Urban Witcher

Chapter 2515 Chapter 2524 Family Tear X1

"There is at least one Houqing." Sibao took up the conversation and said, "Houqing is our number one opponent, Goat. Now that you have become an immortal, can you beat Houqing?"

"Don't be kidding, Houqing is the king of zombies, I'm definitely not the opponent." Ye Shaoyang had never really fought against Houqing, he remembered the process of fighting with the female demon, the strength is terrible... Even if he is now the immortal tablet, the same It's not an opponent. If the female demon does her best, it's unknown whether he can escape from her hands.

Both Houqing and Nuba are zombie kings, they are equal, and they are definitely not inferior to her in terms of strength.

Lao Guo said: "If it's just a queen, then there's nothing to be afraid of. Two fists are no match for four hands. With so many of us, ants are gnawing on elephants. Are you afraid that you won't be able to grind him to death? Besides, we still have Daoism. By the way , do you know the wind?"

"Not yet. I signaled him with the agate ring before, but he ignored me. I haven't seen it since I left last time. I don't know where it is."

"Then you have to inform him immediately, and ask him to summon the elites of the Valley of the Wind to act with us, lest we can't find him when the time comes."

Ye Shaoyang agreed and asked, "Have you researched the way to enter the cave?"

"It's okay, leave it to me." Old Guo said with a smile, "That's all I can do. After all, it's an empty world, not a human world. I can't use any methods, such as throwing dung or something, on zombies. It's useless...Little brother, the biggest hidden danger now is that we don't know the guard situation of Tianqi Mountain, if we go in rashly, we may be ambushed..."

Sibao took it and said: "I have also thought about this possibility. Houqing is very smart. If he thinks that we will save people... Will he set up an ambush and want to catch us all, or in other words, want to save people?" Capture and kill you...the goat, this matter must be guarded against."

Ye Shaoyang pondered and said: "I thought about it a long time ago, but there is no other way. No matter how dangerous it is, I have to break through."

After discussing for a long time, everyone was at a loss for what to do about this problem. At this time, Qiu Ying suddenly spoke up and asked, "I understand now. You want to know if there is an ambush in Tianqi Mountain, and if so, how many ambushes are there?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at her and said, "Do you have a way?"

"Yes, I'll find out if I go and have a look." Qiu Ying laughed, "Boss, you forgot, I can be invisible!"

Everyone in Ye Shaoyang was stunned.

Not long after he took her in, he forgot that she had this special ability... Ye Shaoyang hurriedly got up, grabbed her, and said, "You won't be discovered?"

Qiu Ying tilted her head and thought for a while, "Although I'm not omnipotent in being invisible, it shouldn't be possible. After all, they didn't expect me to go."

"Okay, then you go, be careful."

Qiuying blinked her eyes. "How to go?"

"Let Guagua take you there, only he knows the way."

Gua Gua said: "Boss, you are stupid. If I take her there, I might as well go by myself. But I can draw a picture and tell you how to get there..."

Ye Shaoyang immediately found a pen and paper, and drew it according to Guagua's instructions...it took twenty minutes to complete the painting, and then handed it over to Qiuying.

Qiuying stared straight at her. "It's so complicated..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "You carry it on your body, and walk there according to this."

Qiuying said: "Boss, you don't know. After I am invisible, I can't carry anything on my body. If I hold it, people will see a piece of paper floating in the woods. They will definitely be suspicious, but I can force it. Write it down, I will remember each intersection, a few hours is enough, and I also have to sacrifice the Thousand Manifestation Umbrella, so I can't start until tomorrow."

Ye Shaoyang agreed and asked her what she meant by sacrificing the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

Qiu Ying explained that after she became invisible, nothing except her own body could be invisible—even clothes were transformed with cultivation, but there was one exception, that is the magic weapon of natal life. The magic weapon sacrifice is a life magic weapon, with spirituality, connected with one's own mind (similar to the process of magnetizing metal with a magnet), and can be invisible together.

During the days when Ye Shaoyang left, she had been refining the Thousand Chance Umbrella, which took ninety-nine and eighty-one hours, and now it was only a few hours away from success, but the sacrifice of the magic weapon required a lot of hard work, so she It takes a period of breathing and breath adjustment to restore part of the mana and maintain the invisibility for a longer time, which takes almost a day.

Holding the map given by Guagua, Qiuying immediately went into the room to study it.

Everyone in Ye Shaoyang continued to discuss.

During this process, Ye Shaoyang saw Wu Jiawei weighing a wooden sword in his hand and tossing it over and over again. He couldn't help himself, and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

Lao Guo immediately said: "Don't pay attention to him, he's already got a demonic disease, and he's doing this even when he's sleeping. Recently, he chopped all my good wood."

Wu Jiawei said solemnly: "I am cultivating the sense of sword. Different lengths and different weights have different feelings in the hand. Although there are subtle differences, if you want to pursue the ultimate, you must master it precisely..."

Ye Shaoyang felt dizzy, grinned and said, "Don't tell me, just do your own research, and I will support you mentally."

At this time, Biqing, who had been watching the drama on the sofa with her ipad in her arms, said without raising her head: "He is a good young man who learns kendo."

Ye Shaoyang said: "How do you know?"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask my sister, these days they are always fighting swords, and I can see it under my nose."

"Your sister?" Ye Shaoyang was confused, "Where did you get such a sister?"

"Qiuying, we are both very close, and we have similar personalities, so we became sisters, why not?"

"All right, whatever you want." Ye Shaoyang was a little speechless.

Baozi's eyes lit up after hearing Biqing's words, he rushed in front of her, hugged her legs and said, "I'm also a grass tree, sister, can you count me as well, I'll be your little brother. "

Biqing glanced at him, and inadvertently replied with a double meaning: "Go ahead, we are all girls, we don't want little brothers."

Ye Shaoyang, Lao Guo and Sibao looked at each other, trying not to laugh.

After that, Lao Guo told Ye Shaoyang about the situation: During the few days when Ye Shaoyang went to Jinxia to accompany Master Yigu, the news of Daoyuan's death had spread throughout the magic world, and the shock caused was far greater than expected.

Firstly, Daoyuan Daoyuan’s seniority is too high and his status is supernatural, and secondly, his death is too tragic... The entire magic world is already boiling, and many small sects are joining together, planning to hold a swearing-in meeting,

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