Urban Witcher

Chapter 2571 Chapter 2580 Compliment me, okay? 1

Old Guo let out a sigh of relief, took out the magic medicine that could dispel the evil spirit, applied it on his shoulders, raised his head and shouted at Bian, "Be careful!"

Looking carefully at the monster, the biggest feature is the three eyes, and he was startled, "Isn't this the monster that my junior brother saw in the illusion?"

At this time, Sibao and the others also came back to their senses, each held a magic weapon, and wanted to kill it, but the monster was entangled with the flat head, rolled to the ground, and began to fight on the ground.

The monster's four legs were grabbing hard on the flat head, trying to break free, but the flat head was biting it tightly, and the monster let out a cry of pain and anger.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Biqing urged them. The fishy wind was about to come after them, fighting in this narrow cave, they would suffer a great loss, they had to go out first.

In order not to become a burden to everyone, Lao Guo glanced at the flat head lying on the ground, gritted his teeth and rushed out of the cave.

Wu Jiawei was the second to fly past, spotted the twisted flat head and the monster on the ground, and stabbed the monster's eye between the eyebrows with a long sword, but the blade only penetrated two or three inches deep, It was ejected with a force.

Flat head seized the opportunity of being distracted by the monster's attack, arched his lower body, and rushed out of the cave, and everyone followed him, filing out, and ran out of the cave in one breath, wanting to go up to help flat head, but saw To flat head and the monster rolled into a forest at the foot of the mountain.

"Flat head!!"

Lao Guo rushed over desperately, Si Bao was afraid that something would happen to Lao Guo, so he also followed him, entered the woods, and looked around, it was full of green, extremely dense miasma.

Not only that, when the two of them were running, their feet became more and more soft, and they soon reached the point where they could sink their legs into it.

"Ah!" Lao Guo cried out in pain, pulled out his leg and saw that his foot was covered with a red creature like a leech, he hurriedly backed up a few steps in fright, drew a talisman, and tried to put it on his foot. bake. These are low-level creatures bred in the miasma swamp, and they are far from becoming demons. Even with the mana of Lao Guo, they can be roasted with a talisman fire.

Lao Guo didn't dare to go deeper into the swamp, looked inside, and saw that Biantou rolled into the swamp together with the monster.

"Come back flat head, it's dangerous there!"

Lao Guo shouted anxiously into the depths of the swamp, but with a plop, Flat Head rolled into the swamp together with the monster.

Lao Guo was too scared to speak out.

Sibao gritted his teeth and walked towards the swamp. Although it was dangerous, Biantou was his own, so he couldn't be left alone. As a result, as soon as he took a step, he heard another plop, and something rushed out, it was the flat head!

His whole body was covered by green water, and he quickly crawled towards the shore. After landing, he immediately turned into a human form, lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, panting hard——in this space, creatures don't breathe through their noses. The reason for this is an instinctive reaction to being out of force.

"Biantou, how are you?" Old Guo lay beside him, wiping the green water off his face for him.

"That monster... was killed by me." Flat head murmured.

"Good boy, amazing." Lao Guo touched his face distressedly, "Go back and uncle will cook you lamb offal soup."

Sibao wondered: "He still eats this?"

From the level ground in front of the cave above came the sound of fighting. Lao Guo pushed Sibao, "Go and help, I'll wait for Biantou to recover."

"Okay." Sibao left quickly.

Lao Guo took out a pill from his backpack and fed it to Biantou.

Flathead shook his head. Struggling to get up, he said to Lao Guo: "Let's go help!"

"You rest and eat quickly." Lao Guo insisted.

Flathead smiled and swallowed the pill.

"Is it better? If it's better, let's go up, it's not safe here." Lao Guo glanced at the swamp in the forest, just where the flat head and the monster fell into the water before, bubbles were blowing out, I don't know Is it because the monster is not dead, or is it because they were fighting inside and disturbed some evil thing, it looked so scary, Lao Guo didn't dare to stay for a long time, and walked forward with Biantou.

"Uncle, let me give you a face today." Biantou smiled and begged for praise. Regardless of his size, Lao Guo knew in his heart that his heart was like a child, so he gave him a deliberate look, "That's all It’s still a matter of asking for credit, let’s go and take you to make a great contribution!”

After speaking, he pulled the flat head up the mountain.

"Uncle, you are actually a good person. Although your mouth is very poisonous, you are a very good person, but outsiders don't know it."

"I want you to tell me." Lao Guo rolled his eyes.

"Uncle, you should smoke less and drink less in the future. You have a bad stomach, so don't always stay up late watching small movies."

"Don't be nasty." Lao Guo waved his hand, "Don't talk, let me listen, is there a fight at the top?"

"Uncle, you have never praised me, you should praise me today."

"You... I said what happened to you today?"

Before he finished speaking, Lao Guo suddenly realized that something was wrong, and turned his head to take a look, but Bian Tou did not follow him, but squatted on the ground with a painful expression on his face.

"What's wrong with you!" Lao Guo screamed, and rushed to him, seeing him covering his stomach with his hands, bright red blood continuously flowing from his abdomen.

"Are you injured? Let me see!" Lao Guo said as he opened his hands and looked at his abdomen. As soon as the flat-headed hand was removed, the intestines in the stomach flowed out, and Lao Guo was frightened. Sitting on the ground with his buttocks, he lost his voice and said, "How could this happen, how could this happen!"

"I... I was seriously injured below, and the demon body was broken. There is only a little demon power left in my body, controlling the body... Now, this demon power has dissipated... Uncle, it's okay."

Biantou raised his head, trying to smile at Lao Guo, but because of the pain, his facial features were twisted together, and he curled his lips and began to cry like a child.

"Uncle, take good care of yourself, I was..."

Having said that, the last bit of demonic power in his body dissipated, unable to maintain his human body, he revealed his true body as a centipede, and fell limply. Lao Guo hugged him and looked at him. His entire abdomen was scarred and hollowed out. His tentacles trembled a few times and he was completely motionless.

"What was it, what was it, damn it, explain it clearly to me! Huh..."

Lao Guo hugged Biantou's neck and yelled hysterically, which finally turned into crying.

"Biantou, uncle, I have never praised you, you are great, you have always been great, if you hadn't saved me today, I would have died! Ah..."

Old Guo burst into tears.

When Biantou was first adopted by him, he was just a three-tailed centipede. He felt that since he could get it into his hands, it was fate. He took good care of him, raised him from three tails to seven tails, and then asked Ye Shaoyang to help him overcome the catastrophe and cultivate into a life. This process is like watching one's own child grow up slowly...but now he is dying in his arms, and he died to save himself...nt

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