Urban Witcher

Chapter 242 Cherry Blossom Cemetery 4

Through the rearview mirror, Ye Shaoyang saw Xiao Ma playing with his mobile phone, with a sweet smile on his face, and immediately guessed that he must be chatting with Wang Ping, and turned around and said, "Didn't we just break up, how could there be so much to talk about?"

"Ah?" Xiao Ma was stunned for a moment before realizing it, and hastily retorted: "What nonsense, we each went back to our rooms to sleep last night, and we haven't written our horoscope yet, so don't talk nonsense."

Ye Shaoyang curled his lips, stopped joking, took out the printed map with the Five Ghosts Moving Mountain Formation marked on it from his pocket, studied it, and showed it to Lao Guo, "Xiaohui told me a situation last night , She has already checked, and Qigu is not in the temple at all, so the only place where she may be is in this fifth ghost formation."

Xiao Ma immediately said: "That's not right, Seventh Grandma obviously showed signs of spirituality before, and you also said that there is a five-element array in that temple, and Seventh Grandma was sealed inside."

Ye Shaoyang squinted at him: "Five ghosts move the mountain formation, why is it called the mountain movement formation?"

Xiao Ma was taken aback for a moment, unable to answer.

"Moving the mountain is to transfer the power of the formation. The five ghost formations can be transferred in a circular manner. If my guess is correct, then the sealing formation in the temple has long been transferred to the last one together with Seventh Grandma. In the ghost formation, what we saw before was just the afterimage left by Grandma Seven, the purpose is to make us think she is in the temple."

Xiao Ma stared at him with wide eyes, and said, "Then Grandma Seven appeared and killed people before, so what?"

"That's what the ghost servant did, with the same purpose, to confuse the public and make everyone think that Grandma Seven is in the temple. This is our common opinion after Xiaohui told me the results of his investigation last night."

Lao Guo interjected: "How did she investigate?"

"I don't know, but what she said is conclusive, and in this way, many mysteries have been solved. For example, the manager Zhang and the supervisor of the green land died in the temple, but after we went there, nothing happened. If it is Grandma Seven So, with her cultivation base, even if she can't kill me, it's easy to kill Xiaoru and the others, but she didn't do it. Fighting directly, all of them didn't make a move..."

"This ghost servant's IQ is really not low, and he can steal the sky." Xiao Ma shook his head and said with emotion, "But what is his purpose for doing this?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "I don't know."

"What?" Both Xiao Ma and Lao Guo were taken aback.

"I really don't know, but the answers to all of these are in the fifth ghost formation. It's useless to guess now. Let's investigate elsewhere."

Ye Shaoyang looked out the window, and while they were talking, the car had driven into a mountainous area, and he didn't know where it was, but he thought that Lao Guo had come here once, so he must remember the way, so he didn't ask.

Driving along an asphalt road to the hinterland of a big mountain, Lao Guo parked the car on the side of the road and said, "Not far up is the cemetery. There are people guarding it. Let's stop driving and walk over there."

So a group of people got out of the car and walked along the smooth asphalt road.

Xiao Ma looked around and wondered: "It's strange, there is no house in this barren mountain, who built a road here?"

"At the end of this road is the Ma's Cemetery. It must have been built by the Ma's family. It was probably for the purpose of transporting materials for the construction of the cemetery. There are no roads and it is inconvenient." Lao Guo explained.

"Hao, in order to build the cemetery, I have to build a road out of life!"

Old Guo snorted and said, "It's still not bold enough. If it were me, I would use a helicopter to carry the materials up the mountain bit by bit."

The little horse said: "Then we have to hold it until the year of the monkey."

"It's rich and willful."

Xiao Ma rolled his eyes, "You are not capricious, you are insane."

As Lao Guo said, he walked up the asphalt road for less than 300 meters, and came to a mountain flat, the size of three football fields, covered with square bricks, and directly opposite the rock, there is a white wall Courtyard with blue tiles.

One of the arches has a clean surface without any signs or writings. On both sides are four or five meter high walls, which continue to both sides in a fan shape, and finally connect to the mountain rocks, forming a closed fortress-like building.

There was a locked iron gate under the arch, and behind it was a small house, which was vaguely occupied. Ye Shaoyang turned back to Lao Guo and said, "Brother, take out the mask."

Xiao Ma was stunned immediately, and said timidly: "Is this covered?"

Lao Guo said: "There are cameras in front of you, so you have to mask your face." After speaking, he took out three prepared masks from his backpack, but it was the three brothers Sun Wukong. Lao Guo put on Monk Sha's mask by himself first. Ye Shaoyang snatched Monkey King's mask, pointed at Zhu Bajie's mask and said to Pony, "Put it on, it's specially prepared for you."

The three of them put on their masks, and Lao Guo waved his hands and said, "You two go, I'll keep watch."

Ye Shaoyang said with a smile: "There is nothing to be wary of in this open space, come with us, do this vote, and share the money afterwards."

Behind the hole in the mask, you can still see Lao Guo rolling his eyes and muttering: "The more it sounds, the more it sounds like a robbery."

Xiao Ma immediately went to pull him, "Just go, if you get caught, the three of us will have a companion when we enter the classroom."

"What kind of thought do you have? You planted yourself, and dragged people into the water!" Lao Guo said indignantly, but was still passed by the pony, and the three of them walked over by touching the base of the wall and came to the iron fence.

Looking out, there were two men sitting on the bed in that hut, and there was a tablet computer standing upright on the small table opposite, playing the cross talk of Guodigang. There is a car behind the hut. Ye Shaoyang guessed that the two gatekeepers used this car to go down the mountain to buy food and clothing.

"Being a security guard in this mountain, thanks to these two people can guard it." Xiao Ma said in a low voice.

"I'll give you tens of thousands of yuan a month, and you can keep it," Lao Guo said.

Looking inside along the iron gate, there is a stone path with pines and cypresses planted on both sides, which fits the layout of the mausoleum very well, but at the end, it is an arched passage, and the inside is dark.

Ye Shaoyang looked around for a while, then made a fool of the two, trotted along the base of the wall, and came to a blind corner at the base of the wall. Old Guo was the first to speak: "Behind that arch is a cave, and behind it is an enclosed open space. , is where the cherry blossom garden is.”

Ye Shaoyang immediately asked: "Didn't you never go in before, how do you know so clearly?"

"I climbed up from the nearby cliff to take a look. I can't get in from there. I can only see a little bit of what's inside. Do you want to take you there?"

"Then don't go, just go in from here." Ye Shaoyang pondered and said, "I saw the computer on the small table in the corner of the room. Is the picture on it a video surveillance?"


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