Urban Witcher

Chapter 250

"Yes, in the last few days, I may come here often, please ask your security to let me go.

Ma Cheng was speechless, what kind of help was this.

"Don't thank me for your kindness, and I won't say anything. If you need help in the future, please call me." Ma Cheng stood up, stared at Ye Shaoyang for a while, and said with a smile: "You do have your charm ,No wonder……"

"No wonder why?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

Ma Cheng put one hand on his shoulder and said, "You have shown me great kindness. If we become rivals in love in the future, I promise that I will compete fairly with you and never play tricks on you."

Rival? Did this guy misunderstand something?

Ye Shaoyang wanted to explain, but Ma Cheng had already walked through the garden.

"This guy, I don't know why!" Ye Shaoyang shook his head speechlessly.

"Thank you, little brother, I'm going to make a lot of money this time!" Old Guo smiled like he had eaten honey, "I'll have meat with my little brother. After the matter is done, I'll give you 20% of the money!"

"Let's talk if you can get out of this place alive."

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes, sat on the ground, took out the small book from before, handed it to Lao Guo, and said while looking at the cherry blossom garden: "Before I said that there are no living things in this place, because the entire space is sealed by a formation , The complexity of this formation... is not just as simple as the nine-yao Gongyue, the nine-star chain, supporting the emperor star, the emperor star, is in this well."

Lao Guo looked at the picture he drew for a while, his expression gradually became dignified, and he said: "The emperor star is inside, the general star is outside, where is the general star?"\u003c

"I have already calculated that there is an auxiliary formation thirty-eight miles northeast of this place, and the general star is there." Ye Shaoyang said: "The ghost of the fifth ghost formation is there, and here, It is Grandma Seven's base camp, the general star and the emperor star echo each other, and the formations are interlinked, so unpredictable!"

Xiao Ma said dissatisfied: "Can you speak human language, I can't understand a word."

"I'll explain later, I'll go in and have a look first." Ye Shaoyang went straight to the well and pulled out the red wire and the alarm bell.

Both Xiao Ma and Lao Guo panicked immediately, and Lao Guo said: "Dangerous, junior brother, I can be sure now that Grandma Seven is under the pressure of the Five Elements Formation. If you go on like this, this is the rhythm of a duel. Can you do it alone?" ?”

"Why don't you come with me?"

"I can't." Old Guo stepped back again and again, "If I go down with this old bone, I will definitely die, and it will drag you down, so... you should go down alone, I'm here to watch out for you!"

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, this old man is so greedy for life and afraid of death.

"I'll go and have a look. If you can't beat it, run away. Just wait here." After Ye Shaoyang finished speaking, he took out the Chilian Pill and put it in his mouth, inspired it with Gang Qi, turned around and jumped into the well.

"With the power of a thousand catties, nothing can stand still, all over the world, avoiding water like the wind! Hurry like a law!"

After Ye Shaoyang finished reciting the water-avoiding spell, he forced the water to flow three feet away from his body, but he still felt extremely cold around him, going straight to the marrow of his bones.

I couldn't help being horrified in my heart, in just three years, I didn't expect the Yin Qi absorbed by this Nine Lines Bureau to be so strong, I secretly rejoiced that Lao Guo was not let down, otherwise all three lights would be extinguished on the spot, and the Yin Qi would enter the body.

It sank more than 20 meters in one breath before reaching the bottom of the water.

Ye Shaoyang looked around, there was a huge mountain shadow in the north, and the water flowed from there. He secretly speculated that this should be a naturally formed underground lake, which happened to be on the Longxuan needle with the four needles of the dragon's tail. "Longquan rootless water" is indeed a dragon cave.

Looking to the south, not far away was the tree-like shadow he saw on it, so he stepped on the rocks at the bottom of the lake and walked over. Every step he took, the yin energy around him became stronger. Ye Shaoyang was shocked. With all his mana, he gradually felt unable to resist.

Ye Shaoyang quickly took out the big coin of the carved mother, clamped it with both hands, and recited the spell once, the copper coin immediately released countless purple lights, driving away the Yin Qi in the opposite water area, and before the Yin Qi gathered again, Ye Shaoyang quickly ran over and came under the shadow .

Looking up, he was shocked:

This is actually a tree, a blood-red tree!

Ye Shaoyang took a few glances and found that the shape of the leaves was similar to that of a locust tree. He was startled, this is a locust tree that produces yin and blood!

This kind of tree does not exist in the human world. It comes from the ghost domain. Like the locust tree in Yangjian, it is naturally able to gather yin energy. The difference is that the five elements of the locust tree in Yangjian belong to the soil, and it absorbs yin energy from the soil, and this blood locust tree can be known by its name. The five elements belong to water, so they are born in water and absorb Yin Qi through water...

Suddenly, Ye Shaoyang fully understood: the resentment generated by the cherry blossom garden relying on human bones and animal blood was sent to this place through the number of nine lines, the nine stars arch the moon, and this tree is the "moon"!

Therefore, Grandma Seven's cave must be in this blood locust tree!

Just as Ye Shaoyang thought of this, the canopy of the blood locust tree suddenly shook, and the huge canopy separated to the two sides. As the inside of the canopy was revealed little by little, a terrifying picture appeared in front of Ye Shaoyang:

Countless human heads, knotted with their own hair, hang on the branches of the blood locust tree, densely packed, there are many on each branch, there are men and women, old and young.

Their identities are also different, there are scholars with kerchiefs on their heads, ancient officials with official hats, monks with no hair, their scalps are lifted up and strung on branches, and more of them are ordinary people. Suddenly, Ye Shaoyang saw To a Taoist priest with long hair in a cloud bun, in the middle of Yintang, three child eyebrows were tapped, symbolizing that he is a real person tablet...

The crown of the tree unfolded little by little, and more and more heads appeared. Each head was different, but the same thing was that they were all suffering the same pain: some were bleeding from the seven orifices, some had rotten faces, and some had maggots crawling in their eyes. Crawling around, the flesh on some faces is falling...

Ye Shaoyang knew that these were illusions, but the people hanging on the tree were all people who had died on the blood locust tree, and some of them wore ancient costumes, which meant that the blood locust tree existed for at least hundreds of years. Moreover, this blood locust tree has such a deep cultivation that even Daoist Taoist masters were killed...

When the whole picture unfolded, Ye Shaoyang almost saw an extremely tragic picture of hell on earth, and what he heard in his ears were screams and moans of pain.

Even though Ye Shaoyang's inner quality is extremely strong, in such an environment, he also felt depressed and almost collapsed, with cold sweat constantly breaking out on his forehead, and his heart was trembling.

Suddenly, his left shoulder sank, Ye Shaoyang suddenly turned his head, saw a hand resting on his shoulder, looked up, and saw a head with long hair and shawl lying on his shoulder, with only one mouth on his fair and clean face, It opened up huge, revealing two rows of black fangs, biting down on his neck. ~——

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