Urban Witcher

Chapter 248 Killing the Enemy

Only then did Ma Cheng see that the monster's face had only piles of lumps, no eyes, nose and ears, and only a bright red mouth, which grinned exaggeratedly and bit down on him.

Ma Cheng's neck was pinched by the monster, and he couldn't break free. He instinctively turned his head to the side, thinking that he was dead, but instead of the monster not biting him off, the hand that was pinching his neck was also let go. Ma Cheng stepped back a few steps, Turn around and look.

A jet-black iron chain was tightly wrapped around the monster's neck.

Ma Cheng was startled, and looked along the other end of the iron chain. Ye Shaoyang was standing on the coffin board, with one foot on the monster's back, holding the iron chain with both hands, smiling at him.

Ye Shaoyang's thin body was out of proportion to the fat monster's body, but no matter how the monster struggled, the iron chain remained motionless.

The monster opened its mouth wide and let out a screaming roar. Ma Cheng saw that the monster's mouth was surrounded by a circle of white soft flesh, covered with some furry white spots. At first glance, he thought it was hair, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Countless white manifesting bugs! One end bites on the soft meat, densely packed together, the tail swings around.

Ma Cheng almost threw up on the spot, quickly covered his mouth, stepped aside, took a few deep breaths, suppressed the vomiting, and looked at the struggling monster trampled by Ye Shaoyang from a distance. It felt a little unbelievable, and I pinched my thigh to realize that it was not a dream.

"Is this a zombie?" Ma Cheng murmured, his voice was a little weak, and he was no longer as confident as before.

"This is a flesh corpse, it's a kind of zombie." Ye Shaoyang smiled at Ma Cheng, "Don't think about it, it's just an evil spirit born from your grandfather's bones, if you have no objection, I will Just destroy it, and rest assured that your grandfather's remains will not be destroyed."

"It's my great-grandfather." Ma Cheng took a deep breath, "Kill it quickly, please."

Ye Shaoyang vigorously lifted the hook, lifted the corpse's head to the back, pulled out the jujube wood sword, and stabbed it into the corpse's mouth with force, only to hear a "puchi", and a bright grease-like thing came out of it. Spraying out of the mouth, the fleshy corpse waved its hands in vain, struggled for less than half a minute, then completely softened and stopped moving.

Ye Shaoyang uncovered the hook, jumped off the fleshy corpse, smiled at Ma Cheng, and said, "He's dead, come up and have a look, this kind of fleshy corpse is not easy to see."

Ma Cheng took a deep breath, took a few steps forward, and carefully looked at the dead corpse. He saw that this guy was covered with large lumps of sarcoma, and between the gaps of the sarcoma, it was crowded into its mouth. That kind of white bug wriggled around, and goose bumps suddenly appeared all over his body.

Xiao Ma and Lao Guo didn't want to watch too much.

"What is this white worm...?"

"It's a kind of corpse worm. It's full of these things in its body." Ye Shaoyang picked the skin folds on the flesh corpse's neck with a jujube wood sword, and asked, "Shall I show you?"

"Don't, don't!" Ma Cheng waved his hands again and again, looked at the fleshy corpse, and murmured, "My great-grandfather's bones... how did it become like this?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I can't explain the reason in one or two sentences, but the facial features of this flesh corpse only have a mouth, which means that it has not yet formed, so it is easier to deal with it. Once it is formed, it will compete with your great-grandfather's bones. People, counting three generations from him... that is, to your generation, there will be bloody disasters within a year, and any compensation will be useless."

When Ma Cheng heard this, his face changed drastically, and he looked at Ye Shaoyang with gratitude.

Seeing the scene, Xiao Ma immediately approached Ma Cheng, and said with a grin: "Now believe that we are not lying? We are indeed here to catch ghosts, but we also help your family a lot by the way."

Ma Cheng nodded and said, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, you're welcome," Xiao Ma pushed his nose to his face, and patted Ma Cheng's shoulder, "They're all from my own family, as they should be."

Ma Cheng frowned, "What family?"

"My surname is also Ma, and I belong to your family. By the way, your hometown, maybe we are still of the same family."

"You should be of the same clan." Ma Cheng smiled helplessly at him, looked up at Ye Shaoyang, and asked, "I would like to ask Mr. Ye for advice, what should I do now to avoid the bloody disaster?"

"It's very simple, you go to re-select a geomantic treasure land, bury your great-grandfather together with the coffin and bones, bury seven pickle jars around the coffin according to the positions of the seven stars, fill them with pickle brine, and seal the mouth .The running water passed through the kalpa, and the corpse fell, and this kalpa can be passed. If you can’t find a mage, there is one in front of you. This is my brother, the most famous Feng Shui master in Shicheng.”

Seeing Ye Shaoyang recommending himself, Lao Guo was overjoyed, and immediately straightened his back, resting his chin with his hands, and posed in a fairy-like shape, except that he didn't have a beard, otherwise he would look more like a stroke.

Ma Chengchong nodded to Lao Guo and said, "Then please ask this master to make a move. Please don't refuse. In terms of remuneration...you must be satisfied."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, we are all acquaintances, I will give you a 20% discount."

Looking at the fleshy corpse, Ma Cheng immediately felt a little embarrassed again, frowned and said, "It would be a bit unbearable to be buried in this state, Mr. Ye, look..."

Ye Shaoyang opened the backpack, took out a small packet of red nitrate powder, and sprinkled it evenly on the fleshy corpse. The sarcoid tumors shrunk immediately, and the skin split open. Inside were a bunch of maggot-like white bugs, squeezed on a pile of minced meat , wriggling slowly. However, under the action of the red nitrate powder, the insects and the minced meat quickly melted away, turning into a yellow smoke and dissipating in the air.

In less than a minute, the fleshy corpse completely melted, leaving only a pile of complete human bones and some sticky liquid stuck to the coffin board.

On the left thumb of the human bone, there is a large jade wrench finger, with flowing luster, it looks like a good thing. Ma Cheng glanced at it and said excitedly, "That's right, it's really my great-grandpa's bones!"

Kneeling in front of the coffin for a long time, he stood up after a long time and looked at Ye Shaoyang with more gratitude in his eyes.

Ye Shaoyang nodded at him, called Lao Guo together, put the coffin lid back on, took out a small piece of ambergris from the backpack, handed it to Ma Cheng, and said: "The bones can no longer be placed here, you hurry up to arrange If people take it away, you can park it at home before choosing a yin house. However, the skeleton still has some evil spirits, which can easily attract evil spirits. You can put this ambergris in a coffin to make sure that nothing will happen. This thing is very Precious, let's take it as our compensation for trespassing on your cemetery, and we won't charge you any money."

Ma Cheng ordered Liu Qun to quickly find someone to pick up the bones. After Liu Qun left, he expressed his solemn thanks to Ye Shaoyang.


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