Urban Witcher

Chapter 2453 Chapter 2461 Book from the Ground 3

Mingyue suddenly smiled again, "Unfortunately, you missed the chance, and I can't give you another chance."

Ye Shaoyang said: "If I were you, I wouldn't talk so much nonsense."

"Oh, before, I didn't expect you to be so insidious and didn't use any real means. I don't want Shanhaiyin. Today... I want your life!"

After finishing speaking, his left hand took out something from the sleeve of his right hand, a long one, and unfolded it in his hand.

This is... a scripture?

Ye Shaoyang took a closer look, only to see clearly that it was a pair of bamboo slips, all of which were written in black calligraphy.

Mingyue touched the bamboo slip with one hand and made a mudra with the other hand, chanting mantras continuously, and then threw the bamboo slip towards Ye Shaoyang.

The bamboo slips were unfolded in the air, and the calligraphy on them suddenly shone with a layer of golden light, and then part of them separated from the bamboo slips and flew around Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang could see clearly that these eight characters were exactly "Heaven, Earth, Sun, Moon, Wind, Thunder, Fire, Water", forming a long line, revolving around him like a snake.

Ye Shaoyang didn't know what kind of spell it was for a while, and tried to pat it with seals, smashing one or two characters, but the spiritual power persisted, and soon reassembled, circling around himself for a week, and then fell to the ground , turning into eight flames of different colors.

"Heaven and earth fire rain, ambushes from all sides!"

Mingyue shook the bamboo slip again, and another line of writing flew out from above. Before Ye Shaoyang could see what it was, this line of writing fell into the eight flames, like fuel. After being injected into the flame, the fire suddenly burned up, forming There were eight pillars of fire.

Ye Shaoyang tried to rush out of the flames, but as soon as the flames landed, an extremely powerful barrier formed, sealing him in the middle, which was much stronger than the Sun Moon Qiankunsuo before.

This can't be Mingyue's mana. It's the bamboo slips!

Ye Shaoyang came to this judgment in an instant, but it didn't help the real situation.

"The earth carries all things, and there is no end to it!"

As Mingyue recited the mantra again, suddenly, the eight flames turned into spirit snakes and rushed towards Ye Shaoyang from different directions.

"Eight parts of the world are on the verge of fire, turn around the sky and the sky! Hurry like a law!" Ye Shaoyang held the Hook Soul Sash, and performed a move in the Tushi Bagua Whip. After getting down, the tiger's mouth was numb and almost lost its strength.

"This ground-covering universe formation, even if it is a god, don't even think about getting out. Ye Shaoyang, you are a mage in the world, I will see how long you can resist it!"

Mingyue manipulated the bamboo slips, and while chanting the mantra, she did not forget to taunt Ye Shaoyang aloud. In his view, he already has the chance to win.

"Book from the ground! Ye Shaoyang, this is a book from the ground!"

Biqing, who was fighting with Qingfeng, suddenly said.

"What?" Ye Shaoyang froze for a moment.

"The treasure of the Wuzhuang Temple, the book of mulch! Thousands of words, all become spells! This flame is the fire of the earth other than the three kinds of flames! It is so hot that it is invincible!"

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. Although it was the first time he had heard of this book from the ground, since Biqing knew about it, it was an extremely powerful magic weapon, so he dodged and asked, "Then what should I do?"

"I do not know."

have no idea……

Ye Shaoyang was speechless.

"You find a way by yourself, I can only help you drag this one, you quickly find a way to get out of trouble!"

When the strong meet, as long as the difference in strength is not too large, and there is no magic weapon that is particularly mutually beneficial, they can usually fight for a long time without being able to tell the winner. Bi Qing wanted to help Ye Shaoyang, but she was powerless.

"If it doesn't work, you should abandon your physical body, get into the yin and yang mirror, and save your soul."

Give up the physical body... I am a mage in the world, if I don't want the physical body, I will die. Of course Ye Shaoyang didn't want to die, and he couldn't die. The method Biqing said was almost the last one.

Since fighting hard is not enough, Ye Shaoyang can only dodge, use Xuanqing Mountain volley step, and shuttle through the flames. The space is very limited, no matter how fast Ye Shaoyang is, he can't dodge the attacks of the eight flames, and he can't help being hit a few times. Fortunately, this is an illusion created by magic, not a real flame, and there is no harm to the body. It will consume a part of the stellar energy in the body, and Ye Shaoyang is also deeply cultivated, so he can bear it for a while.

In the process of avoiding, Ye Shaoyang also observed the direction of the eight beams of flames, and gradually discovered that their attacks were regular. Ye Shaoyang paid a little attention, and immediately figured out that the law is the mutual generation and restraint of the gossip, eight eight sixty-four hexagrams, All kinds of changes are in it, but if the eight poles retreat one, there must be birth and restraint, so there is always a safe position in the gap between the eight flame attacks, but this safe position is constantly changing with the changes of the hexagrams .

After figuring out this law, Ye Shaoyang kept deducing the hexagrams in his mind, and he could always find a safe place when the hexagrams changed. Although it looked very dangerous, moving around and passing by in the flowing fire, the flames always Can't hurt him.

Mingyue was not surprised when she saw this scene, instead she had a feeling of watching a drama, and said with a smile: "Do you think the power of this book from the ground is just like this?" Continue to chant the mantra, fold your hands together, bend the middle and ring fingers of both hands, Flick the book on the ground with the index finger, hook the little finger again, and read in his mouth: "The world is back to the original! The earth is bright! Disease!"

There was a sound of rattling, and the book on the ground suddenly unfolded—the bamboo slips were only half unfolded, but now they are fully unfolded. Ye Shaoyang looked up, the handwriting on this half of the ground book was much smaller than that on the previous half, it was all black script, glowing with golden light, and then they left the bamboo slips one by one, flew into the formation, and poured them into eight beams of flames among.

The power of the flame suddenly strengthened a lot, even if it passed by, it made Ye Shaoyang feel a strong scorching heat... If he was hit by this, Ye Shaoyang knew that he would be completely finished - the key was not the killing, but the fact that he was injured If you hit hard, your footwork will definitely be messed up, and it will be too late to make adjustments at that time, and you will be followed by one after another, and you will not be able to get up when you lie down.

Ye Shaoyang tried his best not to be distracted, and continued to dodge and dodge the attack. This is easy to say, but Ye Shaoyang had already exerted his reflexes to the limit, so he could barely avoid the attack. As those runes floated into the formation, the flames flew around The speed and the transformation of the hexagrams are also getting faster and faster.

If this continues, he will undoubtedly lose in the end. After all, I am a human being, no matter how fast I am, there is a limit, and it is impossible to compare with something like spiritual power... Ye Shaoyang focused on avoiding,

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