Urban Witcher

Chapter 2562 Chapter 2571 The Battle Begins 1

"Don't worry, Leng Yu is fine. She asked me to tell you that she wants to stay here and marry me, so you don't have to come to her again."

"You fart!" Ye Shaoyang was extremely angry, and cursed very rarely.

Hou Qing was not angry, but still had an ambiguous smile on his face, and said: "Ye Shaoyang, if I hadn't rescued Leng Yu that day, left her in the space, and faced the forces of all parties and the underworld, would you really be able to do so?" Take her away? I'm afraid she has already been imprisoned in Zhao Prison, and even you will end badly."

Ye Shaoyang lowered his head and pondered, and said: "Although your intentions are impure, I do thank you for this matter, but if you want to occupy Leng Yu, it's just a dream. Even if you are the corpse king, it's useless."

Hou Qing smiled and remained silent.

"Stop talking, tell me quickly, what do you want!" Lao Guo interjected, and he could understand that since Hou Qing could talk so much, he naturally wanted to negotiate terms, but they wanted to save time. After all, this is the base camp of the corpse clan, so it cannot stay for long.

Hou Qing asked Ye Shaoyang: "Do you want to see Leng Yu?"

"Don't talk nonsense, talk quickly!"

Hou Qing took a few steps forward and said, "I heard that the seal of mountains and seas is on you. If you want to see Leng Yu, you can exchange it with the seal of mountains and seas."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect that Houqing had also heard of this rumor.

"You are a zombie king, what do you want Shan Hai Yin to do?"

"Of course I have my reasons."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and said: "To be honest, Shan Hai Yin is not with me at all, the rumors are false."

Hou Qing looked at him fixedly, obviously not believing it.

"I can't prove it. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do. Otherwise, I'll write you an IOU and give it to you when I have it?"

Hou Qing sneered "hehe", and then said: "Forget it, let's not mention Shanhaiyin for the time being, the Eastern Emperor Bell is on you, is it right?"

Ye Shaoyang's heart skipped a beat and he looked at him.

"That's right, I want the Eastern Emperor Bell."

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, looked left and right, and everyone also looked hesitant.

Hou Qing said: "Give me the Donghuang Bell, and I will let you see Leng Yu."

The Eastern Emperor Bell...give it to him.

If Leng Yu could really let Leng Yu go with him, even if it was an artifact like the Donghuang Bell, which is unparalleled in the world in the eyes of others, he would not be reluctant... It's just that he was considering Houqing's ability to cash in.

Sibao asked for Ye Shaoyang: "Give you the Donghuang Bell, will you let Leng Yu go with us?"


"What!" His blunt answer stunned everyone.

"I want to marry her as queen, so I can't let her go. But I can take you to see her."

Ye Shaoyang savored his words carefully, and said, "Is there any difference?"

"Give me the Shanhai Seal or the Eastern Emperor Bell, and I will let you see her, otherwise you won't even be able to see her." Suddenly his expression darkened, and he said: "When you see her, it's up to you whether you can take her away. "

Give him the Eastern Emperor Bell, and he will be able to meet Leng Yu, and then call Houqing... If you don't give him, you won't even be able to meet. Ye Shaoyang fell into hesitation, not because he was reluctant to part with the Donghuang Bell, but if he was even given the Donghuang Bell, would there be a way to win him in a fight?

If Hou Qing was the only one, Ye Shaoyang would dare to give it a go, but this is Tianqi Mountain, the lair of the corpse clan, since Hou Qing knew that they would come, it is impossible not to be unprepared. The five corpses trapped Daofeng and Yang Gongzi, who knows what kind of powerful people are lurking behind the scenes, waiting for them to take the bait?

"Shaoyang, give it to him." Xiao Jiu said suddenly.

Ye Shaoyang turned to look at her.

Xiao Jiu nodded and said, "Believe me, without the Donghuang Bell, we can still defeat him!"

Ye Shaoyang pondered.

Hou Qing waited quietly, not seeming to be in a hurry at all, as if he already knew what choice Ye Shaoyang would make.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, took out the Donghuang Bell, and said to Houqing, "Do you want it?"

Hou Qing said nothing, and stretched out his hand to him.

Ye Shaoyang walked over, came in front of him, suddenly put away the Donghuang Bell, flicked his wrist, and struck out a dark gold talisman.


All of a sudden, there was a flash of spiritual light, and it exploded like fireworks. When the spiritual power dissipated, everyone saw that Hou Qing had already flew back more than ten meters away, black smoke was rising from his sleeves, and he shook slightly, looking at Ye Shaoyang For the first time, surprise appeared in his eyes.


It was not only him who was surprised, but also Ye Shaoyang's partners.

With a clang, Ye Shaoyang pulled out the Seven Star Longquan Sword, pointed it at Hou Qing, and shouted sharply: "Catch him! Torture him for Leng Yu's whereabouts!"

After speaking, the first one rushed over, stuck a dark gold rune on the blade, and used the power of the rune to strike at Hou Qing.

This is a trick he has figured out recently.

Each of the dark gold runes requires a huge amount of mana to support them. In the beginning, when Ye Shaoyang was still an Earth Immortal, he almost lost his strength when he used the Dark Gold Rune once. Later, he became a Spirit Immortal. In the case of Na recovery), his own stellar energy is enough to cast a dozen dark gold runes, but not more.

Now, as a spirit fairy, his strength has improved to a higher level. He dare not say that he uses dark gold runes endlessly, but he can barely use them as a routine method. Although he was busy these days, Ye Shaoyang also took the time to design some tactics. He suddenly thought that he could stick the dark gold talisman on the Seven Star Longquan Sword, and combine the spiritual power of the two... Tried it, the power It's so big it's terrifying.

Even a white gun can instantly kill with a single strike.

This resolute sword was slashed at Hou Qing's face. Hou Qing stood still, raised his hand directly, and pinched the sword edge with his middle and middle fingers. A powerful counter-shock force came from the sword edge. Come back.

Ye Shaoyang's right hand holding the sword felt strong pressure and trembled slightly. He thought in surprise that if he was still a fairy, he would probably not be able to bear such an attack.

At the moment, he secretly exerted force, spewed more stellar energy on the edge of the sword, and borrowed the power of the dark gold talisman to press down hard.


Feeling the sudden increase in pressure, Hou Qing was a little surprised, holding the edge of the sword with one hand, and asked, "When did you have such strength?"

"Is it a surprise?"

"Ye Shaoyang, I just didn't expect that you would give up Leng Yu for a magic weapon. You make me very happy and disappointed."

"Ha ha!"

Ye Shaoyang laughed grimly, "Don't judge me by your standards! As long as you catch you, you will naturally be able to find out Leng Yu's whereabouts. Besides, I not only have Leng Yu, I also have this group of brothers!"

After Hou Qing asked for the Donghuang Bell, Ye Shaoyang wondered for a while: He is a zombie, can he use magic weapons, and why does he want the Donghuang Bell by name?

It is understandable that he wants the Shanhai Seal. Although the Shanhai Seal cannot be driven by zombies, as long as the power of the rune exists, anyone can use it. He can find a human or evil thing to help him use it. Just fly together.

(End of this chapter)——

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