Urban Witcher

Chapter 2490 Chapter 2499 Sword 2

Lao Guo smiled and said: "Speaking of which, big bosses like this, especially those who come from the underworld, are generally more superstitious, they will ask for some amulets, or enshrine gods, and some have expert help around them, ordinary evil things can't do anything about it, but listen to you That being said, Ying Mei can't even beat a junior brother, so it's still very easy to kill an ordinary person."

Ye Shaoyang pondered and said: "But there is a problem here, think about it... the most powerful Yingmei, I can't beat him in singles, but think about it the other way around... Let's assume that the Holy Spirit will win, and there must be more than one." Yingmei is a powerhouse, their overall strength should surpass any sect in the magic world, what do you think?"

Everyone nodded.

"But even so, they are still so cautious, and they don't hesitate to kill people to silence them. What are they worried about?"

Everyone who spoke in one word became thoughtful.

"There must be some secret that cannot be known by others." Xie Yuqing concluded.

"That's the key." Ye Shaoyang nodded and said.

After this discussion, they have grasped the root of the problem, but there is no way to know what is the core of this secret.

I slept in the hotel at night, and in the morning, Xie Yuqing went to the local investigation department to help them deal with the follow-up, then returned to the hotel, woke up Ye Shaoyang and others, and took the train back to Shicheng together.

After returning, Lao Guo went straight home and searched for his classics. Xie Yuqing was going to deal with business and left with Xueqi. Ye Shaoyang returned home with his two girls.

As soon as he entered the door, Ye Shaoyang was stunned by the scene in the living room: the coffee table had been moved aside, and the floor was full of bamboo strips and various kinds of wood. Wu Jiawei and Sibao were sitting in the pile of wood, one was sorting, the other One was whittling wood with a knife.

"What are you doing!" Ye Shaoyang yelled. He knew that the two of them were waiting for him at home through the phone call before, but he didn't expect that they were doing this.

Sibao wiped the sweat from his bald head, pointed at Wu Jiawei with the saw in his hand: "Ask him!"

Wu Jiawei held a tape measure in his hand and was measuring the length of the piece of wood in his hand.

"What are you doing, you are not a mage, but a carpenter instead?"

Wu Jiawei fiddled with the stick in his hand very devotedly, and said, "I'm making a sword."

"Forging a sword?"

Sibao said in a mocking tone: "That's right, he's going to change his career to be a swordsman."

"It's a swordsman among mages." Wu Jiawei corrected him.

Ye Shaoyang squatted in front of him and looked at everything in front of him. There were several knives with different functions, all of which were used to cut wood, a ruler, and scissors.

"Do you really want to forge a sword?" Ye Shaoyang asked stupidly.

Wu Jiawei nodded. "I'm going to forge different swords and start with the basics."

Ye Shaoyang snatched a half-finished wooden sword from his hand, and asked: "Don't mess with it first, tell me clearly what you are doing, what kind of sword are you making if you have nothing to do, and it's not like you don't have magic weapons."

Wu Jiawei simply sat down on the ground, snatched the wooden sword from Ye Shaoyang, held it in his hand, and said, "Goat, do you know how many basic sword moves are there?"

"Chop, slash, prick, hang and wipe?" Ye Shaoyang said without thinking.

Wu Jiawei nodded and said, "You use swords, so you understand these things, but how long have you practiced sword moves?"

"Two or three years."

"Then do you know that there is any difference in weight between wooden swords, iron swords, and bronze swords?"

"I don't know. I said, what's the use of thinking about this?"

Wu Jiawei weighed the wooden sword in his hand, and said: "This sword is made of peach wood, the standard length, and weighs three, two, and three. If it is a bamboo sword, it is the same size, and it weighs six or seven dollars, and the iron sword is even heavier..."

Ye Shaoyang looked at him stupidly, "So what?"

Sibao said: "He already has a demonic disease, don't tell him."

Wu Jiawei ignored him, and said to himself: "The weight of the sword is different, and the strength and speed of the moves are also different. If the sword is too light, the moves are fast, but the strength is weak. The sword is too heavy. The strength is strong, but the moves are slow. How to achieve a balance is something that swordsmen from ancient times to the present have been working hard on, but there is no certain standard..."

"Wait! Wait!" Ye Shaoyang waved his hand to stop his eloquent speech, "I think you are a real demon, we are mages, not swordsmen, why are you studying this?"

Wu Jiawei said: "Because I use a sword. Didn't I tell you before that I want to use my specialty, which is speed. Martial arts and magic also have something in common. The speed of evil things is much faster than us humans , so it is very difficult to deal with them one-on-one, if you can suppress them in terms of speed, then you can get the upper hand... What do you think?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a while, then said: "This is unrealistic. You can move fast, but it is impossible to be faster than evil things, especially monsters. Their advantage is speed, and our advantage is spells... You can't take advantage of your own shortcomings. Compete with other people's strengths."

Wu Jiawei said: "Everyone says that, so if I succeed, I will be able to break through the bottleneck and be much better than I am now."

"This... I won't say that you are unrealistic, but I think it is unrealistic. Moreover, what does this theory you say have anything to do with your sword making? Do you want to use wooden swords for speed?"

Wu Jiawei shook his head: "I want to build some wooden swords to practice sword moves, and carefully understand the subtle differences in the moves of different swords, so that when I use the Tibetan front, I will be more accurate, faster and more efficient. Both will improve. I have practiced Dao sword since I was a child, and I have a tacit understanding with Zangfeng, but I think it has not reached the extreme yet.

When I understand swordsmanship to the extreme, I will practice spells to better match my sword moves. Even if you don't support me, I will try my best to do it. I believe I will succeed! "

He said so, but from the warm eyes he looked at himself, Ye Shaoyang still felt that he was looking for encouragement, so he smiled and said: "Okay, just try it, although I treat you like this Don't know much about the theory, but maybe you're right."

Wu Jiawei shook his head and said: "There is no right or wrong, goat, all roads lead to Rome, you have your strengths, and you have used them to the extreme. I just walk a path that suits me."

Ye Shaoyang put a hand on his shoulder and said: "Okay, then you can try it, but... I asked if you can change the place, my place is not a wood workshop, you get so much wood here to tinker, How am I going to live?"

"Oh..." Wu Jiawei scratched his head,

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