Urban Witcher

Chapter 2582 Chapter 2591 Fight to the end 2

Their technique is called the Golden Heaven Knot, and it is a technique handed down by the ancestors of the pavilions. It is said that their ancestors, the three great celestial masters, used this method to trap a head at the mouth of the Guanjiang River when they were still alive. This spell has been passed down for the Poison Flood Dragon who cultivated into a demon fairy, but today it has come in handy.

"Everyone together, those who have magic weapons greet the corpse king, and those who don't have magic weapons go to stretch the strings with the three temple masters. This is the only chance to kill the corpse king. No matter how many dead or injured, we must not let the corpse king go. take off!"

Li Shan's old mother shouted loudly, taking the lead, holding a whisk in her hand, and used a sea of ​​phantom flowers at Yinggou, trying to confuse Yinggou's mind and wipe out his will to resist.

"All the soldiers who died in battle today will have immortal souls. When the emperor returns from the disaster in the future, I will report to the emperor and be honored together on the altar of conferring gods!"

Many soldiers were still a little timid, but after hearing what Li Shan's mother said, they cheered up and rushed towards the winning hook...

"Fengshentai, what is that?" Xiaobai looked around and said.

"Haven't you heard of the Battle of Conferring Gods in the Ancient Times?" Lin Sansheng asked.

All four of them frowned, puzzled. Of course they have heard about the Battle of the Conferred Gods. It is said that King Wu defeated Zhou. Jiang Ziya led Nezha Yang Jian and a group of human disciples to fight against King Shang Zhou. They signed the list of gods together...the living and the dead became gods, even Shen Gongbao, Shang Zhou, and King Zhou became gods...

Although this legend has been widely spread, even ordinary people are fond of talking about it, and there are many related literary and artistic works. However, in the magic world, they don't approve of the Battle of the Conferred Gods so much. They think that there are wars. It is also true that it played a pivotal role in the war, but there is definitely no such thing as the Conferred God Platform. What has been handed down is just a vivid and interesting legend.

"If you want to say it, just say it, don't make a fool of yourself." Xiaoqing replied coldly.

Lin Sansheng looked into the mouth of the gourd: several soldiers rushed up, various magic weapons emerged one after another, and greeted Yinggou, while others gathered beside the three ropes and pulled the ropes together.

Yinggou kept howling and trying to get out of control, and the two sides fell into a stalemate for a while. This picture looks very much like a group of people hunting, but this "prey" is much more powerful than the hunters.

"The Battle of the Conferred Gods, everyone knows, but the truth of the Conferred Gods War in the human world is unknown. In the Qingming Realm, there was indeed a similar thing. When the Qingming Realm was first opened, various forces seized the territory. You have heard this too. However, at that time, Emperor Dongyue built a Conferred God Platform in order to inspire people. Therefore, as long as the names of dead and injured mages can be found, they are all registered on the platform. After being reborn with soul gathering, one can restore one's cultivation level before one's life without needing to practice again. This is one of them.

Second, all the creatures who ascended the Conferred God Stage could stay in the sky forever and escape the control of reincarnation and the underworld. This was the biggest attraction for them. These are all things I have heard recently in the air world. Originally, these were forgotten past events, but I never thought they would be brought up again today. The Holy Mother knows how to buy people's hearts. "

After hearing this, the four of them were all amazed. Xiaobai asked: "Why can the creatures on the Conferred God Stage escape the mystery of the womb?"

"Probably Emperor Dongyue injected some power into the Conferred God Stage. I guess."

"Then... But aren't these creatures already in the sky, and the Yin Division doesn't care about them. How can the one you mentioned later be attractive to them?"

Lin Sansheng said with a smile: "Most creatures in the air world come from the human world. For Yinsi, there is nothing they can do. It doesn't mean that they are allowed to do so. They also need a title so that they can stay in the air world with peace of mind. Besides, everything Everything will change, who can guarantee that they can stay in the air world forever? Didn’t the Lord Fu Jun change the rules last time and not allow the creatures of the air world to leave the air world.”

The four of them thought about it carefully. Besides, the Qingming Realm had just been created at that time, and no one knew what it would be like in the future. To get such a promise from Emperor Dongyue, everyone rushed to be the first and sacrificed their lives for him.

"Where is the Conferred God Altar?" Xiao Bai asked the question that everyone was most concerned about.

Lin Sansheng shrugged, "I've said it all, this is a forgotten legend, no one knows where the Conferred God Stage is."


"The Holy Mother said this to stabilize people's hearts and make them work with peace of mind." Lin Sansheng smiled slightly, "Even though no one knows where the Conferred God Stage is, but the Holy Mother is the disciple of Emperor Dongyue, everyone will believe what she said. "

"Does she know where the Conferred God Stage is?" Xiao Qing frowned.

Lin Sansheng smiled and said, "It's probably a trick, I don't think she really knows."

The four were startled, Xiaobai said: "If you say this in front of everyone, if you can't keep it, will you not be afraid of causing public anger in the future?"

Lin Sansheng glanced at her, continued to look down at the battlefield, and said: "According to her promise, those who can go to the Conferred God Stage are all dead, dead...how can I find her?"

Everyone was speechless.

Suddenly there was a scream from inside the mouth of the gourd, and the five of them looked down. It turned out that Yinggou had grabbed several soldiers with his mouth open. Broken, he spewed out a strong corpse gas at the group of people in front of him, and when the corpse gas dissipated, the bodies of these guys who were originally good were damaged, and their spirits had not had time to disperse, and they still maintained their bodies. shape, and then gradually spread out...

Taking advantage of the time, at least dozens of soldiers were frantically beating its back half with weapons in their hands. In the army, except for those with special magic weapons, the rest were uniform long spears and sabers. A close body with runes engraved on it, which has a damage bonus to evil things.

But right now these spears and sabers are used on Yinggou's body, the effect is very small, but these people did not give up, and rushed forward one after another with the attitude of ants eating an elephant. Even if they can't do any damage, at least they can restrain part of it Energy, buy time for several great masters.

The real main attackers are the great masters of Our Lady of Lishan and their respective direct disciples.

The battle situation has developed to the present, there are no formations and rules, and everyone uses whatever methods they have, and they keep greeting Yinggou.

And the winning hook is like a life-swallowing machine, using both hands and mouth, it keeps swallowing up the enemies around it, and when a new batch arrives, it is still the same. Seeing an opportunity, he sweeps away a bunch of soldiers with his long claws , cheered up, and jumped up, but Li Shan's mother and the others had been on guard against this for a long time, so they forced their spirits together and worked together to push him back. As soon as he fell into the deep pool, countless soldiers rushed to him come up...

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