Urban Witcher

Chapter 2464 Chapter 2472 Small hotel in an urban village 1

Xueqi and Biqing stay in the hotel.

After going out, Xie Yuqing said that it was still early, and it would be meaningless to go there now. She proposed to go to the West Lake for a half-day stroll before going.

Ye Shaoyang thought that it was rare for him to have such an opportunity, so he regarded it as a trip, so the two took the express bus on Didi and came to West Lake.

New Year’s Day has not yet arrived, because it is winter, there are not many tourists in the West Lake, the two walked along with the sparse crowd, and when they came to the broken bridge, Xie Yuqing asked him to stop, and the two stood by the bridge and took a selfie .

"I haven't been to the scenic spot for many years, and I feel so happy." Xie Yuqing expressed emotion.

"Is it so exaggerated?"

"Of course, detectives are very busy, especially the chief detective. After I became the chief detective, I have no chance to travel. I have been to Hangzhou three times to pick up and drop off suspects. I have always wanted to visit the West Lake, but I don't have time, I didn't expect to come here for the first time, but I will be with you."

Hearing this, Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but feel a little moved. He leaned on the railing, glanced aimlessly at the nearby tourists, and sighed: "I like this feeling very much too."

"What does it feel like?"

"Among the crowd, I feel like an ordinary person."

Xie Yuqing tilted her head and thought for a moment, then said: "What's so good about being an ordinary person? Every day, I need food, rice, oil and salt, go to and from get off work, and I don't know anything about things that have nothing to do with my life. I used to be like that. Since I met you, I have realized that this world is still very different. There are so many secrets."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said: "For the magic world, you are just an outsider, just look at it, of course it is fun, but it is different for me. It has to be done. I want to be a normal person..."

Xie Yuqing heard him speak so hard, and wanted to comfort him a few words, but Ye Shaoyang shook his head suddenly, and pretended to add another sentence: "There is an old saying that is good, people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes."

Xie Yuqing chuckled, stretched out her hand and flicked on his forehead, and said, "Stop pretending."

The two walked along the West Lake until they came to Feilaifeng Linyin Temple. The incense in Linyin Temple is extremely prosperous, and there is an endless stream of people coming up and down the mountain to burn incense.

"I heard that Linyin Temple is very effective. I don't know if it's true or not."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Burning incense and making a wish is a matter of sincerity and sincerity, but first you have to believe in Buddha, and it's useless to hold Buddha's feet temporarily."

The two walked together, Xie Yuqing wanted to go in, Ye Shaoyang's prostitution status, naturally he couldn't enter the temple casually, so Xie Yuqing didn't go.

"By the way, how is the mana of the monk of Linyin Temple?" Xie Yuqing suddenly asked curiously.

"Not all temples are sects of practice. In most temples and Taoist temples, the monks in them don't practice magic. Linyin Temple doesn't have it either, but there is a small temple on the back mountain of Linyin Temple. According to my master, it is a hidden temple. Cultivation sect."

"Is that so... Is Jigong a prostitute? Isn't he from Linyin Temple?"

"I haven't finished yet. Jigong learned magic in the temple behind the mountain. He was extremely talented and enlightened. Later, it is said that he had certified the Hunyuan Dao and was reborn in the Pure Land of Possession."

"Oh..." Xie Yuqing looked confused, paused and asked, "What exactly is proving the way?"

"How would I know."

"You don't know?" Xie Yuqing was surprised.

"Of course, if I know, then I've proved the Tao. Since I haven't proved the Tao, of course I don't know."

Xie Yuqing thought about it and thought it was the same.

The two wandered around the mountain for a while, and then went down the mountain. On the way, they passed the Yue Temple. Ye Shaoyang went in to worship, came out from the door, walked tens of meters away, stopped suddenly, and looked behind him solemnly.

Xie Yuqing looked at him suspiciously and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ye Shaoyang hesitated for a long time, then suddenly stretched out his right hand, dipped his mouth with saliva, drew a Dunjia Talisman on the palm of his left hand, and pinched it continuously. When he pinched his little finger, his finger suddenly trembled violently, and he couldn't press his thumb on it no matter what. .

Ye Shaoyang smiled slightly, "It turned out to be a demon."

Xie Yuqing said, "What do you mean?"

"A demon followed me."

"Ah?" Xie Yuqing looked left and right, pointed to an old man sweeping the floor at the gate of Yue Temple and said, "Is that him?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I can't see what you can't see."

Xie Yuqing was startled, and looked at Ye Shaoyang foolishly.

Ye Shaoyang said: "This monster has been following me for a long time. I had a feeling of being spied on before, and I was very puzzled at that time...it really is true." Seeing Xie Yuqing's nervous face, he said: "Don't be nervous, it You probably don’t want to hurt anyone, or you would have done it long ago.”

"Then...why does it follow you?"

"I don't know." Ye Shaoyang threw a handful of copper coins on the ground, rolled them under his feet, and finally they all fell down. Only one copper coin spun on the ground and did not fall down.

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the direction the copper coin was pointing at, and said, "It has already escaped."

Xie Yuqing looked up, but saw nothing, and said, "You can't see either?"

"I can't see it."

"Then how do you know that he is a demon?"

Ye Shaoyang raised his left hand and said: "I just made Ziwu Guanqi Jue, which can sense all evil things within ten meters nearby. The index finger is a ghost, the middle finger is a corpse, the ring finger is an evil spirit, the little finger is a demon, and the little finger is a ghost. If you can’t bend down, it’s because of the goblin.”

Xie Yuqing was still puzzled and asked, "Then how do you know that there is a goblin by your side? Why didn't you feel it before?"

"Before it was by my side all the time, but it restrained its evil aura, and it hardly leaked out. Even I ignored its existence, but its evil aura was still not completely restrained, a little bit, because it has been in this state , I was paralyzed, but when I entered the Yue Temple just now, I felt a change in the aura nearby... I didn't care at the time, but when I came out here, I felt a trace of evil spirit, so I was sure that there was an evil thing following."

Xie Yuqing stared at him blankly, "I don't understand, why does it leave your body when you enter the Yue Temple?"

"Because it is the ancestral hall of Lord Yue, and there is a statue of Lord Yue in it, which is enshrined with incense and has a strong righteousness of heaven and earth. Ordinary evil things dare not enter it at all."

"Heaven and earth righteousness..." Xie Yuqing turned her head to look at Yuemiao.

Ye Shaoyang took out a grapefruit leaf from his belt, squeezed out some juice, wiped it on Xie Yuqing's face, and then pointed to Yuemiao.

Xie Yuqing took a closer look and was immediately shocked: above the yard of Yuemiao, there was a large piece of red cloud-like place. At a glance, it gave people a feeling of majesty and inviolability, and the body trembled. , said: "Is this the righteousness of heaven and earth?"

(End of this chapter)——

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