Urban Witcher

Chapter 2422 Chapter 2430 Shadow 2

Ye Shaoyang stared at the three stone piles and began to observe.

"What are you looking at?" Xie Yuqing asked quietly.

"Have you seen this kind of stone pile?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

Xie Yuqing looked at it for a while, and said: "I seem to have seen this kind of thing when I was traveling in Richeng. They are everywhere, in different sizes. Is this stone pile the same as the one in the snow area?"

"The one you're talking about is the mani pile. The ghost knows what it is, but it must be related to religious practices. Let's go in first."

Probably because the land is not valuable at the foot of the mountain, this house has a very huge yard. After Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing entered, they found that the yard was full of people, all of whom brought their own small benches. Sit in the yard and chat with each other.

At one end of the yard, near the gate of the house, there is a large incandescent lamp with an old-fashioned plate-shaped lamp on it, illuminating some surrounding areas.

On the other side of the door, there were piles of peanut oil, and a man in a black suit was watching. It's not the kind of deep one, but the kind of professional suit worn by ordinary salesmen, standing with hands behind their backs, with a smile on their face.

Looking at these people who came to attend the class, they are all town residents, with the most aunts and uncles, and some young people. The glory of the king, Xie Yuqing became energetic when she saw it, she went to a girl and saw that she was using Han Xin, so she commanded, and the girl was obedient, she performed well under her command, very excited, and finished the round , Xie Yuqing chatted with her, and learned that she was pulled out to attend classes by her parents for a barrel of oil because she was fine at home.

So were the young men around her.

Xie Yuqing chatted with her about the game, inserting some questions from time to time, Ye Shaoyang listened to him, and summed it up, and learned that the branch of the Holy Spirit Society came to their town about half a month ago, and then bought it This house is used as a branch, and lectures are given three times a week. Because of the oil delivery, I come here more than once. In some villages a little farther away, people also came to attend classes.

The young people don't believe in this kind of evangelism, but they don't reject it. Being able to get traffic cards is the most important thing.

Xie Yuqing was chatting with the girl when suddenly the bell rang three times in the house, and then the door opened, and a girl in cheongsam, in her twenties, walked out with a microphone in her hand and walked to the end of the yard to build Looking at everyone on the stone platform, he began to give a passionate speech to mobilize everyone's emotions.

Ye Shaoyang didn't listen to a word, he frowned and looked around.

Xie Yuqing looked back and saw him like this, and asked him what was wrong in a low voice.

"There is something evil, I walked around the yard just now... and left."

"This... what kind of evil thing?" Xie Yuqing became nervous, and secretly looked at the surrounding courtyard walls, but she didn't see anything.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "It's so powerful, I can't even see it with my sky eyes. It's already gone."

Xie Yuqing was stunned.

At this time, the beautiful host finished her speech and called on everyone to give warm applause to invite their mentor, the disciple of Grandma Ling of the Holy Spirit Society: Mrs. Liu.

When Ye Shaoyang heard the word "Old Madam", he immediately thought of the "Old Madam She" in the Yang Family General, and turned his head to look at the house. An old lady came out, slightly fat, not tall, wearing The golden double-breasted jacket with a simple style has a kind face and a smile on her face. She looks like a well-educated old lady who often appears in advertisements. One day she is an expert in Western medicine and the next is an inheritor of Chinese medicine. The old lady is somewhat similar in temperament.

Mrs. Liu is actually not old. She looked like she was in her teens. She walked to the front of the stage full of spirit, took the microphone, and began to preach to everyone. First, let me tell you how powerful their spiritual mother-in-law is. They are enshrined in both Taoism and Buddhism. , incarnation of various gods, descended into the world, how to help the common people... and so on and so on. Then we talked about self-cultivation, and taught everyone a set of simple "self-cultivation techniques" for everyone to follow along.

Those old men and old ladies immediately followed suit, looking good, and it was not the first time they did it.

"What is this? It looks like gymnastics to me." Xie Yuqing whispered in Ye Shaoyang's ear.

"It's just gymnastics. It's used to buy people's hearts." Ye Shaoyang said, he just read it carefully, this so-called "self-cultivation technique" has nothing to do with spiritual practice, it is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to exercise their muscles and bones, I think it is this The Holy Spirit will fiddle with things in order to win people's hearts. From this point of view, this organization really took great pains to preach.

After the "fitness exercises" were finished, the old lady kindly pointed out the wrong movements of several people. Just after the end here, a man in his forties walked over from the back row with a support of a woman, claiming that I came from a village dozens of miles away, and said that my wife seemed bewitched, and no hospital could cure her, so I wanted to ask the old lady to treat her.

The old lady asked the man to help the woman to sit down, and then looked at her. The woman's eyes were dull, her head drooped to one side, her face was sallow, and she kept babbling about something.

The old lady stared at the woman for a while, then patted her hard on the shoulder with her hand, and shouted: "Not coming out yet!"

The half-dead woman who was originally listless jumped up suddenly after being slapped by her, screamed in her mouth, and then said in a thin voice: "Who is it, Xiangu, I have a crush on this body, and I want to occupy it , who are you, dare to make trouble in front of Xiangu!"

Then sat down in a chair and laughed out loud, leaning forward and backward.

All the old men and women present showed shocked expressions, and even the young people who were playing pesticides stopped playing games and looked at the stage curiously.

The old lady sneered, and greeted her disciples loudly, then some young people walked out of the house, rushed to the stage, and held down the woman. The old matriarch asked his disciples to bring a bowl over, took the water, put three chopsticks in it, and muttered loudly: "The fairy family appears!"

The three chopsticks stood upright in the middle of the bowl and did not fall down.

This unconventional phenomenon made the faces of all the people present look moved.

The old lady took out a handful of rosary beads, facing the bowl, lowered her head, muttering something, the water in the bowl boiled quickly, and white steam came out. This scene made the eyes of those present even more straight.

"What kind of spell is this?" Xie Yuqing whispered to Ye Shaoyang.

"have no idea."

"You don't know?" Xie Yuqing was shocked, "There are other spells that you don't know?"

(I wish everyone a happy New Year’s Day, another year is coming, thank you for your company! Qingzi will not forget his original intention, code well, and repay the love of fellow Taoists, because he is in other places recently, and he will return home on the 3rd before returning to the New Year’s Day Make up the red envelope!)nt

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