Urban Witcher

2533 Sword Formation 2542

"My two junior sisters are going to stay and guard, and I brought a disciple, she..." Master Jinghui was a little embarrassed, and said in a low voice, "It's a bit inconvenient for her, she will be here in a while."

"Inconvenient?" Ye Shaoyang asked casually.

Lao Guo smiled and said: "It's not convenient, it's just convenient, it's convenient if it's inconvenient, my teacher is too thin-skinned to say it, so I keep asking!"

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head in embarrassment, muttering to himself, what is convenient and inconvenient, it's like a tongue twister.

After waiting on the side of the road for a while, the girl who went to the convenience came. She was a little girl in her twenties. Master Jinghui introduced that she was her direct disciple, named Li Yuanyuan. Delicate and attractive, with a demure demeanor, after Master Jinghui introduced her, she just nodded and smiled from them.

However, I don't know if I was thinking too much, Ye Shaoyang always felt that when she looked at him, her eyes were a little weird. Then he thought narcissistically, maybe because he is so handsome and famous, the girl might admire him very much...

"The Four Swords of Zhu Xian were stolen, what do you think?" On the way up the mountain, Mrs. Jing Hui talked with them.

The three of Ye Shaoyang shared their guesses and discussed together. Master Jinghui sighed too: "I think this incident must be related to the catastrophe...the world of magic, and even the whole world, is going to have a big accident."

Ye Shaoyang remained silent, and his mood became more serious.

"Shaoyang, how have you been?" Master Jinghui asked quietly.

Ye Shaoyang smiled helplessly, "Don't hide it from the teacher, it's not very good, you must have heard of some things."

Master Jinghui's expression showed sadness, she was silent for a while, then turned her head to look at him, and said quietly: "Shaoyang, you took Leng Yu away from my Chimei Mountain that day, do you know that today will happen?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, vaguely thought of something, and said in surprise: "Could it be that the teacher already knew it at that time?"

Master Jinghui sighed too: "Of course I don't know her identity, I only see that she has the fate of Buddhism, now that I think about it carefully, she was at the juncture of fate at that time, if she really converted to Buddhism, she might be able to escape this kind of disaster. robbery."

Those words shocked Ye Shaoyang and the others. Especially Ye Shaoyang, there was a huge wave in his heart, and those past memories suddenly floated up:

If...Rui Lengyu hadn't gone to Xingxiu Sea with her back then, she wouldn't have heard Su Mo ringing that copper bell, and in this way, she wouldn't have awakened the deep thought of the Promise Ghost King in her body, and wouldn't have awakened, would she? Always be a normal person.

If this is the case... have the two of them successfully married now, so there will be no such things now?

Sibao slapped his forehead suddenly, and said in surprise: "I really haven't thought about this problem, if I had known that, I wouldn't have taken her with me..."

Mrs. Jing Hui said: "That's not the case. Both cause and effect are determined by God. Now that you know the result and push forward the 'cause', you naturally feel that it can be avoided. But at that time, she had to go."

Ye Shaoyang heard the deep meaning in her words, and hurriedly asked: "But the teacher just said, it's better not to save her at the beginning."

Mrs. Jinghui said: "That's her fate. She left with you. If you are in danger or have a major action, she can't not participate. This is her fate... The only variable is to stay in the Chimeishan Qingxiu, never seeing you, this is another kind of fate, Shaoyang, you still don’t understand, she will either become a nun, or stay with you to experience what she should experience, Once she chooses to go with you, all this is inevitable."

Ye Shaoyang was in a daze, thinking carefully about Mrs. Jinghui's words, it really made a lot of sense!

"If...she chose to stay in Chimei Mountain and continued to contact me, maybe in the future after the incident, she would contact me again, would it be possible to get the best of both worlds?"

Master Jinghui shook her head and said: "You are still inferring the cause from the effect. Shaoyang, think about it, judging from the situation at that time, if she chose to stay with you, why should she become a monk? Since she is a nun , then you will be disheartened, and if you abide by the Buddhist precepts, there will be no more results with you, so, do you understand?"

Ye Shaoyang was enlightened, and nodded in deep thought.

Mrs. Jinghui went on to say: "Although she didn't know her identity at the time, she had an intuition somewhere, otherwise she wouldn't have thought of becoming a monk, but she still chose you in the end, even if she has to go through all kinds of things in the future. Even beyond redemption..."

It turns out...that's it.

Ye Shaoyang lowered his head and tried his best to restrain his emotions. After a while, he raised his head and smiled at Master Jinghui, "Thank you for reminding me, I understand a lot. However, I believe there is still a chance , I will definitely be able to rescue her."

Master Jinghui sighed softly, walked up the mountain, and said quietly: "The world of mortals is ruthless, and life is always about emotion."

All the way up the mountain, when they came to the main hall of Longhu Mountain, Zhang Wusheng waited outside the hall himself. When he saw Mrs. Jinghui, he cupped his hands and greeted Ye Shaoyang. They entered the main hall together and walked to the wing room.

There were already seven or eight people in the wing room. Ye Shaoyang took a quick look and found that they were all important figures such as the head teachers or heads of several major sects, including Shi Xinwu from Jiuchong Mountain, Master Compassionate from Nanhai Mountain, and Wang Dao from Lucheng Mountain. Qian, Xiaoyaofei from Wuzhou Mountain, and a few younger ones, most of them have met, but Ye Shaoyang can't name them.

Those who can be called by name have various festivals with themselves, and they are not easy to deal with. Therefore, as soon as he appeared, Master Compassionate and Wang Daoqian looked at him coldly. They met once before at Daoyuan's funeral. Several people questioned Ye Shaoyang about the cause of Daoyuan's death, but Zhang Wusheng suppressed it.

Sibao didn't expect Xiaoyaofei to come too, so he went over boldly, bowed and saluted, and said respectfully, "How is uncle Master?"

Xiaoyaofei clasped his hands together, sat on the futon, stared at the cup on the coffee table in front of him, without even looking at him, and said, "You went down the mountain privately while you were facing the wall, did you ever take me seriously as an uncle?"

His closed-mouthed meditation was broken by Daofeng in Xuankong Guan before, and he no longer practiced it.

Sibao was a little embarrassed, and said obeisance again: "As an apprentice going down the mountain, there is a reason for an apprentice, but no matter when, I am a disciple of Wuzhou Mountain, and you are also my uncle."

"Very good." Xiaoyaofei's tone was flat, without any expression.

Sibao stood behind him and stuck out his tongue at Ye Shaoyang.

A Taoist priest in his fifties came up, cupped his hands at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, Master Ye, please be polite."

Although I don't know what he does,

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