Urban Witcher

2576 Chapter 2585 One thought 2

Suddenly, a breath of corpses came, and Fairy Yaoguang raised her head vigilantly, and saw Nuba walking slowly.

impossible! She can't catch up with her so fast!

In this regard, Fairy Yaoguang has absolute confidence.

Looking at Nuba again, her figure was indeed dim, almost translucent. It turned out to be just a ray of her spiritual thoughts, which probably followed her: after the spiritual thoughts attached to the other party, she could chase thousands of miles without losing the target. There is no means of attack.

After figuring this out, Fairy Yaoguang wanted to run away immediately—she suspected that the nun was following her with divine thoughts to provide directions for the deity so that she could chase after Guolai.

"Yaoguang, you can go if you want, and I will go to your coalition army tomorrow to spread the truth about your murder of Master Yichen."

Fairy Yaoguang seemed to have been hit seven inches by someone, the figure froze on the spot, turned her head suddenly, and shouted at her: "Shut up, Master Yichen was killed by you."

"Master Yichen's primordial spirit is attached to the relic. If you make offerings for a hundred years, it may not be impossible to gather souls, but you have completely destroyed him!"

The female demon smiled slightly, and said: "Yaoguang, I didn't expect that you would be so vicious that you would betray your comrades in arms in order to survive!"

"No, that's not the case!" Fairy Fluctuation broke down and cried, "I... I didn't think too much in a hurry—"

"That's your evil nature!"

Evil in nature... Fairy Yaoguang thought in a daze, really... Is that so?

"You teach the golden immortals, educate all living beings, you are so superior, you can do such despicable things, girl, you have really improved over the years..."

"Shut up! You, a zombie everyone despises, what right do you have to teach me?"

"Me? Yes, I'm a zombie. Everyone yells and beats me, everyone spurns me, but I never pretend to be a good person. We zombies will never do things like betraying our partners in order to survive."

The female demon looked at her, and smiled coldly, "I'm completely bad, but you are sanctimonious... how much better are you than me? If you really repent, then go and tell the world what happened, how about it?"

Tell the world...

It will definitely shock the entire empty world. At that time, Faming Temple will not let me go, and the entire Buddhist sect will not let me go. No one can really deal with himself, and he will be notorious and become the generation that everyone despises...

It took me hundreds of years to establish a sect in the sky and become a god. Can I really let go of all this?

Fairy Yaoguang lowered her head, a fierce struggle was going on in her heart, and when she raised her head, her expression had returned to calm, as if she had changed into a different person, and she said coldly to Nuba:

"No one will believe your words." Fairy Yaoguang said coldly, "No matter how bloody you frame it, no one will believe you."

"Haha..." Nuba laughed wildly.

"The so-called Golden Immortal of Elucidation and Education, a generation of grand masters, it turned out to be like this... Very good, I like people like you."

Fairy Yaoguang looked at her coldly, "Don't you want to hold me back, so that you can come and kill me?"

"How can I be willing to kill you for a quick person like you."

The female demon smiled slightly, walked forward, with an evil smile on her face, and looked her up and down: "You can live in the claustrophobic space for so long because I don't want to kill you...you are right, I You are the notorious Zombie King, you are the Golden Immortal of Enlightenment, a master of a school, you can completely push everything to me, no matter how I explain it, it is useless..."

Fairy Yaoguang looked at her, feeling a little guilty inside.

Sure enough, the following sentence of Nuba was: "However, they will always believe Master Yichen's own words."

"What!" Fairy Yaoguang swayed, almost unable to stand.

"You lied, Master Yichen's primordial spirit has been shattered!"

The nun looked at her with a calm expression, "The moment the relic was shattered, I had already taken his primordial spirit away, and I will also perform the spell of manifesting the primordial spirit. If I release his primordial spirit during your gathering, Tell me about this experience yourself, what do you think?"

"You...you lied, Master Yichen's primordial spirit has been destroyed and does not exist anymore!!" Fairy Yaoguang became excited immediately, "You want to deceive me about that, don't think I will be fooled!"

"If you don't believe me, just go back." Nuba didn't care at all.

Fairy Yaoguang turned around and left, Nuba was smiling and didn't intend to stop her at all.

Fairy Yaoguang only walked more than ten meters away, then slowly stopped, and said without looking back, "What do you want?"

The nun had been waiting for this sentence a long time ago, clapping her hands and walking towards her, said: "I don't want anything, just you."

Fairy Fluxlight turned around and looked at her in surprise. Suddenly remembering what she said about letting herself be Ying's daughter-in-law, she immediately said: "If you let me do those dirty things, I would rather kill myself and apologize!"

"No, no, if I ask you to do those things that ruin your reputation, you might as well plead guilty in public..." the nun said, walking in front of her, raised a hand, and pressed it to her face.

The Fluctuating Light Fairy trembled all over, trying to resist, but wanted to see what she was going to do, so she tried her best to hold back.

Nuba touched her face for a while, then pinched her again, suddenly pulled her into his arms, lowered her head slowly, and pressed her mouth against her.

Fairy Yaoguang turned her head away and said coldly, "You might as well kill me!"

"Haha, are you scared?"

The nun seemed to find it amused, let go of her, covered her mouth and laughed. "Don't worry, I don't have the habit of grinding mirrors. I just tested whether you are willing to cooperate... Now you can go."

"Let's go?" Fairy Yaoguang wondered if she heard it wrong.

"That's right, you can leave. Because I haven't thought of what I need you to do, you can go back and continue to be your teacher Xingxiuhai. If I think of anything, I will find you..."

Fairy Yaoguang opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but finally sighed. So far, it's useless to say anything.

"Otherwise, are you reluctant to part with me?" the nun posted up again.

Fairy Fluctuation suddenly shot and hit her. Nuba was originally a divine sense, and it was shattered immediately, but she didn't care at all, she was still covering her mouth and laughing while her body was shattering. "My fairy, you wait for me..."

After the nun's divine sense disappeared. Fairy Yaoguang stood blankly in this wilderness alone, with tears streaming down her cheeks silently. Looking back now, at that time, she might as well have fought with Nuba and died with Master Yichen.

However, there is no medicine for regret in the world. Even if she is the Golden Immortal of Enlightenment, she does not have the ability to change time and space. What happened has already happened. Even if she confesses her guilt in public now, it is already too late... However, there may be a way to go Walk……

Fairy Yaoguang planned for a long time deep in her heart, and decided what she should do, and then she took a step towards Yunshan.

(End of this chapter)——

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