Urban Witcher

Chapter 2479 Chapter 2488 Wish 3

Ye Shaoyang shook his head lightly, intending to stop his wild thoughts, take his thoughts back, and re-observe the spirit mother-in-law placed in the shrine. Could it be that the purpose of the Holy Spirit to establish a branch here is to rely on the wishes of these people to create an evil god like those wizards in Southeast Asia?

If it is true, then they have really created a new method of cultivating evil spirits, going against the tradition and using the most fashionable way to create evil gods... However, Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes to check this god statue, although it is full of auspicious light, like a spring breeze, Does it mean that a powerful energy body is claimed in it, but... Ye Shaoyang can conclude that this unconscious energy body has not yet produced spiritual intelligence.

If this holy spirit society is allowed to operate for a period of time, the consequences will be really unimaginable...

"I'm going to make a move, don't follow me later, remember to go out in the chaos and hide outside..." Ye Shaoyang said this to Xie Yuqing in a low voice.

Xie Yuqing was taken aback for a moment, and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Catch the thief first and capture the king first. Only in this way can the guy behind the scenes be drawn out."

Before Xie Yuqing could speak again, Ye Shaoyang formed seals with both hands and began to practice, quietly drew a magic talisman, and struck it into the air.

The talisman flew against the wind, ignoring the direction of the wind, and the speed was extremely fast. All the believers of the Holy Spirit Church present lowered their heads and recited the scriptures, and did not notice the existence of the talisman. When everyone was chanting, they suddenly felt something, opened their eyes, looked at the talisman, and were stunned for a moment.

"Bold!" In the end, the man came back to his senses, shouted loudly, clasped his hands together, and sealed his seal towards the talisman.

A helpless smile appeared on the corner of Ye Shaoyang's mouth. These people are really... overestimated.


The runes on the talisman flashed past and turned into a golden light, which sent the male hall master flying away, and with the remaining power undiminished, it directly stuck to the forehead of the statue of the granny ling.

The female hall master was taken aback, and stepped forward to help the male hall master. The two of them glanced at the statue stuck by the talisman, and were terrified out of their wits.

"There is a demon! Where is the demon?" The hall master yelled, waking up all the people who were chanting sutras. They were both shocked and angry when they saw the magic talisman on the statue.

"Here, I saw him muttering before, and he looked very strange, he must be a demon!" A man near Ye Shaoyang pointed at him and shouted angrily.

All eyes looked over in an instant, and fell on Ye Shaoyang's face.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said unhurriedly: "Uncle, you must have evidence for what you say. I am the most devout believer. You see, I let the spirit mother appear, and she immediately appeared. If you don't believe me, look..."

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the statue of Grandma Ling.

Everyone immediately turned their heads to look.

Ye Shaoyang snapped his fingers and shouted, "Light up, old lady!"

The magic talisman burned all of a sudden, as if there were inexhaustible materials, and it seemed that it could not be extinguished for a while, continuously baking the god statue.

Ordinarily, the idol is made of porcelain, and the flame is indestructible, but... under the continuous burning of the magic talisman, the idol was blackened and turned into a big painted face, and white aura continued to emerge from the two eyes. The flames blazed fiercely.

Ye Shaoyang laughed out loud.

"I said, I didn't lie to you, right? Once your granny Ling met me, her face would immediately turn black hahaha..."

All the believers around were shocked at first when they saw this scene, and then their expressions turned from shock to anger. Intense anger at the desecration of faith.

The two hall masters were the most angry. They were the first to come to their senses and ordered everyone to catch this monster quickly.

Everyone rushed forward.

Ye Shaoyang was not in a hurry, at the moment when the two rushed over, he kicked his feet hard, jumped forward, stepped on the shoulder of the person in front, and jumped again with his strength. Those present are ordinary people, who have never seen this method before, they almost watched Ye Shaoyang rush to the front of the small building, then he swung his arm upwards, swung the hook, hooked the railing on the second floor, and pulled it hard , the person immediately swung up and landed on the second floor.

After untying the seductive rope, Ye Shaoyang flew up the stairs. When he reached the fifth floor, he had just stepped out of the stairs when suddenly two palms rushed towards him. It was the two hall masters, a man and a woman. Hit, intending to stop this daring guy who messed up.

"Heaven and Earth Promise, fuck you!"

Ye Shaoyang separated his hands, made a simple seal, and slapped them, his two hands hitting the palms of the two hall masters.


With two screams, the two of them flew upside down and hit the railing. The woman among them almost fell out of the railing because she couldn't stand firmly.

"You, who are you! How dare you be so bold!"

Ye Shaoyang ignored them, walked towards them, suddenly stumbled, and looked down, it was something like an earthworm, which bound his right foot, and then bounced towards his upper body continuously, while bouncing, it also released a A gloomy and cold breath absorbed the Gang Qi in his body.

The two hall masters hurriedly stabilized their figures and chanted the mantra together.

The blood-red earthworm immediately connected end to end, forming a ring on Ye Shaoyang's thigh, contracting hard, as if trying to strangle Ye Shaoyang into his body.

what the hell.

Ye Shaoyang grasped this cold and slippery thing with his body, and he didn't use any other means, he just squeezed it tightly, then poured Gang Qi into his fingertips, and pulled it hard.

With a soft "snap", this thing was immediately torn apart by Ye Shaoyang, and it was thrown on the ground. It really looked like an earthworm, bouncing on the ground, oozing a large pool of green blood, and soon twitched and couldn't move.

"This...impossible, I sacrificed my natal guardian for a long time!" the male hall master cried out in distress.

"How long is a long time?" Ye Shaoyang came to make trouble, so he walked over slowly without rushing to deal with them. Facing the pair of hall masters in front of him, it's not that Ye Shaoyang underestimates the enemy, but...he really doesn't like these two.

When he was down there before, he could clearly see these two people. He is a mage who has become a monk halfway. He may have encountered some kind of opportunity-mostly someone helped him, and he practiced fairly quickly, but... he has cultivated since childhood as a genius. When they reach adulthood and have experienced hundreds of battles, for such half-baked people who know how to cast spells... If they are professionals, let alone amateurs.

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