Urban Witcher

Chapter 2498 Chapter 2507 Seems like an old friend came 1

At the dinner party in the evening, Lao Guo didn't go, saying that he was reading books at home.

This time, all the human members of the Ghost Hunting Alliance were present. Even Wang Xuwen was called by the Four Treasures. Zhou Jingru invited guests, and everyone congratulated Ye Shaoyang and Chen Gong on their promotion, and met Qiuying, a new member by the way.

Everyone enjoyed the meal, and after the meal, the girls went to the night market together, and Ye Shaoyang took Biqing and Qiuying home.

"Boss, where is the magic weapon you mentioned?" Qiuying immediately asked when she got home.

Only then did Ye Shaoyang think of this incident, and he took the Qianji Umbrella out of the special safe made by Lao Guo, and handed it to Qiuying.

"I don't understand this thing very well. You can take it and study it slowly. If it suits you, you can use it. If it doesn't suit you, give it to me."

Qiu Ying agreed, and happily went outside to study with the Thousand Manifestation Umbrella.

Ye Shaoyang went back to the room alone, thought about what had happened recently, and thought of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan. He went to find Daofeng, but he didn't know what happened, and...he said that he was an old friend with Daofeng back then, and what happened to Daofeng's previous life? who is it?

Ye Shaoyang took out the snowflake agate ring, intending to come over to know the wind and ask him about the situation, but before he could activate it with Gang Qi, the phone rang suddenly. When he picked it up, he saw that it was Lao Guo calling.

"Come quickly, I found a clue, I'll wait for you in the shop!" That's what Lao Guo said. Ye Shaoyang immediately packed up and went out, while Biqing was watching a drama with the tablet that Zhou Jingru had given her—during dinner, Ye Shaoyang asked a few girls where they could sell computers. When she came out, Biqing was a little shy on the spot, and wanted to turn against Ye Shaoyang, but Zhou Jingru happened to be carrying a tablet in her bag, and told her it was more convenient to use it to watch the show, and then taught her how to use it.

After Biqing learned it, it was like discovering a new world, and she couldn't put it down. Zhou Jingru readily gave her the tablet. After coming back, she has been fiddling with. Ye Shaoyang went out to greet her without even looking at him.

After going out, Ye Shaoyang took a taxi and came all the way to Lao Guo's coffin shop. The rolling gate was half closed. Ye Shaoyang went in and took a look, and was stunned: the shop floor was full of all kinds of wood. Squatting beside the coffin, he was sawing a piece of wood with a handsaw.

"Baimei? I said why didn't you go to eat? What are you doing here?"

Lao Guo stood up from behind the counter and complained: "Stop talking, he came over in the afternoon, saying that I have a lot of wood of different materials here, and I want to make swords, turn out all the wood here, you have a look Look, been working on this since the afternoon."

Ye Shaoyang is also quite speechless, this kid can pick places.

After Wu Jiawei greeted Ye Shaoyang, he continued to saw wood, completely ignoring Lao Guo's complaints.

"You came to me just because of him?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"How can it be, I have found the result, come with me!" After speaking, he carried Ye Shaoyang into the basement, turned on the light, and Ye Shaoyang immediately saw a large water tank, a huge centipede lying on its back in the water tank , with two fangs open, motionless, saw Ye Shaoyang coming in, and immediately shook his body, revealing his real body, which was the flat head.

"Boss, you're here." Recently, he also changed his tune with everyone, calling Ye Shaoyang the boss.

"Oh, what are you doing?"

"This is the nutrient solution I prepared. Soaking in it can speed up your cultivation." Lao Guo hurried past, "Don't worry about it, come here."

Take Ye Shaoyang to a bookshelf in the corner. There is a glass door on the bookshelf. There are all kinds of books inside, including ancient books in the form of threads, manuscripts, and some modern books, but without exception. , are all books related to spells. Many of the old Guo's profound knowledge and the strange things in his head are found from these books.

Lao Guo picked up an open book from the shelf and showed it to Ye Shaoyang without saying anything.

There are pictures in the book, and under the dim light, Ye Shaoyang saw what Lao Guo wanted him to see at a glance—a horn-like thing with long spikes on it.

"It's exactly the same!" Ye Shaoyang took a breath and said, looking at the text below, it was a stereotyped very unclear hidden small characters, handwritten, and it took a long time to recognize it before Ye Shaoyang stumbled to understand:

Simon witchcraft's Yite religion, the utensils used for sacrifices, worn by witches, have the effect of gathering the power of wishes.

It's such a simple description.

Gathering the power of wish... Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said, "That's right, that's it! Northern Xinjiang Yitejiao... what is that? I've never heard of it."

Lao Guo shook his head, "I searched a lot of information, but I couldn't find this sect. It is probably a branch of witchcraft. It may be far away from Middle-earth in Simon, so it is not well-known."

"Where is Simon?"

"West of Mongolia."

"That's it." Ye Shaoyang's eyes were dull, and he had no idea about Mongolia other than knowing that it was a place name. Mongolia used to be a grassland nation, not the same as the Buddhist kingdom of Tubo. The connection between Mongolia and the Central Plains regime has always been the weakest. After all, it was not considered a country at that time, and they often fought wars.

Ye Shaoyang had never heard of the deeds of Mongolian magic, so he was a little confused when he heard what Lao Guo said.

"Now I can be sure that this Holy Spirit Society must be related to this Yite Cult!" Lao Guo said in a firm tone, "Next, we will investigate this Yite Cult, and we will definitely find out clues!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "How to investigate, do you have a clue?"

"No." Old Guo replied simply.

"All right."

"But you can ask."

"Ask who?"

Old Guo said: "Several great masters, they are well-informed, maybe someone knows about it, by the way, the main Daoyuan Daoyuan, the living fossil of the magic world, maybe knows something."

"That kid Daoyuan..." Ye Shaoyang couldn't help muttering.

Lao Guo opened his eyes wide, "You're going to die, let people hear it, and label you as disrespectful to your predecessors!"

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and said: "He was my brother originally, well, this feeling is very strange. In fact, I wanted to meet him as soon as I came back... But think about it, he may have forgotten me, so forget it , after all, in this world, he is my senior."

The two discussed going to Longhu Mountain to find Daoyuan Daoyuan. Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and agreed. Originally, the incident of the Holy Spirit Meeting was just an episode for him at the beginning, but after investigation, Ye Shaoyang gradually discovered that there seemed to be some huge secret behind this incident. I have already started to investigate, so I must find out the truth.

(End of this chapter)——

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