending, but you think the ancients are as idiots as people, to fight with the ancient beasts, and then surrender? Also, the search for the tomb-suppressing beast was ordered by the emperor. Using the power of the whole country to do it, not one or two mages participated at all, and all kinds of magic weapons and formations were used to trap strange beasts.

But doing so is very laborious and costly, and it is not in line with ethics, so it is a very secretive behavior that will not leave traces in the history books. Moreover, it basically ends in failure, but there are also successes. "

"Really successful?" Ye Shaoyang frowned.

"Yes, although there are few, but it is not without, but generally speaking, there is no way to trap the tomb-suppressing beast for a long time. In the end, within a few years, the tomb-suppressing beast will break through the seal and escape... but the tomb-suppressing spirit will be born in the spiritual cave. If Lieutenant Mojin finds a tomb-suppressing spirit in the tomb, he must leave immediately, and if there is a tomb-suppressing beast, everyone will lie there."

After hearing this, Ye Shaoyang said, "Have you ever encountered a tomb-slayer beast?"

"Boss, if I had met him before, I would still be alive until now, but someone I know has met him before, and he died in the end."

"So...the ancient tomb in Thailand that Yu Ning went to also has tomb-slayer beasts?"

"Since there are tomb-slayer spirits, there must have been tomb-slayer beasts before, but if you can come out alive, it means that the tomb-slayer beasts in that tomb are no longer there." Sibao changed the subject and asked: "In that tomb, there are Didn’t you dig out anything of great value?”

"Invaluable?" Zhuang Yuning thought for a while, and said, "It is said that there are many ancient relics that are thousands of years old, which are of great research value."

Sibao waved his hands and said, "I'm not talking about ancient objects, I mean... Is there such an antique or treasure that can make a sensation in the world?"

Zhuang Yuning said: "I haven't heard of this. The ancient tomb has just been discovered and is still being excavated."

Sibao rested his chin on his hand and said, "That's because the serious good things haven't been dug up yet, what a pity..."

Ye Shaoyang heard the signs, and slapped him with his arm and said, "What are you doing, don't you still want to go to Thailand to rob graves?"

"What is tomb robbery, it's so ugly."

"I think you just want to, what did you say when you visited Baiqi's tomb with me last time, you will stop doing tomb robbery in this life."

Sibao said: "I'm just curious, what kind of rare treasure is buried under this tomb."

Zhuang Yuning said: "The word rare treasure is a bit too exaggerated, isn't it?"

"It's not an exaggeration at all. Think about it, what level of treasure does it have to be able to come up with such a big skill to suppress alien beasts to guard the tomb? I heard that the only emperor who was sure to use the tomb-suppressing beast was Qin Shihuang. "

"Qin Shihuang!" The three of Ye Shaoyang shouted together.

Ye Shaoyang said: "I don't read much, so don't lie to me. Isn't the Mausoleum of the Emperor Qin in Chang'an? The country has already excavated it, oh, it should have been excavated, right?"

Zhuang Yuning said: "In order to protect the tomb, we didn't excavate it, but the location of the tomb is determined."

Sibao rolled his eyes and said: "Listen to me, I only said that Qin Shihuang did this, but I didn't say that it was Qin Huangling's mausoleum, but his father... what is that called, Qin Mugong... no, Qin Zhuangxiang King Of course, I also heard that after Qin Shihuang became emperor, he chose another cemetery for his father near Xiangyang. Firstly, that place is a treasure land of geomantic omen, where his father can be buried to protect his eternal inheritance. Secondly, it is to guard some good things. Among these good things, any one is priceless, and the most ancient one is Sui Dynasty. Zhu. Do you know Sui Zhu?"

"What pig?" Ye Shaoyang said.

Zhou Jingru frowned and said, "I just clicked on a piece of news before. It was mentioned in the official account. It said that it is a rare treasure with the same value as He's Bi?"

Sibao nodded and said: "That's right, there is another story about Sui Zhu, whether it is the Spring and Autumn Period or the Warring States Period. A bead was brought to him, the Sui bead, the First Emperor unified the six kingdoms, this Sui bead was collected by him, and later he buried it when he moved his father's grave."

After hearing this, Ye Shaoyang said, "I don't understand why you don't keep such a good thing by your side. What does it mean to put it in the tomb?"

"Keep it for future generations. Although the first emperor thought that his country would last forever, if something goes wrong and he needs money, or if he is destroyed, and future generations want to restore the country, they will need money. Burying these things in the tomb is just to be prepared, of course, this is also the old man’s wishful thinking.”

Ye Shaoyang frowned, thought for a while and said, "I still don't understand, isn't it said that there are tomb-suppressing beasts, so how will his descendants get in?"

(I originally said to send red envelopes tonight, but there is something temporary, I am really sorry, I will definitely send them tomorrow night, in case I forget, please remind me on QQ)

(End of this chapter)——

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