Urban Witcher

Chapter 2525 Chapter 2534 King's Controversy 1

Daofeng smiled: "She hasn't awakened yet, and she doesn't even know who she is."

Yang Gongzi was startled, and said, "Have you seen her?"

"Of course, she's in the Valley of the Wind."

Yang Gongzi was completely shocked, and hurriedly asked, "Who is it?"

"A guy you find annoying."

"She..." Yang Gongzi suddenly realized. "Okay, so she is your junior sister, no wonder she always pesters you! I really can't tell, she is actually the princess of the Dragon Clan!"

Daofeng didn't speak. At times like this, it's best to keep silent, lest she make excuses and get jealous.

"Her real body is not what it looks like now. Since she is a princess, she must be beautiful, right?"

Although it was a spiritual exchange, Daofeng seemed to see her squinting eyes and said, "Not as beautiful as you."

Yang Gongzi burst out laughing. "Coax me."

"I've always felt that appearance is where you are most confident."

"Okay, since I'm not as pretty as me, I won't be jealous." Yang Gongzi was very satisfied. For a cold guy like Daofeng, such words were already sweet talk.

"Then why didn't she wake up?"

"The time has not come. I don't want to expose her too early."

Yang Gongzi seemed to have realized something, thought for a while, and said hesitantly: "Daofeng, can I ask you a question, Ghost King... is it your senior brother?"

Daofeng was silent.

Just when Yang Gongzi got impatient and thought Daofeng didn't intend to say anything, Daofeng leisurely uttered four words: "Fallen God."


A shocking long howl attracted everyone's attention.

After this long howl, when Fang Xiaoru was originally dim to the extreme, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared, as if returning to the light, and suddenly became extremely bright, but it was no longer a human figure, but a compelling aura, like a bright sun and a bright moon. Ghostland's dark skies light up...

Heaven and earth are upright.

Fang Xiaoru burned his soul, poured soul power into the ruler of heaven and earth, greatly aroused the righteousness of heaven and earth in it, and unreservedly launched an attack on Yao Guangxiao.

Although this last blow could not fully exert the spiritual power of the ruler, it was already the best he could do.

Yao Guangxiao's heart trembled.

He knew he was going to die, but he was not his most important enemy, why did he do this? Why fight to the death? Not to mention that I tried to save him...

In that ball of white light, he seemed to see two beams of eyes.

He is fearless, neither humble nor overbearing. Sacrificing one's life for benevolence, sacrificing one's life for righteousness.

Just like what he did in the world, facing the mighty Zhu Di and the newly registered emperor, he uttered the last sentence of his life: What can we do with the ten tribes of Yi and us?

Born as a famous official, died as a ghost, he will be honored for all generations, shining on Jian Ce.

At this last moment, Yao Guangxiao finally understood that Fang Xiaoru actually didn't hate himself, the two armies fought with different positions, all he did was to be loyal.

Moreover, he was upright and persevered for many years, and when he finally waited for this battle, he would naturally not hold back.

Then, I will do my best to fulfill your loyalty.

In the intense pain of being burned by the righteousness of heaven and earth, Yao Guangxiao also poured all his strength into arousing the spiritual power of the Boruo Panzhu, and the phantom created by the eighteen Buddha bone relics instantly became more substantial, colliding with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. At the same time, an extremely dazzling energy vortex erupted, stabbing Guagua and others so hard that they couldn't open their eyes. Everyone stopped fighting for a moment.

A figure flew upside down from the center of the vortex, and hit the ground, his clothes were torn to pieces, and fell to the ground, his Boruo Panzhu also flew out and hit him.

His figure was extremely dim, and his soul power was almost exhausted. He was lying on the ground, looking up at the energy vortex, his eyes were a little dull, and he seemed to be relieved.

The energy dissipates.

Fang Xiaoru's figure has disappeared, leaving only a pile of spirits, floating to the north.

In that blow, he exhausted his soul power, just like what he did in the human world, he killed the benevolent. As for whether he can kill Yao Guangxiao, it is actually not important.

"Mr. Fang..." Emperor Jianwen looked at the flying soul, his voice was full of sadness.

"How is the national teacher?" Zhu Di had already flown towards Fang Xiaoru.

Emperor Jianwen flew up to catch up, poured his whole body into the Yuchang Sword, and threw it out towards Zhu Di's back heart. The hilt of the Yuchang Sword swung violently, as if a fiery red goldfish was wagging its tail, raising its speed and momentum to the extreme .

This is also the blow that Emperor Jianwen seized the opportunity to accumulate strength. Originally, when Yao Guangxiao and Fang Xiaoru were fighting, the pair of emperors were also engaged in a life-and-death battle. I did my best.

The core methods of the two are the emperor's mind skills passed down in their families. It can be said that they are evenly matched, but Emperor Jianwen has an extra fish intestine sword. The rare Taoist sword in the world has been used by Emperor Jianwen for a long time, and it has been able to exert great power.

The two have fought until now, Zhu Di has been hit by Yuchang Sword several times, and it is already at the end of his battle. His defeat is only a matter of time, but out of the emperor's self-esteem, it is not easy to quit the battle, and he is struggling to support...

Yao Guangxiao was shot down to the ground and was dying. It was true that Zhu Di cared about him and wanted to check his situation, but he still took this opportunity to escape from the battlefield more often.

However, Emperor Jianwen had already expected that he would do this, and deliberately made a loophole, making him think that he could escape...

"Your Majesty beware!"

Yao Guangxiao was facing Zhu Di, and when he noticed Yuchangjian's pursuit behind his head, he shouted in desperation.

Zhu Di suddenly turned his head, and the Fish Intestine Sword had already flown in front of him. Zhu Di suddenly raised his hand, a golden light flew out of his palm, soared into the sky, turned into a giant dragon with teeth and claws, and grabbed at Emperor Jianwen's face.

Emperor Jianwen's eyes widened all of a sudden. This was not a means of blocking in desperation, but a premeditated counterattack!

Emperor Jianwen couldn't hold back, and was wrapped around his neck by this golden dragon. His whole body was sucked by a strong suction, and his soul power was swallowed up bit by bit.

"Soldiers never tire of cheating, nephew, you have to learn a little bit."

The previous situation was already a certain defeat for Zhu Di, and he was suffering from being unable to escape. At this time, Yao Guangxiao was seriously injured and fell to the ground, which gave him an opportunity. He withdrew and went, deliberately selling his flaws, so that Emperor Jianwen thought he was taking the opportunity to escape . He had already expected that Emperor Jianwen would catch up... In fact, he did what he could to. While leaving, he began to accumulate energy, and then waited for Emperor Jianwen to come close to him, and then suddenly hit back...

Just like a carbine in martial arts, killing Emperor Jianwen was caught off guard.

The moment he sucked Emperor Jianwen, he spit out the stellar energy in his body with the method of the emperor's mind without reservation, and the giant dragon formed by the stellar energy completely wrapped up Emperor Jianwen.

(End of this chapter)——

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